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Ivan Strom. Is everything what we think it is?


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the female vamlyre lord wants to question you. not kill you... now im just throwing theories out but listen to this..






perhals the female vyre lord isnt evil. perhaps she has found somthing about the blood alter and absorbes the power of blood runes, quenching her desire for blood. yet she can still drink blood at will.




perhaps she things about her brother farming the humans for blood is wrong, and wants you to help her give her brother the power of blood runes? just my idea..




i had a dream about it.. but instead of her absorbing the power of the blood rune, she wears a amulet with a blood rune in it.. does she wear a amulet?




no, she doesnt wear an amulet... just the vyre outfit


the fact that she use a human servant and her examine gives "she looks almost human" seems a bit fishy about her...




the examine of male drakan gives something about his personality i think...




anyway, the "practical" use of runestones had already exist in "the eyes of glouphrie" quest; in the quest you use mud runes to make glue i think. so converting blood runes to blood is possible

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anyway, the "practical" use of runestones had already exist in "the eyes of glouphrie" quest; in the quest you use mud runes to make glue i think. so converting blood runes to blood is possible




I belive that there may be another ingredient to this idea, for example the daeyalt ore. But then why would they still use humans for blood? Maybe they are planning another use for them... conversion to vampyres for an army perhaps?




Another worrying development is the appearance of werewolves on the varrock side of the salve temple.




In anycase these theories should be taken as just that, theories. We won't know for sure until the last quest in the series is released.

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I never thought about it before, or noticed the similarity, but I agree with the original poster's first idea: Ivan Strom may be evil in disguise. Good call on that.




Though there's another, more obvious Paterdomus issue. Perhaps the werewolves were let across the River Salve by the ARMY OF ZAMORAK MONKS in the chapel there. Funny how they just kind of get ignored after Priest in Peril.




lol you've got a point there. i wonder why we haven't been asked to eradicate them... unless DREZEL is the evil one!! we all think that its ivan, but its just a cunning ruse and drezel is really working for zaros, and thats why the zammy monks imprisoned him - they hate zaros!

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I dont think the Myreque is evil...




But Ivan Strom may be evil in disguise, snuck in and used the Myreque to gain access to Paterdomus, all in order to get the evil creatures over the Salve.




When you think of it, it seems the most logical explanation to all what has happened.




What I'm curious is why King Roald didnt just put a guard or watch at Paterdomus. Technically they wouldnt be invading Morytania, and still providing protection at the bottle neck.

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