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weird glitch?


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Nice glitch (If it's real).


Thanks Jason321 for the sig!^


Proud to have served the Tip.it Crew


Drops: 2x D Chain, 1x D Legs, 2x D Left Half, 1x D spear, 2x D med (monsters), 5x D Med (Barrows), 4x D Axe, 2x Zerker, Abyssal whip x1, 7x D Boots

Barrows items: 55 (not counting the meds)

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too all u guys this was a real thing that happen to me so thats why i make this post i never really make photos posts i just reply to other post and stuff but this thing was so weird i had to share it with u guys pls believe me i have no meaning to lie to u all :)

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Start speaking English.




1) Use sentences,


2) Use commas,


3) Use proper [edit] English!






do you know that are really anoying mister :? please as most people said ALREADY stick to the topic ok?if my english does bother u that much please don't reply to it ok?no 1 is forcing you to do so =P~ .lighten up alittle man...geez :roll:

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Odd. And why did you block out your name? In the chatbox, we now know that you're Finalheaven8. Anyways, I had worse lag today. I equippted an Earth Staff to teleport to Lumby, and I had massive lag and wouldn't teleport. so I clicked the teleport a bazillion times, and when I teleported and tried to equip my other staff, it just gav me this message "You do not have enough Law Runes to cast this spell."




Lag is weird, isn't it? :wall:




Oh, and I think that this is faked. When you lag, youir surroundings are altered, but NOT YOUR MINI-MAP! Look at his mini-map people, there's a big, brushed black area. I sense a faker. Were you just trying to post a decent topic? That's not very decent and common, or what? :-k




His minimap is not altered, he's at brimhaven dungeon on Karamja.




Start speaking English.




1) Use sentences,


2) Use commas,


3) Use proper English!




This is the internet , you will never be able to force people to type full and complete sentences. So why bother replying at all?




Stick to the topic at hand .




exactly man :thumbsup:








anyway, that is a strange glith indeed. even more strange than the lvl 0 lag glitch




My internet cable fell out of the wall as I was starting up. Came up with the level 0 glitch.




It's amazing what lag will do.




That happened to me once \'

Lamest attempt at a lure ever.
No, Ive seen "selling easter egg 5m must be level 78 77 or 76 and meet at varrock bar unarmed.
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Odd. And why did you block out your name? In the chatbox, we now know that you're Finalheaven8. Anyways, I had worse lag today. I equippted an Earth Staff to teleport to Lumby, and I had massive lag and wouldn't teleport. so I clicked the teleport a bazillion times, and when I teleported and tried to equip my other staff, it just gav me this message "You do not have enough Law Runes to cast this spell."




Lag is weird, isn't it? :wall:




Oh, and I think that this is faked. When you lag, youir surroundings are altered, but NOT YOUR MINI-MAP! Look at his mini-map people, there's a big, brushed black area. I sense a faker. Were you just trying to post a decent topic? That's not very decent and common, or what? :-k




my friend the photo is real the thing that happen is real and about the dark surroundings its because i was playing on low detail :) try playing it in low detail and then go to brimhaven to the very end on the 1st floor u will see the same things too( about the mini map)

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Well well well! Never in my life have i caused such an uproar over one little message. This just proves how many young players do play runescape, not understanding that one message isn't the end of the world.




=P~ lol u seem to be very bothered by a little topic man...seriously lighten up..




whatever my friend and i am not a kid lol...i am going on 22 should be 1 of the oldest player in rs..and you are really acting very immature..ages doesnt matter lighten up man or kid whatever age u are =;




i am portuguese with bad english thank you

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Well well well! Never in my life have i caused such an uproar over one little message. This just proves how many young players do play runescape, not understanding that one message isn't the end of the world.




I think hes Al Gore in disguise (the whole ecopetition thing... al gore's movie about the ozone and all that... am I the only one here...?)




Anyways... thats a pretty crazy glitch. If only I could lag monk robes into full veracs haha... duel arena here I come.

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you can comment on peoples posts when you get more than 50 posts.




I am sorry for stealing your thread. But this is one thing that bugs me so much. Post count does not mean what you can and can not do. I am a member of multiple other forums, and an admin of a forum I did not create. I have a lot of posts on those forums, and now I come here, with the twenty some posts I have and suddenly I have less forum rights than you?




You can comment on other peoples posts when you know what you are talking about.










Back on topic, kind of.


Did you even have an air staff with you?

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:pray: lol..smoething similar happened 2 me a few days ago... logged me off when i was cooking...and i tried to log back on and it said: you r already logged in. please wait 60 seconds and try again. i thought i was hacked (lol) :wall: i went through recovery and everything..when jagex was just fixing a glitch -.-

devan 2000

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you can comment on peoples posts when you get more than 50 posts.




I am sorry for stealing your thread. But this is one thing that bugs me so much. Post count does not mean what you can and can not do. I am a member of multiple other forums, and an admin of a forum I did not create. I have a lot of posts on those forums, and now I come here, with the twenty some posts I have and suddenly I have less forum rights than you?




You can comment on other peoples posts when you know what you are talking about.










Back on topic, kind of.


Did you even have an air staff with you?




lol no i only had runes to tele to camelot :lol:

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either massive lag out u took 2 screeniest and pasted the 1 weilding staff ova it and lol u blacked out ur name but u typed sumthing b4 so u can see ur finalheaven8 rofl!

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