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New Skill - Artistry (Link fixed!)


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Artistry is a new skill for Runescape designed specifically to provide an new opportunity for higher level P2P players to explore the world of the arts.




I went in to a lot of detail and when I was finished, I was amazed at how long the "document" ended up being. I use a lot of tables, but there is no way to translate them into BBCode. It was suggested that I create them as images, but after spending a half-day trying to get that to work, I gave up on it.




So, the solution is what we have here: A special web page just for this skill.




Artistry Skill by Sligo




I'm open to your comments and ideas on how we can make this idea even better. I'm sure there will be people who don't like this idea, but with any and all skills in Runescape, there are some that are liked and some that are not. I know I can't please everyone, so it's not even worth trying.




Take your time, enjoy the read, and I look forward to learning your thoughts.




- Sligo






Edit: Special thanks to the tip.it crew for helping me get the link to work!


I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but, I am not sure you realize tht what you heard is not what I meant.

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as of the time im posting, the URL is still censored, but it sounds like a great idea, even thought im f2p and wont get to see it. I think you should be able to make a work( painting, sculpture whatever) and put it in your house, if thats not already on your link.

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Okay everybody, thanks to the tip.it crew, the link has been fixed so that you can all get to it.




Now please don't abuse me! I present a lot of ideas here, and it took me a lot of time to put together. In some of the preliminary discusssions I've had already, I'm seriously considering pulling out a few things.




I look forward to your comments and ideas. Hopefully we can polish this idea and turn it in to something we can submit to Jagex.




- Sligo


I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but, I am not sure you realize tht what you heard is not what I meant.

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Nice! I love the idea since its hard to express yourself on Runescape except in fashion (i.e. I look so fab! Nuh uh) Put in your house, hang it on the wall. Make it your crest or banner and you have a cool skill. Only problem is powerleveling but maybe that was said in your geocities page i just didnt have the time to click on all the links. If you make a supporters list add me :thumbsup:



The rune merching business is dead. R.I.P

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Only problem is powerleveling


Not directly. The intent is that you can't "powerlevel" this skill. There's no "X" options, so each item has to be made individually - like real artwork.




If you make a supporters list add me




Thanks, but I don't believe that a supporters list will make any difference. If Jagex likes it, they'll adopt it - it doesn't matter how many users actually like it... lol






nice work! i like the idea, but its so similar to other skills......there needs to be more distinction with the skills




The point is that it provides an extension beyond those other skills. I don't believe that the other skills - fletching, crafting, smithing, etc, go far enough. I think that there are many more things we should be able to do, but when you add these skills together, what you get is Artistry.




Keep the comments coming!




- Sligo


I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but, I am not sure you realize tht what you heard is not what I meant.

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a very well thought out idea i like it as an update for next year because i dont think we need another skill quite yet. BUT at least now i know the big secret project uve been working on!!! :thumbsup: \'




although you could add player makeable wooden shields to go wiht swords since they are already in the game. :idea:


thxs vibro for the sig ^_^.

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Ok. As I already said in the few PM's we had about it, I must say it is evident that you put a lot of effort in it. :)




Some of the effort was slightly unnecessary IMO though, as you already concluded yourself in your author's notes too. Personally I always prefer to only read concept idea's without actual item names, skill level requirement tables and all the like. :P Even if Jagex adopts idea's like this, they'll alter such things anyway.




High skill & quest requirements




It seems you didn't give much thought to the extremely high skill and quest requirements that you suggested in your idea. I honestly cannot see the main part of the RuneScape community like this idea, when only 15000 players fulfill your mining level requirement (and a lot of them might not even be members and/or might not fulfill the other level / quest requirements).




While I can see you intended this skill to be focussed on the higher leveled players, I think leveling a new skill (at least at the lower levels) should be easily accessible to any person, and not have extremely high quest and skill requirements. This would definitely have to be changed if this skill was actually implemented.




Different concept then other skills




This is not as much critic on the idea itself as it is on whether Jagex would even be interested in the concept of the idea. Point is that it will require player tag's on items, items being 'attached' to a 'square' in your house and so on. This are kind of new concepts in RuneScape, which will require quite a bit of work on Jagex part to implement. Not to mention the amount of new items.




