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The Rules of the Wilderness


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General rules of the wilderness~~








1) If someone runs out of the wilderness, they are a 'scared noob'.








2) If someone is a lower combat/total level than you, they are a 'noob'








3) If they are a HIGHER combat/total level than you, they are a 'choob'.








4) If someone activates a prayer, they are a 'Pray Noob'








5) If someone is NOT you, they are a 'N00b'.








6) If someone uses food, they are a 'Food Noob'.








7) If someone says you are a noob, they are lying, and they are the noob.








8) If someone steals your monster/arrows/drop/etc., they are a 'Thief Noob'.








9) If someone isn't a pure, they are a 'defence noob'.








10) If someone beats you in a duel or pking, they are a noob.








11) Everyone, but you, is a noob.








Get the trend? Yes. noob is WAY overused. Who says it is also? I think it is.








So! I say we do something about it. If I can get enough people to support, I *MIGHT* copy the names to the RuneScape forums.








Post away!




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And Jagex being aware of morons using the word noob would be something new?








They aren't going to do anything about an imaginary word.








Its a lame and pathetic insult that only gets on some peoples nerves. Just don't worry about it.


People just need to learn to share crabs.
I'd prefer my nether regions clear of diseases, thank you very much.
just turn off accept aids
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Jagex took action against the word 'noob' and its derivatives, 'n00b, n0ob' about a year ago I think, and added them to the censor list. As poster said: Jagex does take notice of huge supporting threads and it was quickly taken off the censor list again. Alot of people complained the word was added to the censor list, so they removed it.




This lead to the funny situation that 'noob' was uncensored, but 'n00b' would be censored. I don't know if this is the case still.








I don't think there is a particular solution to the problem (besides using your ignore list/turning public chat off).




Calling someone a noob is part of human nature, to express anger/frustration, or just in general to insult someone, putting someone down. When Jagex censors one word, I'm sure another word to express those feelings will make its way into the RS-vocabulary, with the same negative connotation to the reciever.




In other words, if Jagex censors the word 'cat', people will start calling you 'dog'.

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