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Comprehensive King Dagannoths Slaying Guide


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This guide is best used by players who have been to the king dagannoths at least once, and have any level of experience with them. My intent is to comprehensively deliver the strategy my group used. If you know a better way of doing things, please say so!




Getting There


After opening the door to the giant rock crabs, go to the end and use a rune throwing-axe special attack to knock down the barricades.


Go down the ladder to the first room.


1: Pray magic


2: Pray range


3: Optional Rest stop (first rock crabs)


4: pray range


5-7: Pray magic until you get to the next rest spot


8: Optional Rest stop (second rock crabs)


9: pray range


10: pray range


11: pray melee


12: Rest stop (rock lobsters)


When you get to the bottom of the rock lobsters' path, pray magic and keep praying.


13: King Daggonnoths- pray magic






Our Official Strategy




There are three daggonoth Kings, all level 303 in a multicombat area.




Daggonoth Prime uses a magic spell that hits most players in front of it. I've been hit over 50 by this guy, so always protect from magic when he's around. At a distance, he usually only hits one player, but there is a chance (due to the monster's own auto-retaliate) that it will switch.




Daggonoth Rex uses a melee attack only and hits multiple players at close range. Hits in the 40's




Daggonoth Supreme uses a range attack that hits many players in front and around him, hitting up to the 30s.




There are also spinylops around the outside that use both magic and range. The range attack poisons you for 6 damage.






Respawn Points; red = rex, blue = prime, green = supreme




The mage must run down the path first, praying mage and potting up (sara brew & sup restore or sup defense and prayer pot). The mage ignores the dagannoth prime and supreme, and goes directly to the mage's corner, where the mage is typically safe. The mage starts killing the rex, while the rangers come down the ladder, praying mage and killing the supreme using melee weapons.




This is the mage's corner. Stand on the seaweed which only appears in high detail and the rex will get trapped on a corner of the edge of the pit.




When the rangers are running to the kd pit, they must take a dose of super defense (or sara brew), super attack, super strength, super antipoison, and prayer potion (super restore if sara brew was used) and put on protect from magic. They equip a dragon dagger (or other melee weapon) before entering, and spec the Daggonoth Supreme right away using the Ultimate Strength and Incredible Reflexes prayers. With around 3 level 105+ rangers, the Supreme dies pretty quickly to four specials each.




By this time, people who haven't used an antipoison already have probably been poisoned by the spinylops on the outside of the pit. It's advisable to use a dose of antipoison and range potion at this time.


After the supreme is dead and the daggonnoth rex is distracted to the south, the rangers can now take out the Daggonnoth Prime, which is the mage. Keeping protect from magic up, they must run to the ranger's corner and kill the daggonnoth prime using range.




Rangers must tele-grab all drops in order to keep the Supreme from attacking.








Eventually, the daggonnoth supreme will pop back up, but if you're in that ranger's corner, you'll never have to worry about it and it will never come over. However, you might want to kill it once in a while, but you must know when to kill it. And be quick with it. Kill the supreme right after the prime is dead and when the rex is fresh. It is a real drag to be killing the supreme and have the rex pop up. In such a scenario, the rangers must go up the ladder while the mage drags the rex to the mage's corner. When everything is OK again, the mage can tell the rangers to go down.




Class-Specific Strategy


For the entire trip, the mage stays in the mage's corner with protect from magic up to protect from the spinylops. The barrows armor and crystal shield will protect from the range attacks, so the mage won't take much damage. If the mage brings sara brews, he/she should drink a dose before drinking a dose of super restore potion. I reccomend 1 sara brew per 2 super restores, as prayer goes down faster than health. 1 full sara brew heals 56 for someone with level 80-89 hp.




The mage is independant and can kill the rex 30 to 1000 times in one trip, depending on the gear. The rangers rely on the mage to distract the rex, but can leave at any time without having an effect on the mage's performance. However, if the mage suddenly leaves, then the rangers become vulnerable to the rex.




The Mage's Corner


The mage's corner is in the south-east part of the pit. In high detail, the mage will identify the corner by the seaweed on the floor. Stand on the seaweed and you'll be safe from the rex and generally the other kings. The corner is only safe if the mage has not attracted the attention of the supreme or prime.




The Ranger's Corner


The ranger's corner is in the north-east end of the pit. The rangers can stand about 5 squares from the north side and 5 squares from the east side without attracting the attention of the supreme. However, there are rare cases which this is not true. The ranger's corner is not safe if the attention of the rex or supreme is attracted.