Due to the different concept, I also doubt whether the RuneScape's player base would like the skill, even when the high requirements were omitted. While the idea of owning your own signed Rune Long might be cool, there will be few people who will actually ever realize this dream. People might start to wonder what the use of the skill is.




To be honest, I don't really feel the skill 'fits' into RuneScape. But this does not mean the concept of the idea itself is bad! I think I can see future MMORPG's implement idea's like this.




So much for my critism on the broader idea of the concept, now I'll raise some more in-depth issues.




Famous people & Artistry




I think it is quite evident that this skill is the most interesting for famous and well-known players. I mean who wouldn't want a Rune Long with Diamond smithed by mister Zezima himself? This raises several issues:




- Famous players will be able to 'abuse' their reputation to earn tons of money by selling their signed products.


- Famous players will have a monopoly position on products with their name attached. TheyÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢ll have the power to ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¹ÃâcrashÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢ their signed products any time they want.


- Besides these upsides for them, I can also see how famous people will probably get bugged a lot by people who want (to buy) a signed product of them.




Famous people & new rares




Another issue arises when these famous people permanently quit RuneScape, get banned or disappear from RuneScape for another reason. This would lead to the creation of new rares, which, depending on how rare the famous person kept his signed items, might even be more costly then the current rares around.




So what would be positive side of this skill?




A more dynamic & interactive virtual world




By allowing people to create items that have player names attached, the game turns less static, which is a good thing. A Rune Long sword will no longer be just a Rune Long swordÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâæ No it will be a Rune Long sword forged by Bluerose13x, or it will be a Rune Long sword that you got in the wilderness, after killing Thehate for it. Items will have a story. The game will be more interactive and the Role-Playing will be enhanced.




New goals & player created quests




People may have new goals that they want to reach. They might want to own a product created by their favourite idol. Furthermore, the idea of the whole skill and signed items could probably be extended with player created quests in some way.




New use for old skills




Since the Artistry skill will allow you to create items with your name on it, people will be motivated more to level the old (and somewhat obsolete) skills again. People might start to smith more again, because they'll now be able to create swords with your name on it when you reach higher levels.








IÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢ve always been very positive about the idea of player names attached to items they create and IÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢ve thought about it many times before in the past. Thinking more in-depth about it now that I read about your Artistry skill suggestion, IÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢m starting to become a bit more negative about it though. Apart from the interesting addition that it could be, there are quite a few downsides involved with it as well. To be honest, IÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢m still not really sure whether the idea of signed items would be a good addition to MMORPGÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s or not.

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Duke, Thanks for your comments.




The idea of signed items has been bantied around for ages in the various suggestion forums. I included it here because it is a logical extension of this skill. However, the objections you raise are certainly valid and appropriate. If someone else were to propose this, I would probably raise the same points.




Perhaps a compromise: rather than signed by the smither/artisan, they bear the heraldic symbols the Construction uses: A "Rune Long (Zamorak)" for example.




One of the things that "tempers" this is the fact that 1. You can only sign things as you make them, and 2. They don't constitute the best or most popular weapons in the game (at least in P2P).




When you sign something, you render it a P2P only item, which makes it unavailable for trade or drop in F2P.




One comment you make, though, concerns me. Yes, a "famous" player can make a lot of these and affect the market somewhat, and become incredibly rich by this. You mentioned that they could "crash" the market, though. I would say this would only happen in the most extreme sense because there is no "X" option for artistry which forces the player to click the appropriate selections every time. Doing this the amount of times it would take to "crash" the market would take months or years, considering the number of players and the comparitive demand.




I've toyed with different ideas on the high level requirements. You're right, level 85 mining is steep. It might be worthwhile to modify that portion of the intro quest so that you are given the platinum ore rather than having to mine it. This would lower the requirement significantly.




