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Barrows sig for friend...oh my waffles an update!!!!


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Meh go a head and tear it apart only took me two days... he kept bugging me about it so i finally just rushed the last bit... still need to do some touchup by the walls.... ugg... i hate the ice effect i had to take the file from 131kb down to 25.45 something so i could host it faster... meh anyway give me some C\C :?








Update - don't you guys love me? :3>


Finished floor and kept it a slight bit lighter in this version... i also slightly edited the robes... erm very slight <.<







New sigzor^^

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I agree but thats where he wanted his name :?




he wanted some kind of wierd halo thing around the "0" in his name so i'm gonna try and do that in photoshop instead of pixeling can't pixel myway out of a bag for glow effects #-o



New sigzor^^

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Well..... have you seen the barrows chest room 90% of the time :-w




its empty... i mean sure i could throw some skeletons in there but... why? the whole point of sprawning skeletons is so you can kill them <.<



New sigzor^^

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your comments are always.... useless!!!!!




seriously tho, you have an attitude problem, moste of your comments are like that, your attitude shows total disrespect to even the moste beautifull pieces and the people that made plus it seems like you can't wait to flame people without reading the first post (you did that in a post of mine once, kind of made you look stupid to be honest <.< ).


your post was in no way funny.




all in all show some respect, grow up, be nice and fix your attitude.




plus clearly looks like a wip (if not you did a messy job on the floor nazgul)


is the floor a pattern, copy and pasted everywhere?




the chest is nicely executed, the ice i like to.


however i suggest to darken the outlines on the skin tones, the purple one to, it increases the depth.




like nadril said make the height shorter, if i may suggest up to the frozen character.

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lol if you make another one i would be happy if i could use for sig




and compared to me i would give 10/10 lol because i could not make anything near that

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Set a man on fire, and he will be warm for the rest of his life.

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your comments are always.... useless!!!!!




seriously tho, you have an attitude problem, moste of your comments are like that, your attitude shows total disrespect to even the moste beautifull pieces and the people that made plus it seems like you can't wait to flame people without reading the first post (you did that in a post of mine once, kind of made you look stupid to be honest <.< ).


your post was in no way funny.




all in all show some respect, grow up, be nice and fix your attitude.




plus clearly looks like a wip (if not you did a messy job on the floor nazgul)


is the floor a pattern, copy and pasted everywhere?




the chest is nicely executed, the ice i like to.


however i suggest to darken the outlines on the skin tones, the purple one to, it increases the depth.




like nadril said make the height shorter, if i may suggest up to the frozen character.




Waa i knew someone would see the messy floor :oops:




yeah its the same thing seriously im a lazy person in no way did i want to make different patterns for that whole blasted thing!




sorry :(



New sigzor^^

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i must say i adore your texturing, its amazing, far better than im able to do, hmm, maybe wanna colab some time?




anyway... i do like it, it looks really good, one major problem tho, the ahrims skirt is WAY to short o0




imo some of the lines are too 'perfect' i dont really like perfect neat linework, its not natural.




did you pixel all the textures or did you use a program?




not alot of detail on the top, and theres a few blank spots on the floor around the edges.




on the guys right arm, it goes 1 pixel too high imo, so yeah. whip looks good if orange, and normaly theres a triangle end, but hey. maybe also have ice creaping along the axe. ice looks good, oh and in the middle of the 'p' in the top sample thers a white dot o0 the walls look good, but maybe add a tone that blends the wall to the floor so it flows better.






100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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Oh... your right there is a white dot!! :shock:




dang i didn't even see that...




As for the darkening yes i used photoshop Cs to darken edges i felt i wanted i alittle more ambience (?) for the center of the picture...




I had origanally done the ahrims skirt much longer but my guy looked too tall then compared to dharok even though he is sopposed to be frozen while falling and reaching forwards




as for some colabs... SURE but erm you would be linework and me the shader\texture? or the otherway around cause no offence but :uhh: my line work is terrible!! :XD:




I had a ton of trouble with the ahrims character... just a pain... couldn't get him how i wanted so i wouldn't be suprised if more then his arm and skirt are off by a LONG way....






when i touch up on the ground ill try and get the ice going some too thanks for your C\C



New sigzor^^

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okj cool.




hmm, you REALLY need to sort out those legs tho, legs are 1.6 times the length of the torso, and the arms arnt to bad.




yeah, ill do linework, hmm, that reminds me in currently doing a colab, heh, woops.








100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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