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can someone please help me with a sig


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id like a video sig of me (addy legs body sheild bronze dagger grey wizard like hair) pking zezima (lvl 126) and winning in one hit its an add for my clan i am making. (the tri pkers)


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well see the thing is id do it myself but...


i cant find a good program do do it i tried doing it in image shack but the stuipid link was html so maybe instead you could tell me another image downloader that does slideshows and no i dont mean actual footage so can someone tell me a good image uploader besides image shack and photo bucket for slideshows


boy am i popular no seriously look above




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Imageshack works fine for hosting .gif's...






btw, I realy don't think your going to get your "video sig" of you "owning zeizma" done. Not only is it just a horrible idea but it would take much too long.

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