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My Guides From Nov. 2005 to Now.


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I have been creating guides for about a year, give or take. The first guides were for my clan Dark Knights United (after the first rebirth) and I think the earliest were from November of 2005.




Some of the guides have been updated, and some have been left as they are, though they still contain knowledge.




Feel free to use these guides on tip.it only, but make sure to give credit where it is due. If you quote directly, please make sure that credit is in the quote. The same goes for any other place...




Most guides you'll read will just tell you information about whatever feature it is about, and leave you to form a strategy about it. My guides, however, give you the strategy (or hint at it) and relevant information according to that strategy. My guides tell you the benefits of using the feature, and encourage you to try it out. As far as I've seen, my style is not used by any other RuneScape Guide writer. My drive for guide-writing was on the basis that I've found a new feature that nobody was using and wanted to point it out to the people I knew.




I became interested in guide-making when I joined a clan called Dark Knights United. Soon after, I also became a member. I tried out many members-only features, and wrote some guides while still a 'noob' to membership. Eventually, I learned most of what I could in members' world and became not only a veteran runescape player, but also a leader of DKU. Eventually, DKU crashed in April of 2006 but was revived in the summer, and I decided not to rejoin for personal reasons. I didn't feel like making many more guides after that. I did, however, make the rune-binding guide and thieving guide later on. They were the last of my guides.




My quest-points are 189 and all of my skills are over 60. I've tried everything, I know too much, and I haven't been sharing what I know. Now is the time that I shall share these guides. If you see me online, I can probably answer any technical question you have a about runescape feature.







Alternate Healing Methods (as opposed to food)




This guide is unfinished. It still needs pictures, more information, etc. Anyways, here it is. I doubt I'll finish it.




Alternate Healing Methods






You have to be rich to own this, but it does offer a good method of healing. I've seen people use a whip and shield with this, then switch off to the spear in order to heal.






Blood Blitz/Burst/Barrage.


You have to have a good income for this one, or at least be making lots of money off of it, because blood runes aren't cheap!






Incorporating Bones to Peaches into training.




Bones to peaches is a spell that can let you train for ever in one place (well, at least until you run out of runes).




There are three applications of this spell; camping, gathering, and alternating.




Camping refers to staying in one location for as long as your runes last. Creatures that allow you to camp are dust devils and bandits.




Creatures you gather from are easy things which drop bones. Ususally, you gather when the creature you want to kill drops no bones. Creatures you can gather on are basilisks, infernal mages, and basilisks. Sometimes, there are bone respawns (karmaja lessers), so you don't have to kill easy creatures for them.




Alternating is just to keep you from getting bored. Instead of ranging the whole time, collect some bones to use as food so that you can melee. Creatures you can alternate on are hellhounds.









The first application of this is camping at the Dustdevils. You simply pick up the bones and turn them to peaches. Bring a chisel to cut any unwanted gems (usually, sapphires and emeralds) I leave herbs on the ground, and sometimes drop peaches for ugthanki kebabs. Since you never have to leave, your chance of getting a dragon chainmail is increased. Sometimes, if I have a food surplus, I kill the fire giants there. Their regular drops are better and they drop big bones, which don't convert.






The second use of this spell is for killing bloodvelds and infernal mages. Since they use magic-based melee, they're tough to face, so bomes to peaches helps a great deal, especially on the mages.






At a high enough defense level, basilisks don't hit very often. Also, there are usually a lot of people at the basilisks, which makes it very easy for you to get their bones. Basilisks make it easier for you to keep killing jellies, continue killing turoths, or whatever you're fighting.






Sometimes, I find that I still have too much food, even though I'm using some of the peaches to heal myself, so what I'll do is kill some aberrant specters on a crowded world, then pick up someone's unwanted bones from the bloodveld room, convert them, and keep fighting the specters. I reccomend that you id the herbs, but only keep the seeds






Ranging hellhounds can get pretty boring, so take a weapon and some rune with you, and don't forget runes for bones to peaches! Pick up every bone you find, convert them, and use that food to melee.






Note: I hate the bandit camp in the desert and afking seems very lame. However, you can still use this spell here, to prolong your afking.






These are really tough daggonoths! Nothing like the lighthouse ones. You need food for these, but you usually run out quickly. Any extra bit of food you can get helps.











This guide could probably go with the one above since it deals with health. Most people just use lobbies, but I say lobbies are for NOOBS!






Renn's menu


the renn man




The food in my bank is arranged in order of how much it heals.




By the way, NOTHING is for sale!








Tuna Potato heals 22 in one bite, and you can see that I have 229 butter and 118 buttered, baked potatoes ready to go. All I need is some sweetcorn and I can make some more. I reccomend Tuna Potato to everyone who buys sharks, because it's cheap, effective food and it gives a lot of xp.




Next, I have Pineapple Pizza, and you can see that I have over 300 each of tomato and cheese ready, not to mention over 100 pineapple. I just need pizza bases :(. Pineapple pizzas heal 11 per bite, and have 2 bites. That makes 22 health per pizza, which is awesome for training when you fight high-level creatures like dragons. Imagine having 2 inventories of lobbies instead of 1




Using Admiral Pies, I fished and cooked my own sharks. Sharks are good for pking, and everyone knows that. I fish swordfish and tuna for experience, then cook them and use them for training and pking. Swordfish heal 14, tuna heals 10 or 11.




Chocolate Cakes aren't very good, and I don't reccomend making them, but they heal 15 so I kept them for thieving and agility.




Bottles of wine are new- they heal 14 and reduce attack by 3, so they're good when you're doing agility, thieving, or killing creatures with magic and range. Heck, I'd even take a few bottles of wine with me instead of swordfish when I'm training! 3 attack is not much to have reduced, so it's not a bad drawback. The same thing goes for jugs of wine, which I made at the Culinaromancer's Chest. A jug of wine heals 11 and reduces attack by 2.




Sardines are for my cat




That harpoon is there because that's where I keep my harpoon




Gin and Vodka because I'm a party animal :P













Logging out in the respawn room


Many people know that when you log out in the respawn room, the game thinks that there are now less people on your team, so it lets more in. This is a good way of letting your friends in, or at least more players, but remember to WATCH THE CLOCK! You don't want to log out, log back in, and find that you have to wait 25 minutes until the next game!




False Leaving


Now that you've mastered the art of logging out, try this one: To get rid of plenty of low levels, especially if you've got a nice combat level yourself, say "screw this, i'm leaving!" and run to the portal, but don't exit: log out. It looks like you've left, so it might be convincing. If you get your friends to do this too, there could be a mass-dissention, which opens space for your friends who are trying to get in!




Asgarnian Banner


If you're on zamorak, you can go to the saradomin base, put on your asgarnian flag, take off your shield, and try to escape the castle. If they fall for it, it could be a good distraction for the REAL theft of that flag.




Wielding a bow as an imp, bunny, or sheep


In the respawn room, there's a cool little glitch you can uncover. When you wield a crossbow or bow, or have a spell set to auto-cast, and enter the waiting room with some piece of god armor, you become a sheep or some such animal. However, you can still use the same attacks, so try it on a barricade as a sheep.




Standing on a barricade


If you set up a barricade where you stand, you'll still be standing on it. Enemies can get really confused if they all-of a sudden can't move. Their first thought is that they've been bound or iced, but when they notice that no such thing has happened, that's when they notice they've been had. By that time, whatever you need to have done is done, and they still have to destroy a barricade to get by. If you've done this at the rocks underground, they've probably been blasted already.




Strategic placement of barricades


The principle of barricades is: Use as few barricades as you can to get as big of an effect possible. Sometimes, it's best to hold the enemies on the three top floors of the castle for as long as possible to inflict as much damage as your team can. The best places for these barricades are at the top and bottom of the middle flight of stairs, to keep them by your respawn room, and at the bottom of the top stairs. If the enemy is escaping with the flag, put some barricades by that crate outside the respawn room, then some by the ladder and stairs.




If you're escaping the opposite team, put one in such a place that they'll have to go a long distance to get around it or have to destroy to pass. If you escape along the rocks, put one where you cross the river. They'll have to destroy it to get passed, and by then, you'll be long gone.






Bombing is "fun". Basically, you sit around underground and wait for somebody to try to get passed the rocks. Just as they are in, you collapse it with an explosive potion and they get killed in one hit. This is especially effective if you stand on a barricade. Bring a rune pick to reopen your trap. Back when the "scared" emote came out, you could click an area, use the emote, and collapse the rocks. The effect would be that the enemies, who are following you, would all end up in the danger zone and get killed. It was pretty amazing to watch, especially from a guy who was holding the flag :P




Faking them out at the stairs


If you've got the flag and you're trying to escape, try this trick. When you get to the level at the respawn room, go down the stairs, wait one second, come back up, and go down the ladder instead. This can buy you a few seconds, the time you need to get away. If you're still being followed, set up a barricade along that corridor and another in the alley that leads from the ground area inside the castle to the tool room. No enemies will get through for a few seconds guaranteed. Escape down the tunnels or even out the front gate.




Effective Catapulting


Catapults are useless eh? Well not if you use them right! Grab 5 or 6 barricades and a friend with ancient magicks. Set up the barricades so that you block the enemies from passing through the prime catapulting area, which is 0-0 on the catapult interface. If you've got a lot of low-leveled players on your team, this gives them something effective to do.




Carpe Diem & Grab the flag


If you've got ancient magicks or a friend that does, then the best thing you can do is wait just outside your castle. If the first enemy gets away with the flag, they're probably going to try to escape that way, so all you need to do is freeze them and take it... and manage to hold it for the rest of the game!




Holding the Flag


Holding your own flag for a long time is difficult to do in a tough game. You need to use a lot of tricks, like hiding in the tunnels, collapsing, effective barricading, obstacle-hugging, and knowing what the enemy is thinking. First of all, try to hide away somewhere where there aren't too many people, or where there's a high concentration of your team. Oh yah, you can't hide inside your castle. You can hide slightly inside your gates, the side door, and on your walls. If you get any closer to your castle, you lose that flag. Be aware that once you're on your walls with the flag, the flag is not going anywhere else. And your enemies will bring ropes.




Try to hug as many obstacles as you can. The bridge is great for this- trap them on either side of it at the ends of it and set up a barricade so they'll have to go around. You can run into the sheltered areas of the center area and run back out to lose enemies there, or you can run around to the back side of the trapdoors at the center area.




Another nice little trick is hiding at your front gate, just inside the door. The enemies can't open the gate, so they'll have to go around. By the time they get there, you'll be gone. If they bust down the door, you can use a toolbox on it and just start all over again, or you can run passed them and lose them on the spears just outside your castle.




