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Well, how much money are you looking to have?




You could woodcut oaks untill 30 wc, then chop willows till 60, you'll get a bit of cash from the willows anyways! And then you can chop yews for even more money.


Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

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Well, how much money are you looking to have?




You could woodcut oaks untill 30 wc, then chop willows till 60, you'll get a bit of cash from the willows anyways! And then you can chop yews for even more money.


That sounds like a good way. If you are planning on getting Members, train your fishing-it is much more easy to fish lobsters in members, then it is in free. But, if you are f2p for life, raise your woodcutting (cut oaks\willows\yews) or mining (mine iron all the way :))


Currently going for 76 fishing

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I know you've seen a thousand of these but.... I am lvl 40 combat with terrible fishing and 20 woodcutting and 33 mining 34 smelting.




anything different i could do for a little cash? I have only 37k.




1st thing first you'll never be rich enough to be satified in RS.




2nd pick a skill and stick with it Eg:




Mining = mine iron ores bank and sell when you get 1000 or them for 100k




Woodcutting= cut willows in draynor unitl you can cut yews then cut yews and sell when you have 1000 of them


Engl1sh of RSAlliance

Goals Att 80 - Str 80 - Def 80 - Slayer 85

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Ya mining!!




Lets hear a shout out for mining!!!!




Mining Rocks!!!!!!!




Get it, it rocks, cause when you mine, you mine get ores, which are like a special kind of ro........*stops dead in mid-joke from the icy stares coming from all directions*

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