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Greek Mythology Missing In Runescape!


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Yes thats right Runescape hasn't add that much of Greek Mythology aswell as Roman Mythology , but since I like Greek Mythology more myself I'm going 2 talk about that :D!




My Suggestions Are Seporated In Sections :




Section #1 : Weapons


Section #2 : Armours


Section #3 : Range Stuff


Section #4 : Construction


Section #5 : Mini-Games


Section #6 : New Skill!


Section #7 : New Quest!






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A combat 90 F2P skiller !! F2P 4 life!!

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Section #1 : Weapons




Well I've figured that some weapons fit in Runescape ( In this case weapons of greek warriors )




- Greek Warspear


- Slingshot ( Not sure if its from greek soldiers :P )


- [bleep]e Nuckles ( This is from LOTR 2 , Uruk-Hai weared it but it's also cool )

A combat 90 F2P skiller !! F2P 4 life!!

PK-ers are so Anti-Pixel !!

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Section #2 : Armour




My favorite part since I like the Hoplite helmites SO MUCH!! :D!!




- Hoplite Helm


- Greek Shield ( Its as small as a woodenshield only its made from steel )


- Greek Body Plates


- Greek Skirt ( And no it's not the same as bronze skirts , iron skirts etc )

A combat 90 F2P skiller !! F2P 4 life!!

PK-ers are so Anti-Pixel !!

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Section #3 : Range Stuff




Not much to say about this section only I tought that this section must be added




- Greek Longbow ( Range lvl 60 )


- Greek Shortbow ( Range lvl 60 )


- Athena's Bow ( New Quest & Range lvl 60 )


- Flaming Arrows wich are made from steel till rune and they can be lit by a tinderbox wich you'll need the following levels :




Range :


- Steel : 40


- Mith : 45


- Addy : 50


- Rune : 60




Fletch :


- Steel : 26


- Mith : 38


- Addy : 56


- Rune : 77




Firemaking :


- Steel : 50


- Mith : 53


- Addy : 57


- Rune : 65

A combat 90 F2P skiller !! F2P 4 life!!

PK-ers are so Anti-Pixel !!

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Section #4 : Construction




Since the Greeks also are good architects I figured out some of they're stuff should be addeble 2 POH .




- Statues


- Pillars

A combat 90 F2P skiller !! F2P 4 life!!

PK-ers are so Anti-Pixel !!

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Section #5 : Mini-games




Well I also tought of fun games for p2p




- Chariet Race :


U can do a Chariet Race with ur friends and u can bet money 4 who wins.


It's simple you have 2 push the right & left button so ur character wil pull on the ropes that are connected with ur horse and ofcourse the faster u push the faster ur horse will run .




The Location : Jagex may put it wherever they want :D




- Spear Throw


You can find it in the Ranged Guild you'll have 2 pay 500 gp 4 10 spears and its the same as the other game in the Ranged Guild . It's like the chariet game only you have 2 use the up arrows . The harder u throw and the nearer u throw 2 the bullseye will earn you more points .




The Location : Ranged Guild

A combat 90 F2P skiller !! F2P 4 life!!

PK-ers are so Anti-Pixel !!

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Section #6 : New Skill




This skill can help you with making you'r own statue for you'r house .


The Name : Sculping




With this skill you can sculp you'r own statues . You'll have 2 buy materials from a special shop located in : Falador




You can buy :




- Sculp Chisels ( Needed 2 make a statue ) Price : 50 gp


- Sculp Hammer ( Needed 2 make a statue ) Price : 50 gp


- Cement blocks ( Must be used in the begining 2 make a statue ) Price : 5000 gp (5k) ea


- Bronze blocks ( Can be used 2 make a bronze statue ) Price : 8000 gp ( 8k ) ea


- Silver blocks ( Can be used 2 make a silver statue ) Price : 10000 gp ( 10k )


- Gold blocks ( Can be used 2 make a golden statue ) Price : 25000 gp ( 25k ) ea




You can make :




- A hoplite statue


( Lvl 1 : Cement , Lvl 25 : Bronze , Lvl 43 : Silver , Lvl 65 : Gold )