You'll have to use your enemies' equipment room if you want to get stuff. Keep that in mind when you're holding the flag. If you're about to die, run for your castle or the river rocks, whichever is closer. If it's possible to give away your flag, make sure you give it to a strong player on your team before you die.




Flag Recapturing


If the enemy gets the flag, you'll need to find a way of getting it. You will have three things you need to do:


1: Locate their flag


2: Get rid of their guards and tell your team about it.


3: kill the guy and take the flag.


It's easy to find their flag. The best way of getting rid of the guards is putting up a barricade. For example, the flag-bearer might escape along the river rocks. The guards will follow, so when the flag-bearer escapes to the other side, set up a barricade to keep the guards back. Bringing runes to cast Entangle are recommended, because you'll need all the time you can get.


Killing the guy is the hardest part. Often, the team chooses their best player to hold on to the flag, so you'll have to deal with their tactics. Use barricades very effectively in this situation. Don't fall for tricks like getting trapped inside enemy gates or getting bombed- know what your opponent is thinking to counter it.




Choose your own adventure


Yes, I know people are sometimes morons. Yes, I know that some level 20 thinks it's funny to sabotage his own team, and yes I know that people DO fill the entire top level with barricades because they think it's effective. Just remember that it's a minigame within runescape, which is also a game. If your team is being collectively moronic, and you're losing because of it, you can leave. Don't get stressed at your team because they're being silly-heads! Choose your own adventure, as they are choosing theirs. They can learn what's effective by watching you play castlewars if they choose to.











daggonoth kings tactics


the renn man




I haven't read this guide in a while, so it may be outdated. I'm posting it so that I can link to it. Please read it if you have time. Keep in mind that I wrote half of it the first week the feature came out. People were there every day and you didn't have to worry about having friends down there- it was just some crazy jumble of people going down there and losing their stuff :P





There are three daggonoth Kings, all level 303 in a multicombat area.




Daggonoth Prime uses a magic spell that hits most players in front of it. I've been hit over 40 by this guy, so prayer pots are a MUST. Hits in the 40's




Daggonoth Rex uses a melee attack only and hits multiple players around it at once. Hits in the 40's




Daggonoth Supreme uses a range attack that hits many players at once as well. Hits up to 30




There are also some level 40-ish creatures around the side that use water strike on you and another that shoots a daggonoth-needle at you. The daggonoth needle (range) super poisons you. To avoid the magic and the needle, stay on the inside of the group of people.




All of the mages and rangers will hang out on the outside edge, around where the rex is. This is because they are almost completely protected from missiles.






Respawn Points; red = rex, blue = prime, green = supreme




When there is a wait, it's best to hang out around where they are with no protection prayer up. As soon as you see a daggonoth appear, throw your protection up and fight it.




The easiest way to beat them is one at a time, for two reasons. One: everyone is focused on one daggonoth king, and two: you don't get your butt kicked by 2 kings attacking you and only having 1 prayer up.




If you have any Kalphite Queen eperience, as I surely don't, you will know that if you form a ring around it, it will spin around and not attack as often. This is certainly true for these beasts as well!




Many players bring cannons down to the pits, which is awesome range xp (creatures with high hp) and it annihilates the annoying ranging sea creatures on the outside as well as hitting high on the kings. If you bring a cannon, make sure you don't die and lose your balls. Also, cannon parts protect over a whip.




Players new to the daggonoth kings will need only 2 prayer pots, 1 anti, and good food. If you are as experienced as I, bring 2 baskets of strawberries for the rest spots, and 6 prayer pots, 2 antis at least. Oh yeah, teles. Teles come in verrry handy! If you don't bring teles, you have to save food and prayer pots for the way back!




It is reccomended by the almighty packers ammy that you three-piece the kings. White boots, Initiate armor (legs and helm), mirror shield, dragonhide body, good weapon. I went down there to loot, which is what most people did including packers! Everyone ended up getting their butts kicked though.




edit: that's what it was like when it first came out and everyone was getting killed right off the bat









THIS is what to bring on your first few trips.






Here is the mage/range style for your first few trips.






Here's the strategy...




It's a long trip and it can take a large toll on your food supply by the time you get to the kings that you end up with half the food you started with, when you should still be full! So because of that, you should always use prayer when you're in contact with monsters down there. Every little bit adds up.




Tip: Teamwork is VERY important down here!




The first part of the journey gives us 3 paths we can take. We'll go through the rock crabs because they don't own you completely. It's the path on the left. We'll need someone with a longrange attack to go a different way in order to destroy the barricade so that we can all get inside.




Now go UP the ladder- You'll be on top of waterbirth island- it's a safe spot where you can wait for everybody and hear the game plan.




The next leg of the journey is down the ladders. Put on protect from magic because there are 4 aggressive wallasalkis in multicombat that will own you instantly if you don't. Rush down the ladder, and run until you find the rock crabs where you can take a break.




So by now it's a confusing place eh? Well don't worry- on your fifth trip you'll memorize the place. You'll probably even want to train there to get the 'new' fremmenink equipment.




When ever you see boulders that turn into giant rock crabs, you can take a rest break. Rest breaks are important because run energy is critical in the final leg of the trip.




Warning! More wallasalkis until you get to the second rock crabs!




After the second pit of rock crabs, the sequence is range, range, melee, then rock crabs, which you can rest at.




Ok, when you see the long path with rock lobsters, you'd better be ready to fight the kings because you're running from the top of the hill all the way to the ladder.




Tip: Don't run ahead but don't wait up- Just keep going until the next rest spot.




When you get halfway down the rock lobsters trail, turn on protection from magic. That's because there's wallasalkis about. When you get closer to the ladder, keep protection from magic on because the wallasalkis blast you, the daggonoths meleee you, and, the ranging daggonoths also are hitting you. Everything is near the ladder. Just rush past, eat a fish, and go down the ladder with protect magic on.




Tip: Use prayer in excess and watch your prayer like a hawk. Turn on the protect item prayer at the kings.




The first king you should attack is the ranging one, because it doesn't hurt as strongly. Go around to the side where the rex can't hit you and pile the Daggonoth Supreme (range). It's the green one. The next one will be the Daggonoth Rex (melee, white-orange). Drink a super set (or whatever you have on you), Keep your protect from magic on and drink a dose of prayer potion if you have to.




Tip: Pile them ONE AT A TIME!




~The Importance of Teamwork~


Once we get down to one at a time we can stop using food and rely only on prayer potions. It's VERY important that we are all piling one at a time. You can get your chance at a kill later, when we are in control of the kings. You will in fact get more kills when we're in contol.







solo-ing the rex


The trick is to run to the far east side, where you can't be attacked. Then, you can lure the daggonoth rex along the outer edge and use magic to kill it while you're not under attack from any other kd.



















The OTHER king dagannoths guide. I'm just copy/pasting here, so I don't remember which is better. Maybe it's just a repeat of the first one.







Getting There


When we get to the first ladder, which is after the barricades, there will be a series of rooms.


1: Pray magic


2: Pray range


3: Rest stop (first rock crabs)


4: pray range


5-7: Pray magic until you get to the next rest spot


8: Rest stop (second rock crabs)


9: pray range


10: pray range


11: pray melee


12: Rest stop (rock lobsters)


When we get to the bottom of the rock lobsters' path, pray magic and keep praying.


13: King Daggonnoths- pray magic







Our Official Strategy


The mage must run down the path first, praying mage, and potting up. The mage ignores the dagannoth prime and supreme, and goes directly to the mage's corner, where the mage is typically safe. The mage starts killing the rex, while the rangers come down the ladder, praying mage and killing the supreme.


When the rangers are running to the kd pit, they must take a dose of super defense, super attack, super strength, range potion, super antipoison, and prayer potion if required, and put on protect from magic. They equip a dragon dagger before entering, and spec the Daggonoth Supreme (who ranges) when you they in there. If everyone specs it, then it dies quite fast.


By this time, people who haven't used an antipoison already have probably been poisoned by the spinylops on the outside of the pit. It's advisable to use a dose of antipoison at this time.


After the supreme is dead and the daggonnoth rex is distracted to the south, the rangers can now take out the Daggonnoth Prime, which is the mage. Keeping protect from magic up, they must run to the ranger's corner and kill the daggonnoth prime.




Eventually, the daggonnoth supreme will pop back up, but if you're in that ranger's corner, you'll never have to worry about it and it will never come over. However, you might want to kill it once in a while, so kill it with the dragon daggers right after the prime is dead and the rex is fresh.




Class-Specific Strategy


For the entire trip, the mage stays in the mage's corner with protect from magic up to protect from the spinylops. The barrows armor and crystal shield will protect from the range attacks, so the mage won't take much damage. If the mage brings sara brews, he/she should drink a dose before drinking a dose of super restore potion. The recommended proportion of sara brew to super restore you should always have is 1 to 2, because prayer goes down faster than health.




Rangers can periodically kill the supreme with daggers, but ONLY when the rex is fresh, and ONLY when the prime has just died. Usually, they wait until they have a full special bar.




Dealing with Spinylops


As I see it, there are a few ways of dealing with spinlyops, the annoying creatures around the rim of the pit. You could kill the close ones with the dagger while waiting, and you could kill the far ones with range. If you bring a crystal bow and are afraid of wasting shots, then take a magic bow and some junk arrows. Spinlyops really drain health. I find that they ususally run and hide halfway through killing them. As long as you're shooting at them, their friends won't prey on you.




Another option is a cannon, although it is very risky. If one person brings a cannon, everyone needs a cannon, because dealing with the supreme all the time is rather difficult.






The squares are the kings, the dots are the players. Red means melee, blue is magic, and green is range.




Mages: Must use ice magic or slayer dart. Any powerful spell will do, actually. I reccomend 500 deaths, 2500 minds, and a defense potion per trip.




Rangers: Must use a powerful ranging weapon like a crystal bow or addy arrows or better. I reccomend range pots and defense pots. Bring a dragon dagger for when you must kill the supreme. (35km10's idea)







The Gear




The reason we wear such silly gear is because we are fighting against the monsters' weaknesses. The attack bonuses of your weapons are irrelevant because you will almost always hit. Rangers will almost always hit the prime and mages will almost always hit the rex. A dragon dagger is good enough against the supreme because you're taking advantage of its' weakness.