Special Scenarios


This section is to help you and your team deal with special scenarios as they develop, and to help prevent them from happening.




Someone Has Attracted D. Supreme


If someone attracts the supreme to the rangers while the prime is up, you must work as a team to finish off the weakest dagannoth king. In some cases, the prime will only attack one person, and if that person is lucky, the supreme won't attack that person too. To keep this from happening, the rangers must stay in the ranger's corner!






The Rex Respawns While Killing The Supreme


Sometimes, the rangers will attack the Supreme without checking the condition of the Rex. While killing the supreme, the rex pops out and starts attacking. The best thing for the rangers to do is climb the ladder and wait for the mage to call them back down. If the mage isn't there, the rangers should finish off the supreme and teleport. When the rangers leave, the mage should attack the rex, while trying to stay as far away from the supreme and prime as possible, and run back to the mage's corner. If the supreme or prime attacks the mage at this time, the mage must call the rangers back down when the rex is at a safe distance away from the ladder in order to kill whichever king is attacking. The mage should use protect from magic if all kings are attacking, and go up the ladder as quickly as possible, then go back down the ladder moments later, and the rangers following soon after, as though it is the beginning.




The Prime or Supreme Attacks the Mage


Rarely, the prime or supreme will have a chance to attack the mage, but it can happen. Remember to ALWAYS protect from magic, even while killing the rex. Since it is very unsafe, constantly watch your prayer and make sure the supreme doesn't also attack you. Tele when you run out of prayer potions, even if the rex is almost dead.






A New Group Enters the Pit


If a new group comes down the ladder and starts killing the kings, they probably won't share the drops they get. If they're better than your group, switch worlds. If they're worse, just pretend they're there to help, hope they die, and continue killing king dagannoths.




Random Events


Random events you must deal with as they come. I almost always got a random event while trying to teleport out of the pit. If you get a mysterious box or sandwich lady, you're doomed. Go to the ladder and the safe spot near the rock lobsters.






Dealing with Spinylops


Spinylops are the only reason that the health of an experienced KD fighter's health goes down. Very daring KD archers and mages will bring Full Guthan to kill the spinylops and restore health, thus removing a threat and restoring damage at the same time.




At somewhere between 1 and half health, the spinylops will dive under the water to save themselves, often swimming away and surfacing later to attack again. They usually attack in groups, diving around the same time and attacking likewise.




The ranged attacks poison you for 6 damage, so drink a super antipoison regularly. The mage must always have protect magic up to protect from the magical attacks of the spinylops. The high ranged defense of the armor the mage wears will give enough ranged protection.




The Gear




The reason we wear such silly gear is because we are fighting against the monsters' weaknesses. The attack bonuses of your weapons are irrelevant because you will almost always hit. Rangers will almost always hit the prime and mages will almost always hit the rex. A dragon dagger is good enough against the supreme because you're taking advantage of its' weakness.




Mages: Wear barrows armor and a shield with high range defense. Use a powerful spell such as slayer dart. The best armor to use is Verac, but Verac can be replaced with Guthan. If the Verac is replaced by Guthan, some Sardomin Brews and Super Restores can be replaced by Prayer Potions. A good setup looks like:






Rangers: Wear barrows armor with a dragonhide top and a strong bow. Focus primarily on range defense, but also wear a dragonhide top for magic defense and range bonus. It's damage that counts, so bring good arrows, karil's xbow, or a crystal bow. I don't believe that a rune crossbow is a good choice. My favorite range setup was a verac skirt and helm with karil's body and crystal bow. Don't foreget laws and airs for tele-grabbing all drops and arrows!






Remember that Sardomin Brews heal 56 total for someone with 80 to 87 hp. For someone with 88 to 95 hp, they heal a total of 60, and for someone with 96+ hp, it heals 64. Saradomin Brews reduce attack, strength, magic, and range, so they are best used alongside Super Restores, which restore prayer, all non-hp combat stats and non-combat skills. A good ratio of Sara Brews to Super Restores is 1.25:2. Sara brews are good for both rangers and mages.






I suppose rangers might be able to use a cannon down there to kill the daggonnoths faster and to get rid of the spinylops. However, the cannon must not touch the daggonnoth rex, or you may find that the rex finds you suddenly more interesting than the mage who's supposed to be fighting it. The cannon also has a knack of attracting the daggonnoth supreme, whom you also don't want to fight. In light of this, I think the cannon is best used when there are TONS of people down there or when you are using a different strategy.




