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50k crumble Undead to cast Added picture


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Where i could cast 50k crumle undead and get some good drops.I will not change them for 50k fire bolt .I have slayer stuff.Is there some lvl 100+ undead who give some rune stuff and who i can kill with safespot ?








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Crumble undeath works on:










None of these drop decent drops, neither are there any of these forms who are 100+. Not even close and thats a good thing \'




I 'm affraid you should fire bolt these with chaos gauntlets on!


Chaos gauntlets raise the max hit of all bolt spells, so they are practicly as strong as blasts. So fire bolt will be fire blast. Extremely well and the monsters you can kill along are stronger and have good drops.




Try fire bolting (with gauntlets, family crest quest) black demons from a safespot, or even consider steel dragon hunting!!

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Ankous (In the Stronghold of security).




Not the greatest of drops (often nothing) but coins, laws and the second skull piece for the sceptre.




Only problem, there are some good COVER spots, but still unsafe until they become non-aggressive. My main got the pie4ce there, by melee in full armour, then switching to mage kit and crumbles once safe.




Crumbles cut through them like a hot knife through butter, high damage is common and misses are rare.

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There is a level 150 skeleton but the best thing it drops is 45 coins.


I will shoot down any one with my bitting wit, and sarcasm!

What POSSIBLE reason would someone have to make a fake like that?Does he profit from faking a picture like that? Does it help him at all?Jesus Christ, stop being so suspicious. This is Tip.it for God's sake, not RuneHQ. -_-
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Do I need to start or hade doned the TD to kill these mummies ?And is there a safespots ?




You need to have finished or nearly finished DT to kill them. I do not believe that there are any safespots and the whole place is a death trap anyway.




Fire bolt (especially with chaos gauntlets) is better xp anyway. If you did not know, Jagex has greatly nerfed the xp for crumble a few months ago. Without chaos guantlets fire bolt's average xp is 34.5 while crumble's is only 24.5. All signs point towards fire bolt. :D




What do u mean by 50k?




He/she means that they have 50k casts worth of crumble. In other words, they have the runes to cast it 50k times. :wink:


PM me in game to use some skills of mine (glories/potions) free or to ask a question.

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