Mages: Wear barrows armor and a shield with high range defense. Use a powerful spell such as slayer dart. A good setup looks like:






Fouadamahouda's mage gear:






Rangers: Wear barrows armor and a strong bow with high range defense. It's damage that counts, so bring good arrows (or crystal bow)











I suppose rangers might be able to use a cannon down there to kill the daggonnoths faster and to get rid of the spinylops. However, the cannon must not touch the daggonnoth rex, or you may find that the rex finds you suddenly more interesting than the mage who's supposed to be fighting it. The cannon also has a knack of attracting the daggonnoth supreme, whom you also don't want to fight. In light of this, I think the cannon is best used when there are TONS of people down there or when you are using a different strategy.




There is a way of killing the king daggonnoths that does not involve engaging them. Three or more people with guthans armor go down to the pit and set up three cannons. As the cannons are firing, the warriors go upstairs and fight rock lobsters or whatever. Guthan allows them to heal most of the damage inflicted upon them so they can last longer. When they have to put more cannonballs in, they go as a group (remembering which cannon is theirs) and pick up the loot.




What to pick up


Well, I would reccommend getting a good supply of dagannoth hides to start off with, just in case you need them one day, and then start collecting the bones. Dagannoth bones give about 135xp, which is godly compared to dragon bones. Leave mithril and steel items on the floor, the same with runes, darts, etc. Take all talismans you can get, because they are used in rune binding.




Rune binding is excellent xp, better xp than laws, especially when you are using air talismans at the fire temple. Lava runes done at the fire temple is the fastest xp when you use duelling rings, but nobody will buy lavas. So far, I have about 350 earth talismans, 140 water talismans, and 80 air talismans, which can make about 10k mud runes and 2000 smoke runes, and over 100k experience for runecrafting.




Anyways, pick up the good fremmenik gear, but leave items on the ground like "fremmenik sword", "fremmenik shield", and "fremmenik helm".




Yeah, you're down there for the rare items all-right! So pick up the Dragon Axes, Mud Battlestaves, Seerculls, Berzerker Rings, Warrior Rings, Seer's Rings, and Archer's Rings. We always share such drops between whomever is at the pit when the drop occured.




other guides


Tony007 is the "god" at king daggonoths. this guide is highly recommended




Here's my guide. Keep in mind that I made half of it the week the feature came out.




Here are some vids by deadlyone18:


Some Ownage - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VU1tRwPUSAM...rch=Deadlyone18


Way to get to the KDs - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QU68PN_4Ak...rch=Deadlyone18















One of my first guides :3> ... I was still an f2p player, level 89 I think.




red spiders


the renn man




Training in the sewers of varrock dungeon is an excellent spot, especially on the spiders there. The spiders take up only one panel so you won't be walking around it like when you kill moss giants.




If you are around 85 to 90 combat, you can kill the level 34 giant red spiders without food. They have no drops, which is good though, because you want xp!




It is highly reccomended by me (who once spent more than 12 hours down there in one sitting) that you bring a scimitar, half an inventory if strength potions, and 4 anchovy pizzas. You want to be light, which is why I don't reccomend too much food. Healing will come in later. Take your best armor and some runes for casting spells weaken.




The creatures you really want to kill are the levle 34s. attack every one in sight and don't be afraid to move out of the area.




When you run out of Run energy, use weaken on spiders that are far off, then attack a close one.




When your HP drops below half, go to the giant spiders (level 27 and level 5) and train defense. You should notice a gradual rise in your health. Don't eat any food! Food is for emergencies and recovering when your only other option is to leave.




To recap, the supplies you need are...


Full Rune with scimitar, half an inventory of strength potions, 4 anchovy pizzas (these are better than when I used them), Runes for teleporting to Varrock, and runes for casting Weaken.




You can gain 10k xp in 10 to 15 minutes (info from battleman) with tihs strategy.




Members can kill Cockatrices, which have drops, though only white mystic boots, herbs, and natures are worth picking up.




Some people fish and drop the fish! some people cut logs and burn them! Some people mine and drop their ores! These people do this for faster xp because they don't care about items! This is what you are going for.




Good Luck Training











The reason this guide is unfinished is because it would be very massive and because I was p2p at the time and didn't care for f2p anymore. Perhaps now that my membership will expire, I shall work on it.




f2p training


the renn man




The following monsters need to be done. Please submit any that are not on here but a level 80+ would train on in f2p.




Greater Demons (include possible drops)


Wilderness training spots


"Secret" f2p spots


Giant skeles (up to level 90)





Black Knights


The best place to train on black knights is in the black knights' fortress. Since there is a prayer temple on the second floor, you can train with all of your prayers on! There are 2 ways of doing this: The first way uses monks' robes, holy amulet, and the other equipment, and requires protect melee, but the second way uses your normal rune armor with all of the combat prayers on. If you need to heal, turn on rapid restore and protect melee for a bit. The nice thing is that you can always pray when a random event pops in. Also, since you need 2 pieces of armor to enter, this training spot is almost always deserted on every world. This is a secret f2p training spot. I wish I'd have discovered this when I was a sexi beast. Their drops aren't that great but they drop some black items and it is rumored that they drop the fabled black scimitar.




I love the Black Knight Fortress training spot


The only drawback is that you have to make a bronze medium helm and an iron chainbody to get in....




Best Spot:hawtspot6iu.jpg




Located on the second floor. Log into a populated world so those two black knights respawn faster and once you kill one, kill the other and by the time you kill the second one, another one will already respawn + It's right next door to the Altar :hah:




Mages can also train here, because they are armored so you hit more often. However, the best place to train magic is at the lessers (at level 14+) and at the white knights.




The other place to train on black knights is in the wilderness, where they are quite aggressive. You train by the lava maze and nobody ever really goes there in f2p so you're pretty safe except from pkers who are learning the ways of the wild (but you can escape them anyways). Another place where black knights are in f2p is at level 1 wilderness and at level 30-ish wild, but those spots are on pking paths in the wild so even though there's a fence at both of those spots, it isn't a great place for training magic because of the routes.




Submitted by: The Renn Man





Deadly Red Spiders





Training in the sewers of varrock dungeon is an excellent spot, especially on the spiders there. The spiders take up only one panel so you won't be walking around it like when you kill moss giants.




If you are around 85 to 90 combat, you can kill the level 34 giant red spiders without food. They have no drops, which is good though, because you want xp!




It is highly reccomended by me (who once spent more than 12 hours down there in one sitting) that you bring a scimitar, half an inventory if strength potions, and 4 anchovy pizzas. You want to be light, which is why I don't reccomend too much food. Healing will come in later. Take your best armor and some runes for casting spells weaken.




The creatures you really want to kill are the levle 34s. attack every one in sight and don't be afraid to move out of the area.




When you run out of Run energy, use weaken on spiders that are far off, then attack a close one.




When your HP drops below half, go to the giant spiders (level 27 and level 5) and train defense. You should notice a gradual rise in your health. Don't eat any food! Food is for emergencies and recovering when your only other option is to leave.




To recap, the supplies you need are...


Full Rune with scimitar, half an inventory of strength potions, 4 anchovy pizzas (these are better than when I used them), Runes for teleporting to Varrock, and runes for casting Weaken.




You can gain 10k xp in 10 to 15 minutes (info from battleman) with tihs strategy.




Members can kill Cockatrices, which have drops, though only white mystic boots, herbs, and natures are worth picking up.




Some people fish and drop the fish! some people cut logs and burn them! Some people mine and drop their ores! These people do this for faster xp because they don't care about items! This is what you are going for.




Good Luck Training




Another red spider training ground is in the deep wilderness, at the ruins with the forge. If you bring runes for high alchemy, you can earn a small fortune while training if you pick up the steel platelegs that respawn there. There is also a gold ore that respawns there, so you can leave with an inventory of gold bars, money, and the remaining runes. The fences provide excellent cover for rangers and it is single zone so you don't have to worry too much about pkers.















Hobgoblins are the second-best creatures for limpwurt roots. They are, however, the best provider in the free world. The best training spot for semi-afking is at the hobo mine in the wilderness, where they are aggressive. It's good to train here if you can mine addy, because it helps pass the time I guess. Limpwurts can be sold to members for 200 to 500 gc each, or made into strength potions (4) at the apothecary in varrock for 1 limp, 1 red spider's egg, and 5gc. The other spots are in the varrock/edgeville sewers and at the hobgoblin peninsula by the crafting guild. There is bad cover at these spots, so melee is reccomended. You probably won't have to use any food.









Moss Giants


Mossies are wicked for training on. The spots down in the varrock sewers, however, are terrible because they are so crowded, so the other alternatives are in the wilderness (not as dangerous as you might think) and on crandor. Crandor is a wicked training ground in the free world because it is so deserted. There are three moss giant spawns there, near some adamantite ores in single zone.




Moss giants drop big bones, which you should bury, and they frequently drop nature runes in spawns of 6 or 8. With a fire staff, you can cast high alchemy on the black squares, steel items, and mithril swords that they drop. Taking all gems, you can earn about 20k with 30+ nature runes at the end of the trip.













Ice Giants


Icies are found in 2 spots in free world; The deepest wilderness and the ice cavern on Thurgo's Peninsula. The best place is in the wilderness, where you can acquire thousands of cosmics and water runes from their respawn points located right in the grounds. Rarely seeing any pkers, you can train all day, taking advantage of the altar that is south of the pit if you need to. Ice giants drop the coveted Black Kiteshield, as well as iron legs and steel 2h swords. I believe they drop mithril swords too, but most of those are good for alchemy. Ice giants drop an excellent cache of runes as well.




The training pit under thurgo's peninsula requires that you get used to killing ice warriors first. It can get annoying when you want to kill ice giants instead, but the benefits are that you can make pizzas easily in port sarim and that you can't get pked.




Here's how you can range ice giants in members' world







Lesser Demons


Lesser demons are well-known in the free world for dropping rune meds, which is the only rune drop a lazy player can get. Lessers are most commonly hunted under karmaja and on crandor, in three different pits. The first pit is filled with fire runes and is where new players hang out. It is the ideal place for rangers and mages because of the excellent cover. The second and third pits can only be accessed after progressing a certain distance through the Dragon Slayer quest. the second pit is by the stone door, and is generally accepted as the melee spot. The third pit is on Crandor's vistas, where two lessers roam. There is good cover here and it is usually deserted. As the new players leave to fish or come back from fishing, it's a good spot to consider if your pit gets filled up.




There are two lesser pits in free-world wilderness. The first pit is south of the lava pit, south of the greaters. It's a horrible spot because of pkers, and it's in multi.




There is a pit in the wilderness worth considering, however. Inside the lava maze (which is pretty dangerous to be in if you get noticed), there are two lesser demons at the muddy key chest. Near there are steel platebodies, a spawn of 15 body runes, an earth staff, and a gold necklace. Pkers almost never go to the lava maze to pk, but it's very close to a pking route so stay out of sight. You can get pretty rich there I suppose, with enough nature runes. The lessers can be ranged from behind a fence, so you can train there all day.




