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Looking for a php pro


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I need someone who can tell me how to do a few things on the forums my friend and I made. For example: how to change the phpbb icon in the top left corner of the forum (it says rune tips on these forums), And how to make specail ranks or permissions (so we can have a VIP forum and a legends forum that only people with that rank can post in).




So, can anyone help?






Btw, we need more smilies!

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To change the top left logo, you need to replace the image called "logo_phpBB.gif" in each of your themes or find the line in overall_header.tpl for the themes you are using and point it to the new image. You're probably better off just replacing the images with another so you don't have to edit files.




You should be able to find out how to edit rank colors and so on by searching around phpbb.com.

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phpbb provides a set of manuals and guides with each download AND on their website.




All the questions you asked and ever will ask are answered in both.

I like to fart silently but deadly in movie theaters
Ard Choille says (11:41 PM):

I wouldn't dare tell you what to do m'dear

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