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Silver24-7 [99 mage and cooking ACHIEVED :D:D:D !!!!!]

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wow good luck with all those goals! just so many! and you have a big blog like a few others if seen (not bad i like having a big read while fishing) have fun with all your goals! check my blog out sometime? <3:

ÃÆââ¬Å¡ÃâûÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâàÃÆââ¬Å¡ÃâämÃÆÃâÃâ¦Ã¸ÃÆÃâÃâøÃÆââ¬Å¡ÃâÃÂ¥ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâë ~Fisher for Life~


Accomplished September 20, 2007

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woot yay!!!!




Congratulations on your place at the Tilburg University, oyu should visit the 'textiel museum'. (I liked it as a small kid, don't know what it is like nowadays, and if it even still exists!


I'm really happy for you! \' \' :thumbsup: :thumbsup: . Good job dude!




I think you made a great disision (lol sp!) to choose for the Real LifeÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâî above RuneScape, Its way more important :wink:




and above all:






Welcome Back dude!




...Centrits ::'

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yay silver came back?




ehhhhhh.... yeah he did




(i came up a rank in the tip.it rank thingy. im goblin armor now :) )




good luck in school


:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Wow, watching this thread is better than pro wrestling! =D>

This thread is probably better than pro wrestling because the fights here are real (And the boobs).

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Yeah I'm half back :P




And thanks for the support guys :)




I'm still really busy partying and furnishing my room here so I probably won't play for at least 2 weeks or so. After that I'll probably play whenever I feel bored and dont want to study :P




I'm off to go catch a lecture on Microeconomics now :P









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ok. :shock:




you got 5 Santa's all the barrows armor :shock: . you have a bazillion thousand kabousand million :shock: . and you built a pool :shock: :shock: . you work harder than a Mexican :P .






alas most (hopefully everybody) people consciously knows that school is more important than a game. if you don't ace microirobots then i shall do something of massive procrastinate proportions. good luck :D !




for the offended....


[hide]no offense intended just a reference to how hard Hispanics work. if you private message me saying how offended you are then your not going to get the nicest response back. <.< [/hide]


Wow, watching this thread is better than pro wrestling! =D>

This thread is probably better than pro wrestling because the fights here are real (And the boobs).

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ohw and uhm.... I changed 1small thing in that bank pic =P Just to see if anyone finds out what it is. The finder gets a cookie =0




Hmm, the "K" in your money?


Also, you have 3 ROW/Dragonstone ring placeholders ::'




You got that second part right, but people already guessed that.




Well here I am, 2 weeks later and still in shortage of time.... :x Maybe that's because of all the parties and going to bed at 6 am but whatever the cause for now I'm still not playing rs :P


When I get back I'll do some of that new altar runecrafting though. Last week I placed my new carpet in my room and yesterday I set up my waterbed :-w :-w


When the bed is filled with nice warm water I will continue putting in the rest of my stuff :) and then maybe when all that is done and I have my pc set up in my room on my home made desk I might have some time to play again XD




Anyways I'm logging in on rs for a sec right now to see if I'm not hacked and everything is still well, and maybe even talk to someone who's online :)




I'll talk to you all again in a week or 2...




ohw btw use all this time I'm not playing to get better stats then me ^^





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ohw and uhm.... I changed 1small thing in that bank pic =P Just to see if anyone finds out what it is. The finder gets a cookie =0




Hmm, the "K" in your money?


Also, you have 3 ROW/Dragonstone ring placeholders ::'




You got that second part right, but people already guessed that.




Well here I am, 2 weeks later and still in shortage of time.... :x Maybe that's because of all the parties and going to bed at 6 am but whatever the cause for now I'm still not playing rs :P


When I get back I'll do some of that new altar runecrafting though. Last week I placed my new carpet in my room and yesterday I set up my waterbed :-w :-w


When the bed is filled with nice warm water I will continue putting in the rest of my stuff :) and then maybe when all that is done and I have my pc set up in my room on my home made desk I might have some time to play again XD




Anyways I'm logging in on rs for a sec right now to see if I'm not hacked and everything is still well, and maybe even talk to someone who's online :)




I'll talk to you all again in a week or 2...




ohw btw use all this time I'm not playing to get better stats then me ^^








LOL! we still racing to all skills 70+? Lol I'm still going to lose anyway...




btw: a nice warm waterbed omg, thats sooooo nice for a student, they are ment not to have money at all :XD: You failed!! :ohnoes:





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Lol here in Holland we have this stupid "IB-Groep" which takes up over 20 hours of your time to interact with and over 50ÃÆââââ¬Ã¡Ãâì of telephone line costs but after all that trouble you can borrow/receive upto little more then 1000ÃÆââââ¬Ã¡Ãâì a month without interest until you finish your studies, so the Dutch students have a fair bit of money to spend ^^




