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Bestest Pixle WIP by me ever...just need help with the hand.


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Right well I was bored and I wanted to try pixles agian....so I did, I think it has turned out quite nice up to this point, I jsut need someone who can show me the correct way to do the hand, I have tryed and tryed and It never looks right :cry: .....anywho here it is..






the hand is supposed to be like open palmed kinda like something just left it? the classic mage pose...i guess :? it is really hard to put in words o.0

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To me, the head/hood looks oversized compared to the body, or the body is too skinny for the head. either way you look at it.


Thanks To: Everyone for the siggies, especially Kal for the Pixel.

Currently Playing: FIFA 07, NFS: Carbon, Morrowind and Dungeon Siege II.

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ahh thats true....ok ill fix that..anyone have some insight on the hand which..not to be rude, was the whole point of this topic




Well it wouldn't be much good having a near-perfect hand and a totally disproportional, wrongly shaped body now, would it? ;)




As for the hand, just outstretch your own and take a look at it. If you can, take a picture too. It'll make it easier to draw and to explain if anyone walks in the room. :P

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Lets see.




-He has these little boomerang upside down that dont look like a texture and I assume are folding attempts? Heres a thought for learning to make proper folds- Drape some curtains over a chair and draw it, or over a family member optimaly if you can get them to stand still




-His hood goes all the way to his shoulders. The hood should go very slightly outside his neck, and his shoulders in turn should be a heads width apart from the neck. One of two things is wrong here- The body is too small, or the head is too big. Simple. And there is no middle ground here- theres one or the other, you need to make a descision, or this is never going to look good.




-Hes far to skinny. I dont care if he was 'supposed to be skinny or not', your body can not physicaly, not -possibly- be that small in conjuntion with a head that large. His neck is the size of his abdomen.




-His waist is too far up. If his head is going to be this big, and the sig size remains constant, his waste should not be present in the sig




-Even if he were that skinny, robes are not meant to cling to the skin, and your shading certainly gives no idication that its clingy anyways. The shoulders would support the robes till they hit the pelvis, and the robes would basicaly fall off the shoulders giving him a pretty uniform width.




Theres alot more that you can improve on pixelwise, but I'd rather see you stop pixeling and simply learn what a human looks like, but thats wishful thinking. You'll probably keep bumbling on human anatomy and correcting your errors piecemeal. Just remember that you could learn basics of anatomy that could help you in any and all mediums in a week or two.

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