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Help with getting pouches back


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I currently have 56 runecrafting, and am crafting laws through the castle wars to entranta method using baloons and dueling rings. while doing this my large pouch degraded so I decided to go to the abyss for one run. I did so, and as has happened very often of the time, I died in the abyss, simply because the game placed me on the wrong side of the map and I had an unlucky spree of failing, luckily, unlike the last time, I was able to get my glory back so I have 7 again, and thus have enough to craft about 1k ess before refilling.








thing is, is tha every other time I've gone to the abyss to get my pouches back, I've gotten them all using just afull load of salmon or cheap food and my normal abss attire of full green D hide and a dlong. It normally takes an hour, but I do it. I wear a ring of wealth, but I don't think this helps.








I just spent an hour in the Alternate abyss, which is gottten to through the coordanates ALR on fairy rings. this is a nicer place, but my question is, was it just me, or was there no way to repair my pouches here, and Do the leeches here in the alt abyss still drop pouches. Because I haven't gotten one yet, and I want them back soon, so I can keep crafting my 6k p ess to laws and get my whip finally.








thank you for the help





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Since I can't use fairy rings, I wouldn't know if you can repair pouches in the alternate abyss but this is what I can help you with:








-alternate abyss creatures (90% positive) have same drops as regular




- Ring of wealth will decrease your chances, because it goes by alch value rather than rarity of drop(pretty sure since I never got a single fremnik sheild/sword/helm with it on, and those alch for 0gp)




-I'm pretty sure theres no one to repair pouches in alternate abyss
















Eh.. guess I'm not much help since I wasn't completely sure on any of my answers :lol:

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I craft nats quite a lot, but as a rule don't use the abyss in the wildy. When my pouches degrade, I drop them in my house @ Yanille (yep, on the floor to disappear), grab my lunar staff and head to the fairy ring to the northwest. I go to the alternate abysmal spot and begin killing. The alternate does not have a way to repair pouches. It usually depends on my frustration level; if I'm tired and in a hurry, the pouch I'm after seems to take forever to drop, and if I'm relaxed and in a good mood it seems to drop more quickly. It might take longer, but I don't have to worry about pkers or finding the right portal. Hope this helps.









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Okay, here's a tip for all of you guys. You don't have to bring your pouches with you for the Abyssal Mage to repair them!








That's right - this has been proven. Leave them in the bank so you don't lose them, and make your way to the center of the maze. Ask him about the pouches, he answers in his surly way, and when the dialog is finished it's done.








When you check your bank they will all be fully repaired.








Hope this helps!












Another note for those who lost their pouches to a PKer - the Abyssal Mage will give you a free small pouch. It's not much, but it's a start.


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I just had to come back with a big hug and "thank you!" for that tip! I never knew you could just keep your pouches in the bank while you went to the mage to have them repaired. LOL, imagine, no-iteming to the abyss. :thumbsup: That's going to save me a lot of time! Thanks again! =D>

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