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Now, that's lucky...


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I used up all five charges of my skull sceptre, so I grabbed some leftover money, bought 1k lobs and headed to the Stronghold of Security to get my second. I decided to work on the Ankous first, to get that out of the way, and I knew it was gonna be a while. I entered the Portal of Death. As usual, an Ankou (level-75) attacks me, so with Auto-retaliate on, I kill it. And what's that?! A SKULL LEFT HALF!




SO I head up to the Catablepons to get my top of sceptre. One kill... no. Two kills... no Three kills... no Four kills... W0000t! TOP OF SCEPTRE! I ran to the Flesh Crawlers.




Naturally, I didn't think my luck was gonna go this far, so I had expected 100-or-so kills before I get the sceptre... And? The twentieth kill, a sceptre. Come on!




Since I already have a right half, I piece my sceptre, restock on lobbies, ring my r2h as well, and do some strength training on the Ankous.




I enter the Portal of Death. The Ankous were all to far from me, so I attack one. And what does it drop? BELIEVE IT OR NOT- A SKULL LEFT HALF! Three kills later... ANOTHER SKULL LEFT HALF! Man!




Well, that concludes my adventures, since I'm off to Karamja to train my pure...

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why is that i'm so confused... or is it just me...?




i have 24 full skulls (left and right half combined) stored in bank, about 30 full sticks (top and bottom combined) stored too. whenever i finish using my current scepter, i will be having another instantly.




btw - i used about 200 anchovy pizza and less than 100 swordies to get those. my str. grew from level 70 to level 75 after the war. besides, i got about 1k addy arrows and 3k iron arrows during the process, not sure how many ankous and catablepons i killed.

I am back.

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