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Lookin for some proggies


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Hrm. I use to have a really nice tool that alloud me to see my case temperature, CPU temperature, different fan RPM's, Video card temperature, heatsink, basically all the BIOS Pc Health and ect. It is a pretty fairly well known program, but I can't remember the name for the life of me. /r/ link please.




Also was wondering if anyone know of a program that automatically changes your desktop background image every X ammount of minutes / hours to a set directory of pictures. If so, how much of a bog is it on resources? Thanks.


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Hrm. I use to have a really nice tool that alloud me to see my case temperature, CPU temperature, different fan RPM's, Video card temperature, heatsink, basically all the BIOS Pc Health and ect. It is a pretty fairly well known program, but I can't remember the name for the life of me. /r/ link please.




Also was wondering if anyone know of a program that automatically changes your desktop background image every X ammount of minutes / hours to a set directory of pictures. If so, how much of a bog is it on resources? Thanks.




Motherboard monitor for the first.




Unsure about the second... I know there is programs that can do it, but I think they're the sort of program that has additional nasties. So I won't bother. ::'


Notoriously Trollish.

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That one looks pretty basic and easy to use from the screenshots :)




Another that looks promising





I like to fart silently but deadly in movie theaters
Ard Choille says (11:41 PM):

I wouldn't dare tell you what to do m'dear

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