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Everything posted by reanimationk

  1. I saw the trailer for it and I admit, it looks incredible. As long as they don't get rid of Jigglypuff, I'm good \
  2. People being racist and not even realizing it.
  3. If Global Warming isn't true. Then how do you explain the melting ice caps, the riseage of sea level? And the increase of world temperature?
  4. I get that alot, mostly because of my RSN Siggies
  5. What's brown and sticky? A stick...duh
  6. I useally name my animals after Greek mythology. I have a cat whose name is Persephone and a dog whose name is Aros
  7. Smoking, in my humble opinion, is morally wrong, but should never be illegal. If someone wants to smoke, let them. If they want to get lung cancer and mess up their brain I'm not stopping them. I only think that the only restrictions on smoking is not smoking near other people. I know people who damaged their lungs by second-hand smoke. I once ate at a resturant, and I couldn't eat because of the smoke that seeped to my area from the smoking area. Why would they want to smoke and eat at the same time anyways?
  8. If you say that random events don't work, then why will this? The autoers will just program themselves to run away when being attacked. And the monsters will just be a nuisiace (sp) to other people who aren't autoing.
  9. I treasured my fire staff like a diamond. I was amazed how I could hit an amazing 8 with it.
  10. Rares can turn newbs into the richest people overnight. Rares can cause people to lose a fortune overnight. Rares provokes people to scam, hack, and do whatever they can to obtain them. I once had a conspiracy that the SOS and security books were going to become rares one day. Now I have hundreds of them in my bank, rotting.
  11. Opening Words Before you read on, realize that this is a F2P pking guide. If you want one for members let me tell you one thing, this isn't one. Secondly this isn't like most other pking guides. This won't tell you what to bring, or what to use. It's mainly how you pk. Now letÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s go through it in a more simple way This Guide Does Not: Teach you what to train Teach you where to train Teach you how to train Teach you where to Pk Teach you what to bring when you Pk This Guide Does: Teach you how to Pk Enough said Tip 1: Admitting the truth If you think you're the best pker in the world, guess what? You're not. No matter who you are, there is always someone better than you. Whether they have higher levels than you, or they pull off better combos. Do you think Zezima goes into the wildy thinking he can dominate everyone? If he meets a clan of 100+ he's dead. The best pkers didn't just become what they are overnight. They didn't just wake up one day knowing everything. They had to learn everything. Yeah, it's a slow process. Some people could know everything about pking, but yet just suck at it. People say pking takes no skill; you just have to be higher leveled than the other person. You know what? That's bull****! Maybe having a higher level can help, but it's not everything. I've seen a level 50 take out a level 70. How? The level 70 let his overconfidence take control of him. The level 50 knew this, and used it to his advantage. However, this is not always the case. The higher leveled person will always have the advantage. If you had a level 100 Mewtwo against a level 80 Mewtwo. Obviously you got the upper advantage. But it doesn't always mean you'll win. If the level 80 Mewtwo had the right moves, it could easily take your Mewtwo down. Pardon the Pokemon connection, but what I'm trying to say is that even if your opponent is higher leveled than you, if you use the right moves, click the right buttons, you could win. Tip 2: Predicting the unpredictable When in a fight, watch what your opponent does. When do they eat? What style do they use? Ask yourself these and use them to your advantage. For example: Pker1 is fighting Pker2 Pker1 knows that Pker2's max hit with his scimitar is 14 However, Pker2 notices that Pker1 eats when he has 1/8th health left Pker2 then waits until Pker1's health is low, and takes his 2h out and swings for the kill Pker1 thought that Pker2 couldn't KO him, but Pker2 knew this. In reaction, he took the chance to take advantage of this. The people I love fighting are people who are so predictable. They will do the same thing every single time and not realizing how easy it is to KO them. For instance, why do you think monsters are much easier to kill than other people? An obvious reason is that other people have food. But also, monsters are not programmed to comprehend, or think. They'll just attack until their dead. If you got a deadly trap for them, 100% of the time they'll walk right into it. But be warned, you should not rely on this too