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An Ultimate Suggestion!


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Shall we allow "porting" to non-members to export and import goods into different towns? With etc; Allowing horses and players could work with horses to export into other towns. It's a npc merchant with horses and goods' barrels.








Also it will benefit non-members who're thinking of importing raw/cooked fishes/food from Karajama island. And it also requires to pay money for the export. And an extra suggestion, new type of bank: Exportation Banking System (EBS)








Give your comments*

Planning to create a merchant group, private one. Please Private Message me if you're interested.

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Please elaborate...

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Shall we allow "porting" to non-members to export and import goods into different towns? With etc; Allowing horses and players could work with horses to export into other towns. It's a npc merchant with horses and goods' barrels.








Also it will benefit non-members who're thinking of importing raw/cooked fishes/food from Karajama island. And it also requires to pay money for the export. And an extra suggestion, new type of bank: Exportation Banking System (EBS)








Give your comments*








Ok to start off, this is a bad idea, makes the game too easy. Certain things are made far away from banks so that you have to make long journeys so that you can't get things too quickly - including your example of fish from Karamja. This idea is just to make things easier for you, which isn't in the sport of the game.




Second, they would NEVER make this sort of thing free to play.

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No,no and let me think...no!Imagine rune mining in high wildy.You got a full rune ore inventory,you use you horse or whatever you use for that to bank it.Also,you go kill the KQ for example,you get a d 2h!You again use w/e you use to for that and bank it,without the risk of losing it.Those




abuse this.Also Jagex would NEVER make that f2p.If you don't think those to examples are abusing it see these other 2:








Players 1 and 2 see each other in wildy and start fighting.








Player 1 is loosing, and he got his blue party hat for showing off in wildy.(some people actually do that)








Player 1 uses this "export" his items.








Player 2 kills Player 1 and get nothing because Player 1 was able to use this.








And this one that combines macro using and scamming.








Macro is cutting charcoal to sell for 1mill(scam)








Macro gets his/hers charcoal and banks it








hen the real player takes over the macro and sells the charcoal.
















This is just like the banking spell,would be abused and would ruin the economy since it would make the game a hell lot easier.


Wait, my friend said he got a keylogger and lyke he coudln't type, so I assumed it messed up his hands?


Congratulations, you just advanced 1 Idiocy level!
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I support but only i8f this is what you're thinking of:








You fish an inventory of lobsters. You go to the horse salesman at lets say, the general store. You pay him 5k and he delivers your lobsters to your bank. You fish another load, you pay him. Is that what you mean. If it's that you keep the horse forever, i hate this idea. This should definately be members though.



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Jagex wrote:




A RuneScape lottery




Do X functions




Drop/use/make/bank/buy/sell all buttons
















Larger world sizes




Making Holiday/Random Event Items tradable




Making tradable Holiday Items untradable




More bank space




More invent space




More pets/trained monsters/tamed animals




New altars








Redropping/Selling discontinued Holiday Items




Stackable Essence/Ore/Flax/Bowstrings/Logs




Using 2 Weapons











it's up at the top, forum guidelines, please read it possibly, that'd be good. Horses is at the top...i really don't like horse suggestions. But this is a little different, so i'm not sure it falls into that category. But u really have to elaborate for the "ultimate suggestion"

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