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My luckiest Barrows run ever...


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18/22 skills at or better than 60.

1300+ skill total.

Barrows:Torag's Helm x2, Guthan's Helm, Guthan's Warspear, Dharok's Greataxe, died to dharok, Guthan's Platebody, Ahrim's Hood. All in a total of 104 runs.

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Wowser. :shock: That's some odd luck going on there. Good for you, yet very bad for him. Atleast your luck is the one that matters (to you) and you came out 10m richer because of it.




Wondering how much you made from that run at barrows (in total from all your pots you had) because the last time I spent a couple hundred pots I got ripped off and only got about 4 drops. Recently, I've been getting skunked there, but once I get 100 cb, 99 fletch and a firecape I'll be back there in hopes of getting another 150m. :lol:

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Wondering how much you made from that run at barrows (in total from all your pots you had) because the last time I spent a couple hundred pots I got ripped off and only got about 4 drops. Recently, I've been getting skunked there, but once I get 100 cb, 99 fletch and a firecape I'll be back there in hopes of getting another 150m. :lol:




I have added my latest session too to my new Barrows log site which can be found here http://personal.inet.fi/cool/onauric/barrows/. After my first 50 chests which were dry I really started to think that Jagex had nerfed it somehow and you don't get anything with having kill count only 6 so I changed it to 15-20kc and got my first items in a row from 2nd and 3rd 20kc chests... But then again when I changed after some items back to 6kc I got like four items (2x Karils top, Ahrims skirt and flail) out of 10 chests. It's just weird.

Rsn: Onauric Combat: 136 Total: 2150+


All quests done since: 3rd December 2005

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Lucky the luckest things i've got from barrows is karil's coif you got something plus a players drop i seem to always get player drops when im going through the stronghold of sucrity on my f2p names or the dungon of tolna on my p2p

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