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Long dreams


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Has any1 had a dream that seemed to last forever? i had a dream that went on for 21 days in dream time. ill try to recall as best i can. it sounds like some cheap movie but i swear i had it








Day 1: i wake up on an island with no idea where im at. i see a tv with me that turns on to a news brodcast. It says that people called "the legion" have taken over 40% of the world with a doomsday cannon called The Hammer. The world is now divided in the two factions "the legion" and "the resistance" the news brodcast cuts short as my freind comes to me and says i was knocked out for 3 days by an artillery shell. It turns out we are defending a communication post on the front lines that is about to be overrun by the legion. We have to defend the post for 2 weeks while the data in the computers is purged( sounds weird dont ask me) Once we have finished purging we are to head down a highway that spans across the ocean to a fortified city called Hope. The Legion is equpping to attack and we have only today to prepare defenses. I dig some trenches and foxholes and am handed a rifle. I have no idea who i am, where i am, or what im supposed to do.








Day 2: I wake up at 4 am to a barrage of shelling. i stay in my foxhole for what seems like hours. I see several boats in the distance. I hear machine guns ringing out firing at the boats. I cant understand whats going on. we are supposed to evacuate the woman, children, and old, but the legion have blocked off the highway. A soldier tells me that Hope is attempting to clear them from the highway. I spend the day firing at the beach where soldiers are landing. my freind from school Alex is shot in the eye. I carry him across a swamp area while artilerry shells are dropping everywhere. I get him to a medic late in the day. The shells have stopped. The legion seems to have taken a break








Days 3-6: We defended the beach until the tanks arived. After we ran out of rockets we fell back to defensive line 2. At day 6 things were looking bad. My freind Alex has passed into a coma. 10% of the defenders are wounded or killed.








Days 7-10: We held defensive line 2 until day 10 when the hovecrafts began to rocket our position, aparently this is in the year 20-20ish. Our Anti Aircraft guns opened up forcing the hovercrafts to fall back. Turns out the hovercrafts were a diverson to a second landing force. We have to leave our trenches to fight the diversionary force.








Days 11-14: The brute force of the diversrion takes us by such surprise that the casualties are up to 40% according to the medic. We fight off the legion but the casualties cant be ignored. I have trouble sleeping that night thinking of my freind Alex. He hasnt woken up and will be blind in one eye for life. I read my bible, but my hands tremble at the thought of tomorrow.








Days 15-18: More fighting ensues after we are constantly forced back to new defensive posisitons. Each one we make is more hastily prepared than the last. I feel exsausted and like this is the most hopless cause ever. Im defending people i dont know( except for Alex) and i cant wake up.








Days 19: Our commander tells us the data purging is almost done and Hope has cleared the blockade off the trans-oceanic highway. We are told to fall back to the highway entrance to make our last stand.








Day 20: out of nowhere hundreds of tanks swarm us. As we flee for the highway we see a massive wall. On it are hundreds of legions. I dive into a nearby hole, and watch as everyone around me is cut down amongst a volley of fire. I cant help but cry when i see Alex killed right next to me. I stay in the hole for hours until the legions leave. mission acomplished i think to myself, as everyone except me is dead. I find an abandoned car on the highway and drive to hope








Day 21: I reach hope. I didnt encounter any legions. I entered the city, and cried. I cried for everyone who had died. I cried for Alex. I wished i could get revenged for the deaths of mere figments of my imagination, people that didnt even exist( except for Alex) i swore revenge and woke up. I wished i had stayed asleep and gotten revenge, but it didnt happen.








So thats my dream. I swear this is a legitiamte dream and i still cant belive i had it but thats how it went. Any comments on it or any long dreams youve had?

If at first you dont suceed, then you fail.

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Nice dream, sounds like a video game :P




It was pretty long, but it was such a cool dream for some reason, it actually made somewhat sense, and had like a story to it.








