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A New Rule We Desperately Need!


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Have you ever been walking along, when a player starts following you, asking you for free stuff, and generally driving you insane? Or maybe an oh-so-high n' mighty player calls you a noob over and over again? Almost all of us have gone through situations like this. You could always put them on your ignore list, or switch worlds. But don't you want them to be punished, and make sure they never do it again? Well then, I present to you, Rule #16, or the Anti-Harrasment Rule.




It reads:




You may not continually harras a fellow player, through any means, if they clearly ask you to stop the harrasment.




This doesn't give you a black mark, or get you muted for your first two offenses for this rule. They simply get a warning from Jagex. This should be sufficiant to stop most beggers, etc. On the third offense, a black mark. Fourth offense, another black mark and a 3-day mute. And so on and so forth.




If you don't agree with this, then check out my other thread, called ~~

If you love someone, set them free. But if they come back, set them on fire.

-George Carlin

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Why does this bother people so much? If some noob is following you, either walk in circles, walk north into the wilderness, teleport away, or just go on with what you were doing and don't pay attention to them. You are under no obligation to respond to them, and if you are made upset by their actions, it's YOUR fault, not theirs.




The problem with this rule is that it is open to interpretation and is way too vague. Do you feel harrassed if someone stands in a bank yelling "Bank sale" repeatedly? Do you feel harrassed if someone just happens to be going the same place you're going and hitches a ride (by following) but says nothing about it one way or the other? Do you feel harrassed if someone on your friends list toggles their chat setting repeatedly spamming your chat window with "[player] logged in"/"[player] logged out"?




How many more mods would be required to police this? How many more Jagex customer support techs would be necessary to deal with the thousands of reports flooding in under this rule? And most of all, what should be the penalty if they are found "guilty"? Is it the same as account trading or items spamming?




Basically, when you think about it, this rule is completely unnecessary and uninforceable. Yeah, sure, ingame harrassment is annoying, but if it doesn't cross the line into things that are already covered under the rules, you're just going to have to grow a tougher hide and deal with it.




- Sligo


I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but, I am not sure you realize tht what you heard is not what I meant.

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Don't you mean Rule #14? :lol:




Put them on your ingore list. Just wasting thier time. ::'

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Don't you mean Rule #14? :lol:




Put them on your ingore list. Just wasting thier time. ::'


Rule 14 - Misuse of Official Forums


Forums must be used respectfully at all times.




Rule 15 - Advert Blocking


Please do not block the Adverts in free-to-play RuneScape.




16, but anyway... Put them on ignore

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Don't you mean Rule #14? :lol:




Put them on your ingore list. Just wasting thier time. ::'


Rule 14 - Misuse of Official Forums


Forums must be used respectfully at all times.




Rule 15 - Advert Blocking


Please do not block the Adverts in free-to-play RuneScape.




16, but anyway... Put them on ignore


Opps, I seem the idiot now. :oops:


I just looked on the Report Abuse. #-o

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Don't you mean Rule #14? :lol:




Put them on your ingore list. Just wasting thier time. ::'


Rule 14 - Misuse of Official Forums


Forums must be used respectfully at all times.




Rule 15 - Advert Blocking


Please do not block the Adverts in free-to-play RuneScape.




16, but anyway... Put them on ignore


Opps, I seem the idiot now. :oops:


I just looked on the Report Abuse. #-o




haha nick with almost 2,500 posts i think your alowed to mess up once and a while. But did anyone look at what i said earlier on this thread i actuly told him somthing to do other than the ignore list.


thxs vibro for the sig ^_^.

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Why does this bother people so much? If some noob is following you, either walk in circles, walk north into the wilderness, teleport away, or just go on with what you were doing and don't pay attention to them. You are under no obligation to respond to them, and if you are made upset by their actions, it's YOUR fault, not theirs.




- Sligo




The only good thing to do here is just not paying attention to them because:




"Walk in circles" - We're wasting our time.


"Walk north into the wilderness" - We're risking our life


"Teleport away" - We're wasting laws





Every path you have trod, through wilderness and through war, has led to this road...

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Ok, fine. Then tell me:




1. How is it defined?


2. How is it enforced?


3. What is the penalty?




Is in-game harrassment as serious a crime as auto-ing? Or password scamming? These will get your account banned.




Is it as serious as using foul language? This will get you muted for 3 days and put a black mark on your account.




Ok, so maybe you can mute the offender. Doesn't keep them from following you.




Simply speaking, the rules, as written, are sufficient. This is a freaking game, people! Get over it! There are people who think its fun to annoy other people and make them mad. By getting mad at them, you are doing exactly what they want and they are getting their way. When you get this through your head you'll realize that this rule is not needed at all because you realize that when you respond to the taunts, you are the one being the noob.




Think about it. They follow you and beg from you. You decide to get mad at them and curse them. They report you. You end up with the black mark, not them. They have done nothing wrong. A review of the log has your name next to the curse words, not theirs.




- Sligo


I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but, I am not sure you realize tht what you heard is not what I meant.

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Ok, fine. Then tell me:




1. How is it defined?


2. How is it enforced?


3. What is the penalty?




Is in-game harrassment as serious a crime as auto-ing? Or password scamming? These will get your account banned.




Is it as serious as using foul language? This will get you muted for 3 days and put a black mark on your account.




Ok, so maybe you can mute the offender. Doesn't keep them from following you.




Simply speaking, the rules, as written, are sufficient. This is a freaking game, people! Get over it! There are people who think its fun to annoy other people and make them mad. By getting mad at them, you are doing exactly what they want and they are getting their way. When you get this through your head you'll realize that this rule is not needed at all because you realize that when you respond to the taunts, you are the one being the noob.




Think about it. They follow you and beg from you. You decide to get mad at them and curse them. They report you. You end up with the black mark, not them. They have done nothing wrong. A review of the log has your name next to the curse words, not theirs.




- Sligo




+1. the current rules sufficiently protect people from serious harassment. this proposed rule is way too vague and would require excessive amounts of attention from the jagex mods. plus, if someone if following you, how do you prove that? the reporting system records text in the chat box and accepted trades. if you tell someone to stop following you, and there is no reply, is that sufficient evidence to warrant a report? this rule would be subject to way too much abuse.




if you feel that harassment is someone following you around too much, then stop and take a break from runescape. there are annoying and immature people in it, but remember, its only a game.

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Wear a d chain / guthans / lunar into a f2p world, then you will see what harrasment really is :)

Quit Runescape 10 jan 2007 - Playing again 2012



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