Lesser demons are famous for their Rune Med Helm drops, as well as mithril square shields and mithril chains, all good for alchemy. Steel scimitars and axes are a waste of nats, and steel larges are borderline. They drop a nice amount of coins and 30 or 60 fires per drop.




I killed lessers since I was a sexi beast level 40, and I recently learned what a fool I was when I went back to the pit and owned more than 100 of them in one trip.







Training in the Lava Maze


The Lava Maze is [bleep]ing awesome for training! You can range/mage lessers from a fence, then go in and pick up 15 bodies, an earth staff, and a steel plate, which all respawn there for alching. It's THE BEST place for killing lessers in f2p and p2p! Not only that, but in members' world you can fight greaters and black demons in the center of the maze.




There are also hill giants there for all 3 combat classes, and some king scorps and black knights, which can be used for training. The lessers are the best though.











This was done in an hour the day that the quest came out.




To use the fairy rings, you have to be wielding a Dramen Staff. There is one main fairy ring in Zanaris, which directs to the other fairy rings, and all other fairy rings go back to the main ring in Zanaris. Equip your Dramen Staff and click on the main fairy ring. You'll be prompted to enter a code. Entering a code will take you to a location, or it won't work at all, in which case you move a few squares away. There are a few useful locations, but most are useless.




All Locations


CIP: Takes you to etceteria


BIP: 5 degrees, 11 minutes North, 30 degrees, 16 minutes East: An island on the Salve


AIQ: An extension of Thurgo's Peninsula: 1 degree, 30 minutes south, 17 degrees, 18 minutes East. There is a Bait/Lure fishing spot, a broken fishing rod, and a forlorn boot.


DIS: Just south of the Wizard's Tower


DIR: Goraks (lvl 145)


DLS: A cave south of the Myreque Hideout. It doesn't go anywhere.


DLR: An island in the Poison Waste. 1 degree, 58 minutes South, 7 degrees, 7 minutes West


DKP: The Karambwan fishing spot east of the Harpie Bug Swarms on the Tai Bwo Wannai continent.


DKR: East of the river east of edgeville, just south of the Canoe Station and the bridge


DJP: The Necromancer's peninsula


DJR: The intersection of two rivers, south of Rellekka and North of Camelot. 13 degrees, 18 minutes North, 7 degrees, 18 minutes East


CIQ: South of the Gnome Tree Stronghold. 1 degree, 5 minutes South, 2 degrees, 46 minutes East


CLP: An Island southwest of a land mass... 1 degree, 24 minutes North, 20 degrees, 1 minute East


CLS: The old gnome Hazelmere's house East of Yanille.


CKP: Star Flowers


CKS: bittercap Mushroom patch west of Canifis


CKR: Karambwanji fishing spot


CJR: Near some Maples, West of the Sinclair Mansion, North of Camelot


BIS: The Unicorn patch in Ardounge Zoo


BIQ: The desert just southeast of the Kalphite Lair. 2 degrees, 3 minutes South, 25 degrees, 20 minutes East.


BLP: Tzhaar Area southwest of the forge


BLR: Just east of the Legends' Guild (north of a yew patch)


BKP: South of Castlewars, the peninsula where the teak tree is. 3 degrees, 56 minutes South, 1 degree, 45 minutes West


BKR: The Swamp with the ghasts where you collect Mort Myre Fungi: 8 degrees, 26 minutes North, 32 degrees, 9 minutes East


BKQ: Another plane- it has centaurs and dryads, which you can talk to, and rabbits (lvl 1) and stags (lvl 15). It's worth checking out.


AIR: A desert Island. 2 degrees, 43 minutes North and 8 degrees, 7 minutes East


ALS: McGrubor's Woods, where you collect Dwellberries and Red Worms


ALR: An abyssal plane which hosts Abyssal demons, Leeches, walkers, and guardians in a single combat zone.


AKS: Feldip Hills: 6 degrees, 25 minutes South and 4 degrees, 5 minutes East.


AJS: The Penguin island north of Etceteria


AJR: Within sight of to the Slayer Cave east of Rellekka and the Golden Apple Tree




Useful Locations


CIP: Takes you to etceteria


DIS: Just south of the Wizard's Tower


DIR: Goraks (lvl 145)


DKP: The Karambwan fishing spot east of the Harpie Bug Swarms on the Tai Bwo Wannai continent.


DKR: East of the river east of edgeville, just south of the Canoe Station and the bridge


DJP: The Necromancer's peninsula


CIQ: South of the Gnome Tree Stronghold. 1 degree, 5 minutes South, 2 degrees, 46 minutes East


CKP: Star Flowers


CKS: bittercap Mushroom patch west of Canifis


CKR: Karambwanji fishing spot


CJR: Near some Maples, West of the Sinclair Mansion, North of Camelot


BIS: The Unicorn patch in Ardounge Zoo


BIQ: The desert just southeast of the Kalphite Lair. 2 degrees, 3 minutes South, 25 degrees, 20 minutes East.


BLP: Tzhaar Area southwest of the forge


BLR: Just east of the Legends' Guild (north of a yew patch)


BKP: South of Castlewars, the peninsula where the teak tree is. 3 degrees, 56 minutes South, 1 degree, 45 minutes West


BKR: The Swamp with the ghasts where you collect Mort Myre Fungi: 8 degrees, 26 minutes North, 32 degrees, 9 minutes East


ALR: An abyssal plane which hosts Abyssal demons, Leeches, walkers, and guardians in a single combat zone.


AKS: Feldip Hills: 6 degrees, 25 minutes South and 4 degrees, 5 minutes East. Right by the gnome glider of those hills!


AJR: Within sight of to the Slayer Cave east of Rellekka and the Golden Apple Tree




Desert Islands and Interesting-but-Useless Locations


BIP: 5 degrees, 11 minutes North, 30 degrees, 16 minutes East: An island on the Salve


AIQ: An extension of Thurgo's Peninsula: 1 degree, 30 minutes south, 17 degrees, 18 minutes East. There is a Bait/Lure fishing spot, a broken fishing rod, and a forlorn boot.


DLS: A cave south of the Myreque Hideout. It doesn't go anywhere.


DLR: An island in the Poison Waste. 1 degree, 58 minutes South, 7 degrees, 7 minutes West


DJR: The intersection of two rivers, south of Rellekka and North of Camelot. 13 degrees, 18 minutes North, 7 degrees, 18 minutes East


CLP: An Island southwest of a land mass... 1 degree, 24 minutes North, 20 degrees, 1 minute East


BKQ: Another plane- it has centaurs and dryads, which you can talk to, and rabbits (lvl 1) and stags (lvl 15). It's worth checking out.


AIR: A desert Island. 2 degrees, 43 minutes North and 8 degrees, 7 minutes East


ALS: McGrubor's Woods, where you collect Dwellberries and Red Worms


AJS: The Penguin island north of Etceteria






During the quest A Fairy Tale Part 2, You are asked to make a potion to heal the queen. This special potion is called Magic Essence, and it comes in 3-4 doses like any other potion. It gives +3 magic, which is the same as a Wizards' Mind Bomb but with no drawbacks and it has more doses. A regular magic potion gives +4, so if you can't afford those or can't make them (like me), get plenty of Gorak Claws (DIR) and Star Flowers (CKP) to make the potions.




Fishing Karambwans has been a drag since there is no close bank and you have to catch some stupid fish as bait. Well, these fairy rings are meant to get you to start catching more karambwans! Note that Karambwans heal 17 or 18. The code for the Karambwanji (bait) is CKR and the code for the Karambwan fishing spot is DKP. The closest bank is at DKR, which is a fairy ring that takes you close to edgeville.




Farmers will find these fairy rings very useful! Remember that the Mushroom Patch is located at CKS.




Slayers will want to check out a shortcut to the Slayer Cave (AJR) and a new place for Abyssal Demons (ALS). Remember that the closest bank is Edgeville (DKR)






From Edgeville: Use the canoes to get to the berry patch at champ's guild.


Go back up to edgeville on a canoe and enter the fairy ring network.


CKS to go to the mushroom patch.


BLR to go east of the Legends' guild. Go west to the herb & flower patches.


AKS to go to the gliders


Gliders to al kharid to check, pick, and replant the cactus.


Gliders to the White Wolf Mountain. Go south to the fruit tree & pick.


Bank, then pick herbs and flowers at the allotment, then bank again.


Ecto to the port phas. herb plot & flower plot.


Glory to draynor and go northwest to the last allotment.




From Ardounge area: Check the ardounge patches first, then go east beyond the legends' guild to the fairy ring. Skip the part with the jangerberries unless you need them. DKR to get to edgeville if you want them.











Training with both prayer and potions. Funny how nobody really trains this way even nowadays. Really fast xp.




the renn man


fast xp via prayer training




Often, when you go out to train your combat, you never use your prayers, so if you're really after fast xp, then you want to use this untapped resource. Train near an altar.




I reccommend this for EVERYBODY who is interested in fast xp. If you don't have dharocks, this is the method for you!




When you are training using prayer, you will be using the best strength and attack prayers, and MAYBE a defense prayer or protection prayer.




You should use any equipment you can to prolong your prayer, because it means you will be praying at the altar less and killing monsters more. I recommend gloves from the Recipe for Disaster quest, Initiate armor, White Boots, Ring of Wealth, a Zamorak prayerbook, and an Unholy Symbol or a Glory (depends if you need more/less prayer).




You don't need prayer potions. In fact, it is a waste.




You should bring attack and strength potions. Perhaps even a dragon battleaxe (with restore pot) to make full use of your special bar.




As I see it, there are THREE places to train using prayer:




1) The gorilla temple on ape atoll.


The gorilla temple is very dangerous! You can easily get cornered and run out of prayer, so bring an ectophial or an elf crystal, and it helps to be able to teleport there with the teleport spell gained from Recipe for Disaster. It's a favorite place to train using Dharocks, but any kind of armor/weapon can be used. Watch out for the level 1 spiders that poison you: their poison damage only increases.




2) The Black Knights west of the Monastery. (north of lassar)


This place is the ONLY F2P-able place, so I encourage all f2p-ers to use it! You need a bronze medium helm and an iron chainbody to enter the castle. On the second floor, there's an altar to pray at, and the knights are aggressive once you use the door.




3) Seers South of Burthorpe, north of the Witches' House.