I forget how it starts, but every 6 hours I turn into a monster. The monster is short and blue, with big fists. It's really strong and when I'm in it I can't control myself. So I'm going to school, and now I'm going to turn into a monster during school. So, I'm in one of my classes (Which resembled one of my real ones) and I think I'm about to turn into a monster because I don't know the time. My friend is in the class (He's not really in that class, but it was a real class) and wanted to show him how I turned into a monster. I felt something coming on, but I was an hour early, so my friend ignored me and walked away. The next day I went into a place that resembled my old school, a big circle. Me and my mom are apparantly looking for a medicine to stop me from turning into a monster. Basically the place is a big circle with a bunch of wierd stores on the inner side of it. Then, my mom dissapears, and I found another real friend. I then tell him how I become a monster, and then I turn into it and start running around. Then i somehow find myself at a beach, trapped by a cliff with army guys coming after me. I kill them all, and swim into the ocean or something. I arrive at my school (Which resembled my school I am going to now) which for some reason had a river in front of it. I climb onto the dock, and some army guy with a harpoon stabs me in the back. I then turn normal and walk into school with an injured back.








It was very odd, but very cool. I thought about it a lot, and I wanted to remember it for some reason. It would make a good TV show, don't ya think? :thumbsup:








Another dream, which is possibly the most screwed up dream ever, is like this.












Me, my mom, my sister, and I think my brother are in our car driving down a road. The road is pretty creepy, it is surrounded by creepy trees. It was very realistic. The road then goes in two directions, labled "Boys" and "Girls."




The "Boys" side is sexist against girls, and will kill them on sight, and the "Girls" side is sexist against guys, and will kill them on sight. First we go to the "Boys" side. My sister and mom are scared to death but me and my brother don't mind. We somehow find ourselves at the same split in the road labled "Boys" and "Girls." We then go to the girl side, where me and my brother are scared. My mom pulls up to a house, to meet a friend or something. Me and my brother stay in the car, and my mom and sister talk to a fat woman who is apparantly my mom's friend. We then drive away, where it starts getting wierd.




We basically get lost, and keep going on the same creepy road. Eventually we decide to drive through the woods, where woodfires are burning, and skulls are on the ground. It was incredibly realistic and creepy. We then find two houses, with an axe and trees in the back. (Too much Runescape?) I start cutting one of the trees, but I'm terrible at it. Then a kid I know appears and I almost hit him with the axe.




It started getting too wierd to understand here, but some phyco guy came and started killing people, which was the very scary part.




I woke up then and I was actually scared.












I love remembering my dreams :P

Supermonk, proving you wrong since 1992.

Supermonk rocks, I want to have his children.

Music is like candy. You always get rid of the rapper.

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Deloria, a good way to remember dreams is to think about them a lot after you have them. Just keep thinking about them whenever you get the chance, and you will remember them.




I have remembered my dreams for months.

Supermonk, proving you wrong since 1992.

Supermonk rocks, I want to have his children.

Music is like candy. You always get rid of the rapper.

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My god! 21 dream days? That's insane!








There were a few dreams I had that were quite long...








In one of them, I was trapped in this hotel with my mom and my grandmother (don't know why they were there O.o). We thought we were trapped alone, and were waiting for morning to come so that someone may realize that we were there. But, then these weird creatures started coming out. These really tall deformed zombie looking things, as well as some that walked on all four legs. We were really freaked out by them and ran to the front desk, trying to stay as far away from them as possible. We retrieved a key to a room, and then went to the room. I unlocked the door and told my grandmother and mom to stay in there. I had to go back out to the front lobby to grab some flashlights, since we had apparently left them there. On the way back, I got lost, running from those creatures. It was dark and I didn't know my way back. I was thoroughly scared when one of them jumped out at me and started grabbing at me. I ran down a long hallway and came to the end. It just dropped off probably 100 feet to the floor below. When I turned around, it was right in my face, trying to bite me. As I fought it, I fell and landed right on my head. Needless to say, there were brains and blood everywhere, and that sound that it made still sticks in my head to this day. :?








I woke up, sat up in bed and felt around on my head to make sure it was all there.








I usually have very creepy dreams similar to that one. That's probably the reason, mine are never really long.








And supermonk: Your dreams made me laugh. :P Though the second one was rather creepy.

