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no tablet, the technical term is geek


or nerd...


or no-lifed looser who spends all day practicing making useless black and white avatars using ms paint...




whatever you call it, its baisccly the same thing? right?






^^lol just foolin around =)...




((that means i dont get banned or flammed or spammed or reported...))


(no offence to ter)




btw i actually like darkpoop0's more then terlys lol >.<

wop wop

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no tablet, the technical term is geek


or nerd...


or no-lifed looser who spends all day practicing making useless black and white avatars using ms paint...




whatever you call it, its baisccly the same thing? right?






^^lol just foolin around =)...




((that means i dont get banned or flammed or spammed or reported...))


(no offence to ter)




btw i actually like darkpoop0's more then terlys lol >.<




Why would he take offence anywyas? It's not like you criticised what he likes to do....




Yeah it's not a competition. I thought Quer's was the closest to Terley's.



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Terley, be honest - did you really make those in only two minutes? I mean - I can't even restart my computer in that time.




yeaahh, look ill do another one.




1nw5.png (took like 5 seconds)




02ug3.png (finished 2mins and 6 seconds after starting)




it's just cleaning up a 5 second sketch.. I just try not go back to something I've already pixeled.. usually you'd keep tweaking your linework.. oh and plus it's only 80x80, its not hard making something quick in such a small canvas. ::'




on topic :




It was a contest?? :-s , oh must of forgot. :uhh:




yeah you got one of those tablet thingy's right?


that makes people allot faster.




or you don't and in that case your just sick fast :shock:




what tablet thingy u talking about? lol i want it

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what tablet thingy u talking about? lol i want it




it's basically a touchpad that you use a pen on to draw. it's kinda like using a pencil, but takes awhile to get used to. Google it.




Offtopic: did you know that google is now in the dictionary as a verb? like i just used it lol, how crazy is that :?


"A disbelief in magic can force some poor souls into believing in authority and business"

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what tablet thingy u talking about? lol i want it




it's basically a touchpad that you use a pen on to draw. it's kinda like using a pencil, but takes awhile to get used to. Google it.




Offtopic: did you know that google is now in the dictionary as a verb? like i just used it lol, how crazy is that :?




wow, im an idiot. i actually have one of those pads (online math tutoring, go fig).




on topic: now i see how terley couldve made those in 2 minutes

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