This is a nice, balanced prayer-training spot. It's not common to see people training here, and it can only support one or two people, but the altar is in the center of it all, and the seers drop herbs, vials, and antipoisons. But it's not about drops! It's about XP! Seers are the easiest creatures to hit and are closest to a bank. Although they do use Snare on you sometimes you can use the Protect Magic prayer.















Here's my guide on making guides ;)




If you want to make a guide, whatever it is, you have to explain a few things...

  • [1] The Advantages
    Why are your methods so great? What are the advantages of what you're doing? What can you get?
    [2] The Obstacles
    What do you have to get passed during the activity? What are some of the dangers?
    [3] Special Considerations
    What special situations might occur?
    [4] Equipment (pic)
    What do you need to weild, and what needs to be in your inventory? What are the minimu stat requirements?
    [5] Beginning Inventory (pic)
    What do you start with?
    [6] Possible End Inventory (pic)
    What is produced? What is gained? You should have 3 ending inventories, maybe a middle one if you drop items.
    [7] Alternate Equipment Setup
    Can you use magic, melee, and range? How many methods are there of the activity?
    [8] Where to find what you need
    Where can you get those unknown or rare items you need? What's are the possible items you can replace it with? Where's the best place to get those ordinary items?
    [9] Where to find the monsters, items, or places
    [10] What the things look like
    take pics
    [11] What you think of your guide or strategy.
    What do you think of your guide? If it's the first write-up, you'll probably want to improve it.
    [12] Xp Gained
    How fast do you gain xp? How does it compare to other activities that raise that skill? Is this the best method?
    [13] Target Market
    Who is this guide written for? Who should be using it?

Here is an example pic that fills in numbers 4, 5, 6, and 7.















This one was meant to be a guide built around pictures, because pictures are better at communicating messages than words. It was meant for humor and to promote jogres, and as you can see, also very experimental. Nevertheless, it communicates the message that jogres are awesome. It was a real fluke that I got the champion scroll while making the guide too.






the renn man


















The first spot is east of Shilo Village. Take the stepping stones across the top of the waterfall. The second spot is at the glider. The best way of getting back to the stronghold is to use your glory (because cool people use glories) to get to al kharid, then bank your loot and use the al kharid glider to get back to the stronghold. The last place is mainly for rangers because there are plants to hide behind and the jogres are more spread-out. It's in a cave on the north side of karmaja.




Jogres drop 100% jogre bones, and some other drops you wouldn't expect. They regularly drop natures, and they also drop 22 trading sticks instead of coins. You can get plenty of good seeds from them (same seeds as ogres), which is cool, and you also get gems once in a while.




The coolest thing about training at jogres, besides being in a jungle of course, is that they drop pineapples regularly, which can be cut into slices to heal a total of 8 health per pineapple. You can truly train there forever, which is cool. I just train there until I fill up my inventory with cool seeds.




I've never seen anybody training there besides me, because not many people are cool enough.




Yeah, if you train there you're cool enough











I wouldn't suggest collecting potato cacti anymore since prices of magic potions have been cut in half since I made the guide. Nevertheless, this will help make use of a boring kalphite slayer task.




kalphites/potato cactus


you know who




Potato cactus is a type of cactus that grows underground in the kalphite lair. It is used only in magic potions, which are always high in demand because people want them for teleblocking, ice barraging, and ice blitzing 3 levels earlier. The market for potato cactus is not very big, so you can charge anywhere between 1k and 2k for them. And people DO buy for those prices. That's about 54k per trip!










There are three respawns, which take 42 seconds to regrow. That's 3 respawns every 42 seconds, and your inventory will hold 27, so each trip will take 6.3 minutes.








Kalphites are pretty tough cookies! Even with 84 defense while fighting defensively, the food I take just runs out by the time I finish. Find out what amount of food is right for you by practice! You could also try different antipoisons if you end up being poisoned at the end of the trip.








It's hard to tele out of there if you don't know what you're doing. I drop the vial, pick up the last potato cactus, take off my ring, run out of the room, and tele to al kharid while they're chasing me.








When I get Kalphites as a slayer task, this is how I kill them!











As you can see, my guides are getting progressively more graphical. This guide is on the lava maze. Nobody really ever trains (or pks) here, but now that they updated it, it's awesome. O heck, before the update it was awesome.




Training at the Lava Maze




Before you head out, I'd reccomend getting on your pking gear, and taking a few (5) sharks and a super set, which you don't use/eat. Bring a ring of wealth, because it's always a nice thing to have with you. Bring plenty of nature runes and a few fires. You should also take an antipoison in case one of those spiders hits you.




What's there?


The best place to kill Greaters


The best place to kill Black Dragons


The best place to kill Lessers


An AFK location


Respawn Points for items you can High Alch


A Fishing Spot (lava eels)






The lava maze is located around level 40 wilderness and can only be accessed if you have a slashing weapon. Cut the webs and enter.












Those knights are aggressive, so this spot can be a good afk-ing spot. It's out of the way and it has good monsters for training on.




Oh look! Another lava eel spot! I bet I can find a use for this, if all the trees in the wilderness suddenly turned back into choppable ones.






Here's a good spot for training any low-level pure. Not only can they be ranged or maged from around the corners or through the web, but you can potentially kill anyone who walks by.






Right near this spot is a place where an Earth Staff respawns. Pick it up if you brought runes for alchemy.








Now, you're in the center of the lava maze... the furthest an f2p-er can go. You'll notice the best place for killing lessers in f2p (if you dare) and the muddy chest, which requires a muddy key to open, which can be taken from a chaos dwarf.








Steel plates are good for alchin'!








Here are the spoils of the maze so far...






This ladder leads to one of the best training spots in runescape. This is the best place to kill greater demons and black dragons. If anyone tries to take your spot, you can just kill them.








Greater Demons








Where you fight them in the deep wild, it is never crowded. Why? Because you can kill off anyone who comes to take your spot.




No pkers come there, so it is one of the very few safe places to train in the wild. There are 2 black dragons and a rune rock, as well as poison spiders, but the real prize is the greaters.








Entrana has a weapon limitation, and the metal dragon lair has wild dogs that attack you after every demon. The GDS in the wild has pkers, so THIS is the best place by far.




I only ever kill greater demons if I am assigned to do so, and I can do an assignment in 2 trips. It's really easy- you can melee, mage, or range easily, though bring one antipoison for the rare spider bite.




On rare occasion, they drop rune larges, and uncommonly addy legs. Upstairs, in the center of the lava maze there's a steel platebody respawn and an earth staff respawn that are perfect for alching.






These tactics take advantage of the specials of other weapons when training with powerful weapons with bad speci

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Here is another of my graphical guides.






At level 59 thieving, there are 3 great places to train it as I see it.




Though you can steal from bandits, I don't think it's as practical as the three spots I train thieving at.




When I train thieving, I always take wine, vodka, gin, tuna, or any other food you wouldn't train/pk with.




Stalls: When you're caught stealing from a stall, and you haven't been attacked right away, there's still a chance you can steal from it. Just click the stall again and you'll steal from it right before being attacked. Stalls are tricky because you have to be at an angle where the stall-keeper can't see you. You should also place yourself at an angle where the other guards can't see you. Don't stay at a stall and wait there because it's boring and simple. You could be pickpocketing, or hitting up chests.




Chests: ALWAYS "search chest for traps" because there always are traps. Some chests require picks, and picks can break, so take extra.




Locked Doors: Some doors require picklocks, and some require keys, so make sure you know which ones they are. They don't require a pick unless they actually SAY that they do. If you're trying to open a locked door, right-click to find the "pick-lock" option.




Pickpocketing: You have a better chance of pickpocketing if you are on the BACK or SIDE of the NPC. I've heard that the best ratio of xp per failure is from the Knight of Ardounge (55 thieving). If you trap a guard or a knight indoors to steal from him, you'll notice that after a while, he disappears, and reappears at the respawn point. To lure one inside, attack it without a poisoned weapon, then go inside a building and shut the door. Go up some stairs to make them non-aggressive.







The first place I'll mention requires level 50 thieving. Cracking Safes underneath Burthorpe yeilds plenty of gems, and plenty of experience. There's a bank a few steps away, so you can take your worst food with you, and you can bank your gems.




There is also a thieving store down there which sells lockpicks and stethoscopes.




You don't exactly require a stethoscope down there, but it's nice to have. You get hit by the traps much less often. If you notice the trap on the ground below you, you'll notice that you can disable it. However, disabling it reduces your thieving level by 1 or 2 levels and gives you xp.




This is a really good place. Good xp, good loot, simple to do.











The next great place is in draynor. I reccomend a good thieving level- maybe around 50 for this place, even though you don't need it. There are wine stalls, seed stalls (which you'll rarely steal from), and the master gardeners. It's also really close to a bank, which is awesome.




Steal from the wine stall as often as you can, because it's good, ready food that you can use when your health gets low.




Ignore the seed stalls, because Olivia will catch you 80% of the time, and so will a guard.




Focus on the Master Gardener because the best rewards are from him. He's good to steal from, because he gives out almost every kind of seed. (yes, rannar seeds too)









Ardounge is a good place to practice thieving for ALL levels. When you first start out, you should steal about 2k cakes. That'll give you some thieving food and you'll be around level 45-ish. Pickpocket the guards until you can do better things, and slowly you'll be initated as an ardounge thief.




A trick you should learn when stealing from stalls is one where you trap a guard, a knight, a paladin, or a hero inside one of the shops. Now, they're out of sight and out of mind, and you can steal from stalls without having to fight them. People who pickpocket them do this so that their npc doesn't get killed while they're trying to earn some coinage.






Here's a picture of my 1337 thieving skills:stealing from two stalls at once. The food stalls are very important, because if you have one nearby, you won't have to use your own food. Steal from the silver stall once in a while for the xp. You don't have to use the silver- you just have to get it.






Grey Wolf Fur sells to a dude in Varrock town square for 120 coins each. So if you get some of these, tele to varrock, sell them, and then tele back to ardounge and you're back where you started with free money and more room in your inventory. It's quick, small advantages like that that all add up.






You have a 50% chance of getting a nature rune from these chests, but hey- every little nat adds up. Plus, it's thieving xp, so it's all good. There are three chests that I know of that contain natures.






Whenever you pass by a knight or a guard, feel free to grab some cash. Remember to keep behind them because you have a better chance of succeeding.






Blood chests are out of the way in ardounge, but they do yeild good rewards. I think you get about 740gc and 2 bloods per chest. However, once you manage to get the loot from one of the chests, you're teleported out of the chaos druid tower and you end up in a house near the Biohazard Quest start.






Thieving at Ardounge just keeps getting better as the levels go up.




