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Auctioning 2 Pixel Sig! CHEAP! (NEW PRICES!) PLZ LOOK!


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Hey im selling this sig cheap! Ok Thanx!








kt-sample.gif - Starting at 120k! 250k auto win!




Ares-finished1.gif - Starting at 150k! 280k auto win!








(If you have a problem with the gore i can take the rolling head off! I dont think its even gory because theres blood and killing in runescape!)








Edit - I lowered prices! I guess i was looking for a bit too much!

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Erm, the first one is not worth the minimum of 250k, and the second one is not worth the minimum of 300k... The 1st could use more detail/shading, and the 2nd, although it has a great perspective, needs more in it, looks plain and too simple... Your prices arn't 'cheap' ;)




But nice sigs, they look pretty good, jsut not what you think they're worth...

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what's heappening to the water in the left side of the 2nd pic? cause it looks like it's an ocean, but if it's a (giant) lake then the shore should be visible where it sorta comes towards us or whatever.








also, a sun with a black line around it looks very bad.

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lol! Ive been doing pixels for 1 week! So i think im better then most people were at 1 week! I can also change some stuff on the sigs but not huge stuff just minor!








Really! No Way! No need to use exclamation points all the time!

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lol! Ive been doing pixels for 1 week! So i think im better then most people were at 1 week! I can also change some stuff on the sigs but not huge stuff just minor!








Really! No Way! No need to use exclamation points all the time!








lol! i would have!.... said the!.... same thing!!! lol

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