much. Some people will throw you off with randomness. Or something you'll fight those people that have no clue how to pk, it'll be pointless to try to outthink them. Especially when there's nothing to outthink. Watch out for skilled Pkers that try to do the same to you. In that case, you should try to... Tip 3: Throw your opponent off guard This is very important when fighting an experienced pker. You don't want to put yourself in a vulnerable position, especially one that'll get you KO'd. Try to envision this as a game of rock-paper-scissors. Would you keep on throwing rock at your opponent, even when they keep beating you with paper? Of course not. You would switch things up and try to surprise your opponent. Now imagine yourself in a fight. You have been attacking a guy in full rune and have half food left. By then, would he expect you to have runes for fire blast? Probably not. That's a perfect time for a surprise attack. When you do bust out your fire blasts he would not have seen it coming and will be caught off guard. At that moment is when you should hit him with everything you got while he's still dazed. Example two: some people want to take out their range+2h combo as soon as possible. But when they do it, their opponent would be expecting it, causing it to fail. Use it when they aren't expecting this. Anticipation is your greatest key. Stutter your moves, space them out. Don't throw everything at your opponent all at once. Let him have it little by little, just in case one of them fails. But sometimes it is better to just keep doing whatever you were doing, especially when you are totally smoking the other guy. Going back to the rock-paper-scissors, if your opponent only used scissors, would you use paper to mix things up? No! You would crush him again and again with rock until he realizes that he has more than one option. But be on your guard, just in case the person you're fighting has their own tricks up their sleeves. Make sure you don't become too confident, or you may be the one doing the dying. Tip 4: Punishing your opponentÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s mistakes Everyone makes mistakes, don't you? Mistakes sometimes happen while in a fight, maybe you forget to eat, or maybe you misclicked and misfired. While sometimes you can make mistakes, so does your opponent. When they do make a simple mistake, punish them. Use it to your own advantage and make them regret making that mistake. Consider this: Your opponent makes 10 mistakes in a fight. You only need to punish one to win, that's 10%. You on the other hand only make 5 mistakes in a fight. Your opponent only needs to punish one to win. That's 20%. Who seems to have the upper advantage? But remember, that while keeping and eye on your opponent, try not to make any mistakes of your own. Tip 5: Play with confidence I've seen some people pull off the smoothest range+2h combos on some monsters. But in a real fight, it's a completely different story. When fighting, some people tend to become tense and worried, causing them to make mistakes. People don't have the same confidence when fighting monsters because they know that they will win, even if they make a mistake. As you know, mistakes are something you can't afford to do in a real fight. Pking is a mind thing, a good pker pks with confidence. When they enter the wildy, they don't think, "OMG, what if I meet someone higher leveled than me? What if I die and lose all my stuff? What if I didn't bring enough arrows? What if? What if? What if?!?" Instead, they think, "who am I gonna own this time?" They don't worry, they don't think of the possibilities, except to win. That brings up another matter: running. When do you run? Should you run? Personally I think you should run when you have to. Run only to escape death, and nothing else. Running only makes you look stupid, but I suppose it's better to keep your items then your pride. However if you both agree to a fight to the death, then do so. Don't be a wimp and run. If you were a true pker, you wouldn't need to run. Closing Words Well that pretty much sums up my guide. Like it or not, they things in this guide are very true. Use it, donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t use it, itÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s up to you. Keep in mind that this is my first guide. Rate, hate, take (just give me credit for it), relate, do what you see true. Hotgirl out
  12. I know two people that live somewhat close to me (MI) I've never seen them in RL though Or have I?
  13. Mostly black, but if you look closely you can see redness in it
  14. I always close the door after I enter/leave a room, I'm afraid I'm being stalked
  15. I followed a weird looking person with green pants but I ended up somewhere in Rimmington I'm lost
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