You can also steal from fur stalls and food stalls at Rellekka, as well as some nature rune stalls, but it's not a great place to train thieving. However, you can steal from the stalls on your first try almost every time if you go around the back or on the other side of barrels. Some citizens can also be pickpocketed, but there is no food source that's ready to eat, so it's not as great as the other places.




You can do a lot of pickpocketing from bandits in the desert. Pickpocketing the bandits helped me during desert treasure, because I could steal lock-picks and antipoisons. Again, there is no bank nearby, and no food you can't steal (besides kebabs, which you have to go through dialogue to get)




Therefore, the three best places to ramsack are Ardounge, Draynor, and the Burthorpe Safes
















After I became a member and tried out all of the dragon weapons and whip, and got around 40-50 slayer, I thought I'd make a guide for all members to use. Training Tips






renn's training tips


the renn man




These tactics take advantage of the specials of other weapons when training with powerful weapons with bad specials. I have also added strategies for training with other weapons. NOTHING is assumed. I've tested everything myself!




Bringing a Bow


When I train, especially on creatures that require dragonhide to fight, I bring a bow in my inventory and about 150 extra nature runes. I bring a bow so that when I finish all of my food, I just switch to the bow and range them for a while. You could also bring a halberd instead of a bow! Sometimes, when there are some creatures that are best killed at long range, like troll generals, you should bring a bow with a halberd. That way you'll be able to use the halberd if you run out of ammo.




Darts with a Zammy Book


Darts are better than bows sometimes, because you get to use your zammy book while fighting instead of having it sitting in your inventory useless. Bring a melee weapon with a nice special attack, like a dds, for when your special bar is full.




Rune Throwing axes have a special attack that hits more than one creature in a multicombat zone. It's a nice little tool for luring creatures towards you.




Bringing a cannon


Cannons are very expensive weapons! I would reccomend taking 1k cannonballs for each half-hour you are training. You should only bring a cannon to kill creatures that would otherwise be nearly impossible to kill without help. Take advantage of multicombat areas, because without them your cannon will only shoot at the creature you're attacking, which needs to be in a direct line of sight from your cannon. Cannons hit up to 30 and are therefore amazing range xp, though they don't give hp. If you have a pure and you don't want hp on it, then get a cannon! I find that a cannon is a big waste of cash unless you're getting something good out of it besides just killing monsters faster. Unless you get a d med out of 3k cannonballs, it's a waste. You can't set up a cannon at the kalphite queen's lair, the tzhaar area, the fremmenik slayer cave, the canifis slayer tower, or the lumbridge swamp dark cave.




Dragon Scimitar training


Start the monster with a dds special and follow up with the scimitar.


Use attack and strength potions of your choice. You can also use the dragon battleaxe training tactic, using the special with a restore and attack pot. Also, all scimitars are 20% faster than longswords, which is the main appeal. (I know it's 20% because I tested it myself)




Whip training


I reccomend using a dragon battleaxe special with a restore pot, THEN use an attack pot. If you do whip training with a dragon dagger, you can only be training attack. Switching weapons resets it back to the default (attack). Dragon bax will not reset it. The whip and the spear are the only weapons I know of with a controlled attack that is the same accuracy as the other forms of attack, so keep that in mind when you choose which attack to use.




Dragon Longsword and Dragon Mace


These two weapons' specials hit much harder than the normal attack for that weapon. Use the special often and use attack and strength pots of your choice. Really simple training...




Dragon Dagger


It's a fun little blade but you MUST have potions because it's about as strong as a rune battleaxe and nearly as accurate. The special hits twice and it can be poisoned, so it makes a good accessory when training with other weapons.




Dragon Spear


Why are you training with this junk anyways?


But seriously, it's crap. Get it super poisoned, sell it for 300k, then buy a d long or something. Spears are not as accuate as scimitars, baxes, longswords, etc. but they have controlled attacks and are as fast as a scimitar. The special attack for the dragon spear knocks the enemy back a few squares and stuns. It's a good accessory for halberd, mage or range training.




Dragon Halberd training


Dragon halberd is a very accurate weapon (+117 slash with warrior helm). It's also very strong. Unfortunately it's very slow. Take attack and strength potions with you as usual. Super attacks are definitely not needed. When you use the halberd, it's best if you are ONLY training strength, as it is the most accurate. You might want to bring a dragon spear to knock back enemies when using this weapon. Knock back and stun an enemy then run behind an obstacle. Watch out for jerks who will take your monster!




Dragon Bax and Excalibur specials (accessories)


The dragon battleaxe's special is like drinking a super strength, but reduces your attack and defense. Drink a restore pot to get the attack and defense back.


The excalibur special is like drinking a defense pot. This is highly reccomeneded for fighting high level things, as defense pots are not common! I never see people using their excaliburs when training. Not even when they have a good weapon like a whip or dragon scimitar, which have no useful special!




As with all training sessions, bring the appropriate amount of food, 30 nature runes with Fire Staff (for alchemy), teleportation runes, your secondary weapon, attack potions , strength potions (or restore potions) and your WEALTH ring. Maybe even a slayer gem. Some players bring a chisel for crafting experience because they don't take sapphires and emeralds.





Dragon Hatchet (accessory)


The dragon hatchet is quite useful for training on infernal mages. Also anything that attacks with range or magic. The special (clobber) reduces the enemy's range and mage, so it'll hit you less!




~ Packers Ammy ~


~ DKU Council ~




Dragon 2h (accessory)


The Dragon 2h might be good for training with since it's pretty accurate and strong, but I doubt it because of its' speed. The special attack would be VERY nice in multicombat, since it hits multiple enemies. That's about it though, aside from testing your max hit.














I made this guide shortly after the release of Recipe For Disaster






tzhaar killing


the renn man




How To Kill Yourself & Benefit




First you must go into the "strong people village", which is under the volcano in karmaja. The armor you must wear is: Full initiate, veracs, or monks' robes, a quick weapon or a mace, a prayer book, and your Wealth Ring.




A glory amulet can be replaced with an Unholy Symbol (of zamorak), which gives +2 to attack bonuses and +8 to prayer. I'd give up 8 attack bonuses to gain 5 prayer bonuses, and be happy with the nice +9 bonus the dragon gloves give.




You use protect melee to kill the tzhaars. When you run out of prayer, go to the monster mini-game and DIE there to restore the prayer. You get TokKul and a chance of their good drops without using up any food or even prayer pots! Unless you use veracs armor, YOU USE ABSOLUTELY NO RESOURCES to kill tzhaars!




Nightshade hits 15 and doesn't poison


Undercooked Karambwan hits 5


Dwarven Rock Cakes hit 1 and can be used repeatedly.













Level 149- Obsidian maul, obsidian shield, obsidian cape, tokkul, nothing


Level 133- Obsidian Knife, Sword, Rings, Cape, tokkul, and nothing


Level 103- Obsidian Staff, Runes, Tokkul, nothing


Level 74- NO GOOD DROPS!




"Bonus Drops" - Sometimes people try to afk or half-afk there and end up getting owned by tzhaars. You can get some pretty good items off of people's corpses- Aero Liger got a d med and whip once.




a while ago' date=' I got a d med and whip because someone in full dragon died!








bonus drops rule bc tzars hit high and mite k0 before ring of life activates[/quote']






Dwarven Rock Cake!


You must have started Recipe for Disaster, and gotten to the point where you have a rock cake from the Dwarf. If you don't have a rock cake, you can always get him to make another. (I'm not sure if you can get another after that part)




Anyways, the Rock Cake is an awesome food for killing yourself with. If you try to eat it, it will hurt you for 1 damage and if you keep trying, it'll hurt you until you're at 1 health. You can't kill yourself with it, so you'll have to still use the MONSTER minigame, but it also means that you won't have to risk fighting level 149's at under 10 prayer while trying to get under 15 health. You can still use nightshade to finish yourself off, so if you have some- use it!






You have to have the Skavid Map, which means you have to have progressed far enough in the Watchtower Quest to collect nightshade. There are 2 respawn points for Nightshade, or you can farm belladonna. Both the respawn points are in the skavid caves, and they are SLOW! Though nightshade hits the highest, it is untradable and boring to collect.




With level 70 farming, nightshade (belladonna seed) can be farmed in the belladonna patch at draynor. It's worth-while to collect the nightshade quite often if you use this method of training.




Undercooked Karambwan


Undercooked Karambwan can be made after starting the Tai Bwo Wannai Trio quest and progressing to the point where you can fish them. After the quest, you can buy them from one of the brothers for 100 gc each, and he has either 10 or 20 in stock on each world. They're UNcooked, so you have to UNDERcook them.




There are also some explosives you might be able to make, like the one in the digsite quest, but I doubt it will be as efficient.




Tzhaar Fire-Bats


You don't really need undercooked karambwans or nightshades to finish yourself off. Just by going into the mini-game you will be attacked by the bats, which can hit 4 damage. Turn Auto-Retaliate off when you enter, but put it back on when you leave.




I take a few nightshade or undercooked karambwan with me so that I don't have to rely on the fire-bats.




Tzhaar Blob-creatures


When you attack one of the level 45 blob creatures with melee, it will deal 1 damage back to you as if it had a ring of recoil. With 2 shots at it, you'll be dead in no time! To progress to that stage, you have to kill three fire-bats.







There is another way of killing them, which is by using range. You need to be behind the BOXES at the SWORD SHOP. Note that you can not shoot over the orange fences.








Only attack the level 149s!!! This goes for both styles of fighting them.


If you attack the mages, they will mage you and, like the level 74's, they'll call the other tzhaars on you. Also, some level 133's hold the flying discs but also hold the obsidian knife and use two styles of combat and you'll inevitably get owned wearing prayer armor. Never attack the 74s unless you are stupid, because every tzhaar defends them and they drop crap.




















This is how pest control used to be, when people played for fun and not for points. I'm not saying playing for points is bad, but sometimes different ways of playing have different appeals.






Void Knights Minigame


the renn man






INTRO: You are sent to an island to destroy four portals which spawn amazing numbers of hellish creatures. Not only do you have to destroy the portals, but you have to protect a mage as well! All of the monsters originally go after the mage, who stands in the center of the island, protected only by a few walls and 3 gates. The gates can be broken down by ravagers, so you should kill them first if you're defending.




WHERE: Talk to the Squire who's at a boat at the south docks of port sarim. Then go across the island to the rectangular attack boat and board it.




ITEMS: I reccomend 3 item set-ups. Range isn't so great since you don't have time to collect your arrows, and you can't shoot over monsters. Everyone should have space in their inventory for money when they win, and everyone should stock up on energy potions. Some people might need food, but it's not necessary, and all but attackers should have a hatchet, a hammer, and some logs. The hatchet is not necessary, but there are some trees by the shore if you run out of logs.




