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Pretty house please! <80/80> House almost open!

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EDIT: 15th aug: This new quest having randomly appeared means i no long need to get level 81 construction and i can save 900k+ by staying on 80! excellent!


the hosue i've been re-building is almost ready to be opened to the complete general public!








hmm, so i'm a constuction addict, sold my green mask * the only decent item i owned* and bought full infinity




10m spare.. hmm what do i do with this? oh, yeah 20k oak planks please


5.6m? yeah whatever, oh, thats without servant fees? oh.. well. i..




so, i'm gonna be in world 99 running logs back and forth from the saw mill anyone wants to say hi please pop down and releive me a little! ---- forget that!, just come to world 99 rimmington and tell me you wanna come in!, anything to releive the tedium! ---




following this i will make oak larders or flatpack tables until 80 consruction




following that i am going to completely rebuild my 14m gp house into somthing spectacular with over 7 dungeon rooms and 2 combat




ending with 81 construction








wish me luck!










EDIT!: decided I cann't be bothered to run planks, just make the larders and get the butler to do the leg work.




ALSO!: i started on just past level 71 construction












level pics!








































Other stuff!







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Good luck. :) How do you plan on raising it? Repetitively building and destroying oak larders?




thanks and yeah most likly to be doing that, since it uses the most planks a time and flatpack can't be sold anyway.






and tom, sorry i didn't even know you had a pure!




edit!) whoo! post 400



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after 81 u can go for the big 99.......

I shall take my flock underneath my own wing, and kick them right the [bleep] out of the tree. If they were meant to fly, they won't break their necks on the concrete.
So, what is 1.111... equal to?



Please don't continue.


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