One final note. I am a computer programmer by trade, though not with Java specifically. I agree that I take some liberties in designing this, but at the same time, I've tried very hard to keep it within limits. Free-form painting, for example, would not only be very taxing in memory, but also present a potential censorship issue. However, if an item can be painted 2-4 colors, writing code to assign the limited palette of colors to those predetermined paint-able zones is something that can be done within reason.




Again, thanks for your comments. I'm interested to know what everyone else thinks, too.




- Sligo


I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but, I am not sure you realize tht what you heard is not what I meant.

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Perhaps a compromise: rather than signed by the smither/artisan, they bear the heraldic symbols the Construction uses: A "Rune Long (Zamorak)" for example.




Yeah, though I do think the ability to sign the items you create would enhance the popularity of the skill a lot. Without that, the skill would start to look quite a lot like the combination of construction & crafting, with which you can already make some 'custom' armour and weapons too.




You mentioned that they could "crash" the market, though. I would say this would only happen in the most extreme sense because there is no "X" option for artistry which forces the player to click the appropriate selections every time. Doing this the amount of times it would take to "crash" the market would take months or years, considering the number of players and the comparitive demand.




How long do you have in mind that it would take to make 100 of such items though (not including the time needed to collect the resources ofcourse)?




Sure, they'll never be able to make one for everyone, but do realize that the amount of people who would be willing to pay extremely high prices for such items is not that large either. It is really an interesting question how much people would pay for such items.

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I wouldnt pay 1 gp more for a signed item, but thats just me...


One way to prevent market crash would be that only the maker could sell such item and just once,it would be like zezima's rune longsword (1), and after the person buy, it would become untradeable.


Another thing to add could be a middle man in the trade, like the estate agent, every person that would want to sell, would have to sell to a special shop, and the prices depending on the shop stock of the items of that person would be different. That should hold off the price manipulation of the popular players.


*** [ END ]: You gained 1,671,000 thieving exp in 9mins 44secs. That's 10,300,684 exp/h.

Dragon Drops - 1 Skirt

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Ice, that's an interesting idea. Using an in-game intermediary to prevent price-gouging might work. Though someone could get around it by paying the player to make it outside of the process, less the NPC's price, then the artisan sells it to the NPC so the buyer can purchase it.




I forsee the time it takes to make a decorated, signed item to be about 5-10 seconds in real time. Maybe this is too long, but I want to discourage mass production.




So far a lot of discussion has been on the item signatures. Yet this is only one small portion of the entire thing. I know that there's a lot to digest, and that's one thing that really sticks out, but I'd like some commentary on the other things as well.




- Sligo


I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but, I am not sure you realize tht what you heard is not what I meant.

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True but that would result in a scam chance that very few players would be willing to take.


To pay someone i mean waiting that he would really sell that item, or to wait to someone to buy to get the money outside the process.


*** [ END ]: You gained 1,671,000 thieving exp in 9mins 44secs. That's 10,300,684 exp/h.

Dragon Drops - 1 Skirt

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I forsee the time it takes to make a decorated, signed item to be about 5-10 seconds in real time. Maybe this is too long, but I want to discourage mass production.




Long? If anything I'd call that short... :P That's a total of 350 - 700 made per hour, mind you. Mass production enough to have significant power over the prices - that is what I ment.

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It sounds like a good idea, but since i'm f2p this wouldn't affect me so much. Also I think that if"signed" items are p2p only, and a high level smither can make them (and sell them for more money), there would be lots of rune items that wouldn't be tradeable as f2p worlds, which can cuse its price to rise a lot :-k


Currently having a break from sig-making...

Join the campaign for more F2P bank space!

Avatar by Born2die, tyvm!

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This is a very nice idea... :thumbsup:








Anyone want to take a crack at figuring experience amounts for the items? (Or is it even worth the trouble?)




- Sligo


I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but, I am not sure you realize tht what you heard is not what I meant.

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I have posted a summarized and abbreviated version of this idea over on the Jagex official forums today. Those who can, go and check it out and keep it alive for at least a little while. (Even summarized, it's still pretty long, but I got it down to 17 messages on their forum... lol)




- Sligo


I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but, I am not sure you realize tht what you heard is not what I meant.

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