Mages with Ancient Magick are AMAZING here! Bring some defensive mage armor like skeletal or ahrims, and a shield that defends against range, because you'll need it. Use Ice Burst or Smoke Burst (or Barrage) and aim particularly at the Splatters, the blobs that blow themselves up. You will need some food and energy potions if you are outside the walls, so stay inside and save yourself some resources. Mages are primarily defenders.




Attacker/Knight- Save space for money, and fill your inventory with energy potions and one halberd. Use Rune armor and a fast, accurate weapon. I reccomend Halberd and Whip. The halberd hits 3 or more enemies at a time, so it can hit the portal and some spinners if you set yourself up right. You don't need barrows armor, because the monsters usually just go for the gate or don't hit anyways. When I'm attacking, I have my Ultimate Strength prayer on the whole time. If you win or lose, your prayer is restored, and games are very fast when it's crowded.




Defender- Every team needs defenders, people to kill the shifters and creatures that manage to get through. Most defenders must stay right by the mage and kill any creature who attacks him. The other defenders should have a hammer, a hatchet, and some logs for repairing gates. Everyone should have a halberd. Rune throwing axes are good too, although they don't do much other than distract the monsters.




Tank- Stay outside the gate and get rid of those annoying torchers and defiliers! I reccomend a few items of food and some very damaging armor like dharocks or a halberd, though you could use ancient magicks and die often. If you have to, you can defend with the gate open. To do this, you must stand right beside someone else who's doing the same thing. Sometimes two warriors make a better wall than that door does. And it allows an ancient mage to help you too. Once you defeat one enemy, you can step out and allow people to repair the gate for you.










The monsters range in combat levels from 37 all the way up to 159, so it's pretty intense!




Defiliers and torchers are the long-ranged enemies that do the most damage to the mage. You will want to distract them or kill them to prevent this damage. Defiliers use range, and torchers probably use magic. You can't walk through these, nor shoot over them.




Shifters are the creatures that teleport around. They look like abyssal demons, and they usually get to the mage first. You can't walk through these, nor shoot over them. That is what makes defenders sp important.




Ravagers are the creatures that can destroy the gates, and they can walk through people and other monsters to get to those gates. Destroy them when you have the chance, because they can cause a lot of damage if a crowd of monsters comes through.




Splatters are those bouncing blobs that can move around like ravagers. They don't do much damage, but when they die, they explode, doing really high damage. I've killed one, which was near some other splatters, and they blew up too, doing damage in the 20's to everything around them. Good times :) I died :(




Spinners look like jellyfish, and they heal the portals. If you're an attacker, get rid of these before focusing on the portal, because they make it very difficult for you.




Splatters blowing up...












Brawler at the gates...










By the way, when you die, you return to the boat which you started at, so just run down and continue the fight. By the way, using special attacks on the portal DOES NOT produce spinners any faster than normal!




DEFENDERS OF THE MAGE- Focus on whatever is attacking the mage. Kill shifters and keep those gates shut and repaired! Prayers are nice.




MAGES- Ice Burst a splatter when it's close to some creatures, and kill it so it blows up. Kill any shifter that reaches the mage, and help keep the gates closed and repaired. Since you've got a bit of a long range, it's your task to keep the defilers and torchers under control. Prayers are nice.




DEFENDERS OUTSIDE THE GATES- Kill and distract all torchers and scorchers. Use your halberd when you have full specials, and kill splatters when you can. Dharocks' armor comes in handy. Prayers are nice




ATTACKERS- Use a full inventory of energy potions, and have attack-based prayers on all of the time. Kill spinners and then go for the portal. Attackers are the most important people. Go with the group that's attacking, and destroy the portals one at a time. If there's enough people, a small group can start opposite the other group, because the last portal is always the hardest.




SUICIDERS- Use magic, kill splatters, do as much damage as you can, then turn on retribution and die. It's not a great strategy, but a fun one.




SOLO ATTACKER- Yeas, I have perfected the solo attack style (h). You must stand right beside the spawning point of the portal and use attack/strength prayers. When a spinner comes out, attack it so that it attacks you instead of healing the portal. This is called distracting the spinners. Don't stand where I am in the pic- that's just a pic of my first successful portal solo.








Defenders can use a halberd through the wall. I reccomend doing 3 good specs when you see a splatter :P












This minigame has amazing rewards! When you win, you get an amount of money that's ten times your combat level. So at level 103, you get 1030 gc per round. You also get 1 point which you can exchange for some xp. I get some very nice hp experience per point! The experience you get is based on your level for that skill.




Even if you don't do the minigame, you still get an anvil, an arrow store, a magic store, and a bank right off the coast of port sarim. It might be a faster way for ess runners or lobster fishermen than going to draynor, but I haven't measured.




Here's the imporant part... If a game lasts 2 minutes, and you're fighting the whole time, that's 2 minutes of fighting after which your prayer gets restored, and you get 1 point, which equals over 1k experience towards any combat stat. So if you get 1k experience every 2 minutes in addition to whatever you're making while fighting, then this minigame is in fact the fastest way of getting experience. You generally don't use food, but you do use energy potions. THIS JUST IN! You might get only half the experience you normally get per damage inflicted! That's 2 experience per damage instead of 4!




If you're wondering where you can exchange your points, here it is... Talk to the squire who's managing the points- he should be near the general shop or the docks.






When you lose, you get this message. Don't let the mage die!! This is also the spot where you get on the boat that takes you to the game.














This is my masterpiece, though unfortunately it is not finished. I created this guide after getting around 50 slayer, which is when I realized how awesome Slayer truly was. Pest Control will stabilize the Whip prices, so slayer won't be one of those useless skills in a year. My current slayer level is 71 and I know I personally will never finish it, at least not on my account, The Renn Man.






slayer guide


the renn man




Slaying For Cash



Training for cash is much more different than training for xp. With xp training, the player usually 'afk' trains on aggressive creatures or kills really small creatures with low defense or high hp. The players who train for exp end up having to find some other way of making money like merchanting or fletching. Slaying is an excellent way of making money. The bigger the drawback of the training, generally, the bigger the rewards! For instance, jellies (level 52 slayer, cb level 78) only drop rune larges and level 3 clue scrolls. The level 55 slayer monster, turoths (levels 82 to 87) drop clue scrolls and white mystic bottom, which is worth way more than a rune full helm.




Note: Black boots sell for 5k each, Mithril boots sell for 10k each, addy boots for 50k each, rune boots for 300k each. Don't bother selling steel or iron boots.



If you slay at the slayer dungeon, I reccomend bringing natures, fires, laws, and airs, to tele to camelot and for alching. The creatures at the slayer castle dont' drop much alchable stuff, so bring bloods and laws for teleport to kharill (ancient magicks)




Any slayer level can kill dragons. The best ones to kill are the level 79 green dragons in the wild and the metal dragons. See: Metal Dragons Guide andFast Money Making Training Guide



Crawling Hands (level 5 slayer)




Crawling hands are teh crap. They have 19 and 16 hp and drop a ton of gloves and rings. RuneHQ says they drop mystic gloves, but you'd have to kill a ton of them for them.







Cave Bugs (level 7 slayer) drop herbs and a ton of ingredients, so they make a useful supplement to cave crawlers when you're killing those at the lumbridge swamp dungeon. Limps, Red Spiders' eggs, unicorn horn dust, etc. However, they drop a ton of crap like candles, tinderboxes, and torches, which you probably already have. With 5 hp, they're worth killing once in a while whenever you see one cross your path.




They're like mini-cave crawlers. They don't poison you and they drop a lot of herblore ingredients.











Cave crawlers (level 10 slayer) are EXCELLENT creatures for training herblore on. Yes even better than men and chaos druids. The only thing you must remember is that you MUST pay attention to the screen. Their poison hits you for 8 to start with, so they are pretty dangerous if you forgot anti-poisons. They drop white berries, half keys, (bronze boots lol), herbs (very often), vials of water, and ingredients for potions such as snape grass, red spiders' eggs, eye of newt, ground unicorn horn, etc. Take the natures, but leave the fires, money and earths. I usually bring 2 antis, 2 vials of water, 1 ground unicorn horn, 5 food, and camelot teles. You can run from seers' bank to the spot with 55 agility when carrying light armor and a weapon.









This is my inventory near the end of load of banshees (level 15 slayer). They drop Rune essence notes 13 at a time, small amounts of coins, and 15 fishing baits. In addition, they drop many many herbs, one at a time, and occasionally black mystic gloves. Expect 1 pair of black mystic gloves every trip if you drop every herb under haaralander (sometimes ditching harralanders). It's wise to bring 2 vials of water, because they occasionally drop an eye of newt. Bring 2 strength pots and food depending on your armor (desert robes lol). They do magical attacks by the way.







Cave Slime (level 17 slayer) are wanna-be Jellies. They drop a lot of junk, some runes, iron boots, clue scrolls, and their herbs are ALWAYS guams. Their 100% drops are swamp tar. Not only that, but they poison.







Rock Slug - level 20 slayer


Rock Slugs can be found in the lumbridge swamp dungeon and the fremmenik slayer cave. They drop a ton of ores and bars, as well as gems, low-level seeds, and runes. They'll uncommonly drop white mystic gloves! To kill them, you need Rock Salt. When the slug is at low health, use ONE salt on it and it will shrivel up.











Desert Lizard - level 22 slayer











Cockatrices (25 slayer) require a mirror shield to fight, and decent armor. They also drop quite a few natures and a LOT of limpwurt roots. Cockatrices are the "red spiders" of members world. They are so weak, you can train there for ever.




If you ever need Limpwurt Roots, ALWAYS go to the cockatrices! They drop them quite often, so you leave with a full load in about 10 to 20 minutes. If there are other people there, they probably aren't picking up limps so it makes it even faster.









Pyrefiends (level 30 slayer) have the same drops as lessers, but they drop addy med instead of rune med & a lot better stuff. They are half the level of lesser demons, and use magic-based melee. They are good for training on, with excellent drops for a level 43. However, like lessers, their drops crowd your inventory and they hit often. Wear dragonhides. I find that I'm often killing them when I become interested in crafting. They drop a lot of gold and stuff that can be alched. Just one trip, which was about 20-30 minutes got me all that stuff. Pyrefiends are good for some decent cash.