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My dreams last for a few hours :lol: and are totally random. Like once my and a friend are doing tricks with big monster trucks in the cul-de sac and then I got off and was in a beach with a super-overweight person the size of a truck... :?

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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I had a long dream a while back. I don't remember the dream that much but when I woke up I thought I was blind. It turns out I had so much sleep/crust/whatever you call it in my eyes they didn't open when I woke up. I remember I panicked for about 2 secs until I decrusted my eyes :P

The problem with the gene pool is that there's no lifeguard.

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My housemate told me that dreams never last longer than a few minutes, so wow if you managed to fit that all in! I don't know if my housemate is telling the truth though, I can't be bothered to look it up.








My dreams are always so darn boring. Actually no! I had a dream the other day where I got stabbed... Yeah that was after watching Saw III but normally I dream about such regular everyday things. I have dreams about waiting in a traffic jam, waiting for a bus, I've even had a dream about sleeping. Yes I had a dream where all I could see was me ASLEEP. Do I not have an imagination or something?



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When I was younger I did that thing where you get someone to push on your chest to make you faint (I was so smart). I had a dream that felt like about a year or so long.

La lune ne garde aucune rancune.

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The closest I've come is to have the same dream split up into multiple days.








For instance, I dreamed about this city over run by half life 2 zombies and the outpost where myself and about a few hundred other humans conducted operations to get out of this infested area. The funny thing is, I dreamed the first part one night, then I dreamed about the same thing again the next night and the storyline continued from where it left off! It was very interesting. It continued for a third night and then I stopped having it...oh well.

Runescape Name: "unbug07"


Expand your mind.

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The closest I've come is to have the same dream split up into multiple days.








For instance, I dreamed about this city over run by half life 2 zombies and the outpost where myself and about a few hundred other humans conducted operations to get out of this infested area. The funny thing is, I dreamed the first part one night, then I dreamed about the same thing again the next night and the storyline continued from where it left off! It was very interesting. It continued for a third night and then I stopped having it...oh well.








Wow, I thought that was unique to me. (stupid me) Although when mine continued the next day it ended abruptly and I wanted more. It also only lasted two days.

"We'll bring the sexy back to judging >_>." --Nadril


Bleh, once I get off my lazy bum and go to Imageshack, there will be a picture here.

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I'm always having recurring dreams... mostly the same thing with a different thing each night.








The best recurring dream ever lasted about five days. It was when I... oh man, this will sound stupid. Anyway I met someone on RS, who was really nice, and then in my dream I went to a Camp Beaumont thingy in France, which I hated, but then I found out he was there! We went to a party and some other stuff, on the fourth night of dreams we got married... in Greece... #-o So yeah it's kinda funny telling people that...








The second one I can remember was at home, as usual. I dreamt (and this is not true) that our dog Tess came from Germany and Mum had made a promise with her original owners promising to send her back when she was 6. So I dreamt of Mum telling me this on the first night, same for about a week and I got really upset and everything, I was literally chaperoning her EVERYWHERE to make sure Mum couldn't take her back... Anyway, after about 10 days I dreamt she was taken away, but then we heard from them that she'd died on the journey because of altitude or something (in dreams you don't tend to care about the logical side of stuff) so I took an overdose and killed myself.








The third was riding my pony down this really long track. On the first night I was riding with someone and yeah... second night, same thing, third - we had picnic under the stars...lol. Fourth we went riding down this track again and then we crashed into this pile of rubbish at the end. <.<

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I've once had a dream that lasted 2 days








On day 1 I dreamed that I was sitting in my class and told to everyone that I was going to Disnleyland Paris next day - Lol.








On day 2 I dreamed that I actually was in Disneyland enjoying everything there.. heh, it was very strange. :-s


At least, I think that.

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Food after 11 is bad for you ya_you_are








Wow, 21 days? What was it? 7 day old macaroni with fermented mustard?








Eh, Do 3 Tall Boys of Amp Energy Drink Count? 8-)








I think it was brought upon because i had been playing tons of gears of war and call of duty 3.