Right now I'm a bit low though because they just took 2 terms of college money from my account meaning 500ÃÆââââ¬Ã¡Ãâì at once disappearing. But I have enough left to manage for the rest of the month until I get my next 882,50ÃÆââââ¬Ã¡Ãâì deposit from IB-Groep ^^








p.s. I've played World of Warcraft on a friends account from lvl 1 to lvl 6 and I have to admit it's pretty fun, probably addicting as well which is why I'm keeping myself from subscribing to it XD

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sorry, what did you say? world of warcraft? DON'T!!


you'll have no life anymore :XD: (no offense)


I wasn't aware of the IB-Groep thingy, but didnt you say you werent being chosen at the lotery, or was it for the acces for the University itself?


Explain! :anxious:





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sorry, what did you say? world of warcraft? DON'T!!


you'll have no life anymore :XD: (no offense)


I wasn't aware of the IB-Groep thingy, but didnt you say you werent being chosen at the lotery, or was it for the acces for the University itself?


Explain! :anxious:








Yes, that was for access at the university itself. I'm now studying at a different university but I still get to score 882,50ÃÆââââ¬Ã¡Ãâì a month from them XD


Ohw and guess why I'm not allowing myself to subscribe to WoW? :P




So I played f2p rs for 2 hours today, did some smelting mith ores and smithing them into plates and alching, but after talking to the few old friends that were actually online I got bored and decided I needed membership to have fun in RS :P So I'll probably get p2p again soon and then I'll be playing more actively ;)




That's it for now.









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yay for more activity of you! \'




LOL p2p=more fun :-$


great to hear you are comming back! yay!


How are you doing on the university? I hope you are doing well and when the (tentamens) come you will have some nice marks! btw, what are the subjects you chose?




Centrits ::' :thumbsup:

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OmG thats one hot bank, sell me some kwuarms ill pay gewd monah!


lol but seriously do sell me some i need to get all skills to 70+ aswell check out my blog to them, pitty im not as rich as otherwise it would be quite a bit easier cus so for i think ill have to ern about 15m from scratch so im screwed :cry:








I Hate Smiley Limit Too!!


\' \' \' \' \' \' \' \'



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Doing pretty well at University and I'll have my first exams soon, October 15th.


I didn't choose any subjects I just chose International Business which automatically brings along math, microeconomics and management in the first term.




And child, The picture's a bit old so I already used all those kwuarms ;) And we all have to make all our "gewd monah -.-" ourselves so don't use that as an excuse ;)




I'm still not a member though even though I paid yesterday at 4:30 by IDeal :S:S I hope they'll process it soon though.




Well not going to play today then, not tomorrow either because I have a midterm, and then I'll see if I have time in the weekend :P





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i havent posted in a while :oops: you got your desk set up i assume? hows the watered?.... i feel disgusting now.... eewww... anyway, i don't know jack crap about university's the euro (i think thats the money system...) or why the Yankees lost their chance at the world series; but you might not know what im talking about =P




enjoy members for however long you'll use it ::'




13 quests away from quest cape >.<




edit:14 quests now because of that stupid update <.< more work..... :?


Wow, watching this thread is better than pro wrestling! =D>

This thread is probably better than pro wrestling because the fights here are real (And the boobs).

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i havent posted in a while :oops: you got your desk set up i assume? hows the watered?.... i feel disgusting now.... eewww... anyway, i don't know jack crap about university's the euro (i think thats the money system...) or why the Yankees lost their chance at the world series; but you might not know what im talking about =P




enjoy members for however long you'll use it ::'




13 quests away from quest cape >.<




Our Euro= your Dollar ::'




I hope you are doing well, and getting internet in your room too, so you can log in, and above all: post here!





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i havent posted in a while :oops: you got your desk set up i assume? hows the watered?.... i feel disgusting now.... eewww... anyway, i don't know jack crap about university's the euro (i think thats the money system...) or why the Yankees lost their chance at the world series; but you might not know what im talking about =P




enjoy members for however long you'll use it ::'




13 quests away from quest cape >.<




Our Euro= your Dollar ::'




I hope you are doing well, and getting internet in your room too, so you can log in, and above all: post here!








Our ÃÆââââ¬Ã¡Ãâì = 1.4x your $




Well, they finally processed my payment yesterday, about a week after I actually payed for my membership. Right now I'm still too busy to play actively, but I might be found online while alching a bit sometimes.




Got exams the upcoming week so I'm supposed to be studying a bit...









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