There is a way of killing the king daggonnoths that does not involve engaging them. Three or more people with guthans armor go down to the pit and set up three cannons. As the cannons are firing, the warriors go upstairs and fight rock lobsters or whatever. Guthan allows them to heal most of the damage inflicted upon them so they can last longer. When they have to put more cannonballs in, they go as a group (remembering which cannon is theirs) and pick up the loot.




What to pick up


Well, I would reccommend getting a good supply of dagannoth hides to start off with, just in case you need them one day, and then start collecting the bones (leaving hides on the ground). Dagannoth bones give about 135xp, which is godly compared to dragon bones. Leave mithril and steel items on the floor, as well as fremmenik junk and runes. You can pick up darts and knives if you use them to kill the spinylops or if you have a free space. Take all talismans you can get, because they are used in rune binding.




Rune binding is excellent xp for low-level runecrafters; better xp than laws, especially when you are using air talismans at the fire temple. Lava runes done at the fire temple is the fastest xp when you use duelling rings, but nobody will buy lavas. It is not hard to get 1000 earth talismans, but the rarity of them seems to be Earth>Water>Air, and I've never received any fire talismans from them, nor had any donated from a friend.




Don't forget to pick up the Dragon Axes, Mud Battlestaves, Seerculls, Berzerker Rings, Warrior Rings, Seer's Rings, and Archer's Rings. We always share such drops between whomever is left of our team at the pit when the drop appeared.





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Great Guide =D> =D>


I see that you have put alot of time and effort into making this.


There is some thing i'd like to suggest though:


Minium stats:


Min. Ranger


Min. Warrior


Min. Mage


Min. All rounder




And such so people dont go in there and get ka-snaped

Joined Runescape: 23/01/02 |||. Retired from Runescape: 07/07/2007


Elfs creating a crystal Axe would be like GreenPeace creating a Nuclear Powered Harpoon for killing seals...

"Level 1 sailing: ability to build a failboat.'


Drops: Ahrims Hood, Guthans set FULL (minus legs), dragon half shield, dragon legs/skirt

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I might make my clan mates read this.




Im experienced, but they arnt so much.




Also, you might want to put a granite shield as an alternative to the crystal shield. G shields are easy to get, dont protect over much, and the range def is nice.


^^Click For Monster Hunting Blog (180M+ in drops)^^

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  • 3 weeks later...

this is a ghreat guide. i was looking for a guide that tells you hoq to solo all 3 alone but this is still great.




if i wanted to solo, i would probally bring blood barrage with guthan hehe




barrage rex while meleeing supreme then tange prime for one kill and mage rex with a low lv blood spell.. eh

Runescape player since 2005
Ego Sum Deus Quo Malum Caligo et Barathum


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Nice guide, very detailed and the pictures really help.


Just a little suggestion, you could put the Gear section first. And i'd recommend the rangers to wear full melee armour and range, otherwise you get owned by the Spinnolyps. Full melee armour and a crystal bow still gives you a decent offensive ranged bonus.




I go with a team of 3. One mage, two melee/rangers. The mage takes care of Rex, and the two others range Prime, then use guthans to kill Supreme before Prime spawns, get far from supreme's respawn and kill Prime again.


It works well with a team of 3 high levels with good defence and Guthans.


Guthans is a must if you want to stay for 3 hours + and get several drops.




Your method is very good for beginners and people who don't have guthans.




this is a ghreat guide. i was looking for a guide that tells you hoq to solo all 3 alone but this is still great.




if i wanted to solo, i would probally bring blood barrage with guthan hehe




barrage rex while meleeing supreme then tange prime for one kill and mage rex with a low lv blood spell.. eh


You can't solo all the Kings alone, and i doubt you can do it even at 126 combat.


And if you wanted to solo rex, take dart. Blood spells are a real waste trust me. It may be faster since you dont have to use guthans to heal every now and then but it's really really expensive and not worth it IMO. I tried it, brought 1k blood burst, it works pretty nice and heals you very good, but unless you're really rich and willing to spend all that money, and not make a profit at the end of a trip, it's just not worh it.




Nice guide, what boots are those?


White boots, you can buy them at a certain white knight rank when you've completed Wanted! quest. It gives +1 prayer and some melee defence.

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