If at first you dont suceed, then you fail.

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When I was younger I did that thing where you get someone to push on your chest to make you faint (I was so smart). I had a dream that felt like about a year or so long.








hehe, we do the thing where you put ur hands around your neck until you pass out. Last time my freind did that my other freind started peeing on him. Sick :XD: .

If at first you dont suceed, then you fail.

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Something i found while reasearching dream endurance:












What causes dreams, anyway?




A. Good question... Many different theories, nothing for sure. According to the Freudian school, dreams are the result of subconscious thoughts and desires. The other extreme attributes dreams to random "noise" in the neurons without special meaning.








My own understanding is that dreams are made out of many small parts of memory and imagination that get combined to form dream imagery. This is a process that runs both consciously (cf. section 6) and subconsciously. I don't know and leave to speculation the reason why this is so.








How do my dreams interact with my waking life?




Dreams seem to be a way for the subconscious mind to sort out and process all the input and problems that are encountered in waking life. Therefore, a scientist could be working on a problem ... say the structure of the DNA molecule. Then said scientist could have a dream in which he sees two snakes entertwining in a double helix. When he wakes, he has discovered the structure of the DNA molecule (true story).








Students who study and get some good REM sleep retain the information better and for longer periods of time than students who study longer, but have no sleep. This is because the brain needs time to process the information, form sensible pattern out of it, and place it in long term memory.








Dreams can also improve your emotional well-being, reduce stress, improve your creativity, and provide a playground for your mind while your body recovers and repairs itself.












How long do dreams last?




A. REM sleep periods, and therefore dreams, last typically in the range of 5 to 45 minutes (cf. section 6). Often, the subjective time spent in a dream is much longer. One possible explanation for this time-stretch effect is that dreams are combined from pieces (see preceding paragraph) that have their own different setting in time. You first dream of something that occurred a year ago, then - following - of something that occurred just recently, mix them up a bit and are left with the rememberance of a dream that lasted a year.








But experiments suggest that dreamed actions run in "real time" - what you do in your dream takes exactly this time to dream. With external influences like the radio running in the morning, you have both the real time in which you hear something and - sometimes - the feeling that it lasted considerably longer. Anyway, time is one of the perceptions that are heavily distorted in dreams.












[some researchers in the 1970s asserted, based on EEG records in sleep laboratories, that a dream takes about as long to occur as it takes to explain in words. --RD]

If at first you dont suceed, then you fail.

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I had a dream where I was in a peeing contest. Every contestant had a seperate bathroom, and my bathroom looked exactly like the one in my house. So a counter goes off and I start peeing, but then I realized I was peeing my pants in real life :XD:

Supermonk, proving you wrong since 1992.

Supermonk rocks, I want to have his children.

Music is like candy. You always get rid of the rapper.

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I had a dream where I was in a peeing contest. Every contestant had a seperate bathroom, and my bathroom looked exactly like the one in my house. So a counter goes off and I start peeing, but then I realized I was peeing my pants in real life :XD:








Wow. Thats probably one of the funniest things ive ever heard. Try using the bathroom before you go to bed there tinkles :lol:

If at first you dont suceed, then you fail.

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Also, today I woke up lying on my bed the opposite way, with my feet on my pillows and my head by the end of my bed. I went to bed normally, so I don't know what happened (Shouldn't of eat that baloney before bed #-o )

Supermonk, proving you wrong since 1992.

Supermonk rocks, I want to have his children.

Music is like candy. You always get rid of the rapper.

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Alrighty, I decided I'd try to remember my dream today. As far as I remember, it went down like this:








Me and my friend were on an airplane trying to get away from something (don't remember what it was) and it landed at the airport (which appearently sprung up next to my high school). We were trying to get to Canada (I suppose to escape whatever we were running from) and we didn't have a ride so we decided to walk (Canada is a 6 hour drive from where I live.. Long walk..). It got late to we went our seperate ways for the night. I walked into a house (maybe mine?) and I saw my girlfriend. I have to stop telling the story at this point because it is no longer appropriate for the forums.

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