Xp : Cement 125 , Bronze 340 , Silver 470 , Gold 700


- A minotaure statue


( Lvl 3 : Cement , Lvl 30 : Bronze : Lvl 45 : Silver , Lvl 70 : Gold )


Xp : Cement 140 , Bronze 380 , Silver 500 , Gold 730


- A centaur statue


( Lvl 5 : Cement , Lvl 33 : Bronze , Lvl 50 : Silver , Lvl 73 : Gold )


Xp : Cement 160 , Bronze 420 , Silver 620 , Gold 860


- A god statue


( Lvl 10 : Cement , Lvl 37 : Bronze , Lvl 55 : Silver , Lvl 85 : Gold )


Xp : Cement 190 , Bronze 500 , Silver 800 , Gold 1000




Pillars :


- Cement ( Lvl 1 )


Xp : 180


- Bronze ( Lvl 28 )


Xp : 200


- Silver ( Lvl 51 )


Xp : 250


- Gold ( Lvl 78 )


Xp : 400

A combat 90 F2P skiller !! F2P 4 life!!

PK-ers are so Anti-Pixel !!

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Section #7 : New Quest




It's kinda the same as God of War and you'r Kratos who needs 2 help the gods and especially Athena.




It's Called : Athena's Request


Difficulty : Hard


Length : Long


Levels needed : Agility 56








Ares the brother of Athena was left alone by his parents because he disobaid the gods , now he wants to take avengens on Athena by destroying her city . It's you'r job to stop Ares and slay him and his followers .




You begin at Athens Bay ( New island that Jagex will make if they like my idea :P ! Decoration is up to them ) , you walk like 2 clicks and already the horror starts , 5 shades ( lvl 45 ) come from the ground and they start to attack you you must defeat al 5 and the last 1 will drop a key that leads u further in a large tempel . From there you have to kill 10 harpies ( lvl 55 ) and take they'r bones and use them with a small bath nearby so that a gate will open 4 you . That leads you further in search of Ares . Then you'll come 2 a wooden lift that will take you up above the tempel . There you walk in 1 of the 2 ways . 1 Way is right and the other is a trap that you'll have to incounter 3 more shades ( lvl 45 ) . The other way takes you to a lift but before you get to it you'll have to kill 2 minotaures ( lvl 68 ) . The lift will take you down further into the city of Athen . You have to walk down a large path then go through a gate that will spring a trap . It will lock you in a room with 3 minotaures ( lvl 68 ) wich you will have to kill to let the other gate open . If you have killed them the gate will open there you'll find 2 sharks on the ground wich you can eat . Then you walk further where you have to kill 2 hoplite guards ( lvl 72 ) after killing them you'll have to swing from 1 rope to another rope wich will get you further to a path . That path will take you to a center square where 2 guards of Ares ( lvl 125 ) awaits you . After killing them a gate will open that leads you to a warfield wich you can walk trough but be carefull because you can get hit by arrows , swords or spears ( some are poisoned or flaming ) . You can kill monsters for food : Some drop trouts , salmons or lobs . After the warfield you'll have to fight 3 shades ( lvl 33 ) , 2 minotaures ( lvl 61 ) , 2 harpies ( lvl 41 ) and 1 guard of Ares ( lvl 102 ) . After that you'll go to another warfield where you meet Ares , but you don't have to fight the monsters because they won't hit you ( Ares commanded them , he wants you for himself ) . Ares is lvl 201 and has strong melee attacks and uses mage but he isn't strong with mage .


Carefull because he can hit up to 30 with melee and up to 20 with mage .


He only has 1 weakness ... Flaming arrows but only flaming arrows made of mithril or better . After killing him you'll be teleported to ardougne .




Rewards :




- Athena's Bow ( Range 60 needed )


- 100 Flaming Mith Arrows


- 10k attack xp


- 30k range xp

A combat 90 F2P skiller !! F2P 4 life!!

PK-ers are so Anti-Pixel !!

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I don't think Jagex would put greek mythology because it would clash with their own mythology.