Mogre - 32 slayer







Herpies - 33 slayer




There are some creatures that are big and scary, but drop one very rare item, and some creatures that drop nice regular items. Harpie Bug Swarms are very weak creatures that drop very nice regular drops. If you ignore steel boots and steel axes, you can train there until your inventory fills up with gems and gold ore. If you ignore gold ores, you can train there for a looonnng time, using wine drops (heals 11, attack -2) for healing. They drop fire staffs, addy meds, mith chains, and steel full helms, which are all nice for alching.




If you train here regularly, you'll get a ton of fires. Just from a 2-hour session, I got 3k fires, which goes in my bank and gets sold later in higher quantities at 15 to 20 gc each. 330 chaos from one trip is very nice, so if you do a lot of magic, supplement it with some herpies, kay?




They use MELEE, so be prepared with rune armor and a nice weapon. You also require a lit harpy bug lantern to kill them, which can be bought at any slayer master (the closest one is in shilo).




With 25 hp, they make a very fast slayer task- not nice for slayer xp though. And low hp is very nice, because that means they drop their good regular drops even faster!




Don't bring food! If you're getting hit often, switch to defensive until you're at full hp. Always use wine because it's free 11 health and the drawback isn't even noticable.




A lot of people ask me where they are... so here's a map!











Wall Beast (35 slayer)




Wall Beasts are just like rock crabs- High HP and really low strength and attack. You need NO food when hunting them, though you could bring a net to catch some frogspawn that's very close-by (see the fishing icon on the mini-map in the pic above).




The big thing you have to know about these is that you can't kill the same wall beast twice in a row. That means you have to find a spot with 2 beasts close together, like what I found (see pic above).




Their best drops are Addy Med Helm and White Mystic Hat.




They have a tendency to drop a LOT of helmets. I don't want to know where they came from :o


And that poor wizard who lost his hat :o




Though they drop herbs, they are ALWAYS guam leaves! If you're a fan of crafting but hate having to get the materials, you'll love making bullseye lanterns from their drops. They drop plenty of lenses and bullseye lantern frames.




To Kill them, you require a lantern, a tinderbox, and a spiny helm. Of course, you also need RUNE armor (not barrows), and a weapon as well. You can't range or mage them because as soon as you leave the spot, they'll retreat back into their hole.




The closest banks are in lumbridge castle (recipe for disaster quest required) and Draynor Village.

















Killerwatt - 37 slayer







Basilisks (40 slayer) drop white mystic hats and have generally the same drops as dragons and their second-best drop is rune dagger. Wear mirror shield and rune armor. They have high defense and low attack for their level and some of their combat level is made up of magic, so imagine you are fighting something lvl 50 or 45. Basilisks are amazingly easy compared to dragons, with better drops! (h)




Even at 65 slayer, I'd still go back and kill basilisks- they're just THAT good!








Basilisks drop 15 to 70 nats





Fever Spider - quest only - no drops - 42 slayer







Infernal Mages (45 slayer) are excellent for collecting runes' date=' and their rare drop (which is pretty rare) is a lava battlestaff & black mystic hat. I reccomend using black dragonhides with 75+ magic (which plays a role in defense against magic) because with anything less, you will take a lot of damage.


Infernal mages hit OFTEN, because they use fire blast on you. Personally, I wouldn't kill them often because of the frequent bank trips, but if I get them for a slayer task, I'm happy. They're easy to kill, with 60 hp and medium defense so you can bring strength potions. They can be ranged and clubbed, but I would not reccomend using magic because mystic robes have low magical defense compared to dragonhide, and they would have a high defense against magical attacks.











Slayer creatures are generally not for training xp on! The fastest xp is on creatures with low defense. Unless you can find a way to do otherwise, slayer creatures are for training for money!




On the other hand, I found a good creature for training range on. It has 120 hp and is in an area with good ranging spots, like around corners and chairs. It takes level 55 slayer to kill and drops 3 to 60 bloods (maybe more, maybe less) as well as rune meds. It also drops up to 4 big bones with 4 small bones in some drops. It is... The Bloodveld.




With 120 hp, an easy slayer task of 190 bloodvelds can get you 20k exp for slayer, which is AWESOME compared to other tasks that net you less.




Watch out for jerks who will lure an abberant specter into the room to kill afk rangers. In fact, I reccomend having 60 slayer before you start killing bloodvelds, because you can wear the noseplug to avoid getting devastated by the specters. If you're a daring player with only 55 slayer, bring a super restore with you & avoid the main room. next to the specters. Note that the abberrant specters are aggressive. (this coming from The Renn Man, so you know it's trustworthy.)








Bloodvelds use magic-based melee, so ALWAYS wear your dragonhide. To start off the bloodvelds trip or task, bring at least 1k iron arrows, a bow, a melee weapon with a prayer book or shield, and set up your inventory and equipment like in the diagram below.








With 77 magic & black dragonhide, they don't hurt you that often, but it still is a constant drain on food. Luckily they drop meat pizzas (yum! heals 16) which might allow you to switch from range to melee again later on in the trip.







Jellies (52 slayer) are level 78 and use magic-based melee. They drop Rune Larges, which are more common for these than other creatures, and LVL3 Clues. That's way better than lessers, which drop only meds and level 2 scrolls! Jellies are by far my favorite slayer monster, having spent hours killing them. In every trip, you'll leave with at least 50k worth of items or cash, or a clue scroll which is pretty nice. Nowadays (as of march 2006), I'd bring about 50 or more nature runes, because there are more people discovering the jellies and they don't take their drops.


I got 1.1m-ish from that one trip- my best training session ever!




Jellies use magical attacks' date=' so use dragon-hide armor. [/quote']






50 to 200 natures with a fire staff (depends if you're ranging or fighting)


1 restore potion, 1 attack potion, and a dragon battleaxe.


dragonhide armor and armor with magic defense


melee weapon with food


bow with arrows (bring closer to 200 nats)




You can range them over the rocks without changing your armor. Having a bow with you is nice for when you run out of food. Don't just go down there to melee them- take a weapon and food with you, then switch styles. It'll save a lot of time on bank runs.





Turoths (55 slayer) drop white mystic bottoms, good seeds, and good alching stuff. No Rune drops. The Leaf-Bladed spear SUCKS since it's worse than dragon, not to mention it's a spear that can't be poisoned <_<. The Slayer Dart is better used in bigger things, even though it's an amazing spell. Broad arrows are about as good as Black or Mithril arrows, which are pretty nice indeed (so use them).




Slayer Dart VS Fire Blast


Both use 1 death


Dart: 4 minds


Blast: 4 airs and 5 fires (one can be avoided with an elemental staff)


Slayer Staff: +11 magic (h)


Elemental Staff: +10 magic


Cost of Minds at a rune shop: 3-5gc cheaper than airs.


Cost of Minds (public): 15 gc each +/- 5gc


Cost of Airs (public): 15gc to 20 each (rarely sold for under 15)


Slayer Dart: Max of around 18 (damage might depend on slayer level)


Fire Blast: Max of 16




Don't get me wrong - getting Turoths as a task is a blessing! You can range them over the rocks or by trapping the big ones around corners. Don't forget your special Broad Arrows, which are pretty nice ammo indeed. The seeds they drop are all the herblore-related ones over Rannar (unfortunately not including rannar), so they are amazing for seeds, which sell for nice prices. Don't use slayer dart on them, because they're not worth the deaths when you could use broad arrows instead. Plus, they melee you, which puts you at a disadvantage when it comes to armor.













To start hunting zygomites (57 slayer), you should tele to edgeville with your glory, get suited up, then go to the abyss, through the cosmic temple there, and out. The mushroom patch where you pick zygomites is right outside the cosmic temple. From then on, you can use the abyss route or go to the zanaris bank.




You'll see a mushroom that looks like an angel of death (in real life) or "mort myre fungus". You can pick it, and immediately a goofy mushroom will pop out of the ground and start attacking you - but beware! This level 86 mushroom attacks with magical melee attacks and distanced magical attacks. If you try to run away, it'll say "I'm coming for you!" while bouncing after you :blink: .




You can take it down to minimal health, but you need a special item to kill them. The implement you use is the Fungicide spray, which comes with 10 sprays per gadget. Having more Fungicide sprays is not an advantage, since all of your fungicide spray bottles deplete by 1 when one for each kill. When your fungicide spray runs out, you'll need to refill it. You refill it by using a canister called "fungicide" with it. Sometimes they drop the canisters.




It's drops are nice, but it hits you quite often. Mort Myre Fungus, nice coinage, Rune Full Helm, Supercompost, and Strawberry Seeds are all very nice. They can drop gems, for those interested in half-shields.












Items with Magic Defense

  • Black Dragonhides (or better)
    Mystic Hat & Boots (or better)
    Elemental Shield/Saradomin book

Wealth Ring


Glory (at least 1 charge)


Fungicide Spray & 2 Refills


FOOD & Potions




Don't worry if you run out of fungicide- the slayer master in zanaris sells spares.







RANGING the Specters


You must get them from the safety of the bloodveld room by using the door. Sometimes the door closes, which is quite annoying. They changed the door, but it still works, although much worse than before and now the specters can enter the bloodveld room.








The easiest way by far is killing them with prayer. Bring 5 prayer pots and an attack/strength potion and you can kill them without using up any food. It's my favorite method because it's so easy. Protect from magic has NO effect if you don't have your noseplug on.








Usually, you end up with more rannars than prayer potions used.





Dust Devils (level 65 slayer) are amazing slayer creatures. They have over 100 hp, which means they are pushovers for level 92 combat.




You need a facemask to kill them, because they are only found in a smoke-filled well west of pollivneach (desert treasure quest place). They have a lot of nice loot, including dragon daggers, earth battlestaff (alchs for 9300), and RED dragon vambraces. They drop a lot of nice herbs and you have a very rare shot of getting a dragon chainmail from one.






















Skeletal Wyverns





















Abyssal Demon







Dark Beast





~ The Renn Man ~


~ Slayer For Life~

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yes good idea




Sections would be good


maybe and index at the start.


possibly link to the different sections (i think they did that with the price list)


Cause that is a huge guide (i highly doubt some1 really wants to read it all when they only really care about a few parts) its hard to find what ur looking for.




Nice guide though


just could use some orgainisation

I'm working on starting a web design buisness and a book

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United SmeltersÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢ Association-Founder

Nuclear Co. MSC-Owner

My Merchanting Guide

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Great guides. Best thing to kill yourself at tzarr is gathering empty vials and filing them up at the digsite barrels (must have partially completed digsite quest, no need to indentify, in unidentified form still kill ya). Full inventory 25 bottles, damage 36 each. Lets say each person has around 50 prayer points then you're dieing 12.5 times, * 50 = 625 prayer pints worth for about 3 minutes of work :-) Faster death! W00tage.






Brilliant idea on the tzaar, thanks

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