I'm thinking the same thing. Jagex has requested that no one suggest stuff about martial arts and oriental weaponry, probably for the same reason - it's inconsistent with the game mythology.




On a comparative note, however, Jagex has included King Arthur et al, so the idea of bringing in another mythos isn't entirely unheard of.




I will say this - you've done a nice job presenting your idea and putting together a good variety of items. It would be interesting to see how other mythologies could be incorporated, such as Norse, Egyptian, etc.




- Sligo


I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but, I am not sure you realize tht what you heard is not what I meant.

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I don't think Jagex would put greek mythology because it would clash with their own mythology.




I'm thinking the same thing. Jagex has requested that no one suggest stuff about martial arts and oriental weaponry, probably for the same reason - it's inconsistent with the game mythology.




On a comparative note, however, Jagex has included King Arthur et al, so the idea of bringing in another mythos isn't entirely unheard of.




I will say this - you've done a nice job presenting your idea and putting together a good variety of items. It would be interesting to see how other mythologies could be incorporated, such as Norse, Egyptian, etc.




- Sligo




Tyvm and it would be interesting if they use different mythology's . :D As for myself I'd like to see that :D:P

A combat 90 F2P skiller !! F2P 4 life!!

PK-ers are so Anti-Pixel !!

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A few notes:




If it's for your house, sculpting = part of construction :?




Greek mythology wouldnt work because runescape is not ancient greece or even earth :?




I like the idea of the new sheild, but it wouldn't be called a hoplite sheild.




Oh and to the person above, runescape is NOT MEDIEVAL. It is it's own world, not based on anything in particular.

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To be fair, King Arthur is more of a legend than an actual mythology, but I digress.


As for incorporating other mythologies into RS, I don't know. On the one hand, they have nodded to established mythologies in various things, but most of those same elements are fairly common in most fantasy settings; goblins, trolls and elves are all pretty universal creatures in most fantasy settings, whereas Zeus, Mars, Loki, Isis and other mythological characters are fairly specific and at times mutually exclusive concepts. How would Jagex be able to pick and choose which elements to incorporate and which to dismiss? How would they be able to mix the various conflicting concepts into their already well-established mythos? Would it be successful if they even tried? Most mythologies operate on specific sets of rules and if those rules are taken away, the myths start to break down, and often times those rules tend to exclude other rule sets.


Then there's the issue of what constitutes a mythology. Many atheists consider most modern religions; Judeism, Christianity, Islam, Wicca to be mythologies. Should they be included as well, since they're "myths"? Would followers of these religions be offended if they were included ("How dare Jagex trivialize my faith like that!!")? Would they be offended if they were excluded ("Is my religion not important enough to be used, too?")? You see the potential quagmire this could become. Then there's the purists who will scream and yell and complain that Jagex botched their favorite myths. So, no, incorporating large parts of other mythologies or even entire mythological structures into RuneScape is a bad idea. Besides, Jagex is doing a great job crafting their own mythos, anyway, and that would be lessened if they started adding other mythologies into the game. Eventually, the Greek or Roman or Egyptian or whatever mythos would begin to supplant the RuneScapian mythos.


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Irony: An amnesiac rediscovering they have an eidetic memory.

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Section #3 : Range Stuff






- Athena's Bow ( New Quest & Range lvl 60 )





First you spelled her name wrong, its Athene even though its spoken with an a sound.




Also, Athene isnt that famous for using a bow, something like Artemis's bow, or Eros's bow would fit better. I like the idea, but I dont think it will be accepted.

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I think it's interesting and could maybe be added if it was a isolated land area. But rather than speculate on whether it could fit into RS, for the fun of it let me add:






Quest for Golden Fleece


Philosophy skill (just kidding)

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This suggestion has its ups and downs...But i am sorry to say everything that you wrote about the greek will not be put into the game. Jagex has creatded their own mithology, instead of Zeus, there is Saradomin, instead of Hades, there is Zamrok. So they will not intruduce "real life" gods into the game, and they will also not introduce anything having to do with greek, that is in real life too, and RuneScape is not real life.

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