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the most annoying things people do on runescape


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scamers that complain when u report them and cannons that steal everyones monsters and rangers and magers that steal fighters monsters when there training. also people who call people noobs just because were a level under them and people who are lower then you pick a fight then say there main will pwn u if it will THEN GET ON UR MAIN STUPID theres no point in haveing more then one member file anyway also one more thing peopple who kill you in the wild even if u have NOTHING AT ALL WITH YOU AND THEY KNOW IT.

Sorry for any wrong spelling.

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If I listed everything, the sun would implode before you finished reading it all.




One thing I really hate is when (Which was postedon the first page) someone sais you hate cannons because you can't afford one.

Supermonk, proving you wrong since 1992.

Supermonk rocks, I want to have his children.

Music is like candy. You always get rid of the rapper.

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this isn't a dig at f2pers, but its only ever happened in f2p to me...








Ill be in a bank or walking somewhere and someone will randomly trade me. Being the kind soul i am, i accept to see what they want. Im still foolish enough to think someone might give me a phat someday or something so thats another reason :P . Then they proceed to put up things like 2 normal logs, a mith dagger, 12 feathers and a bronze med. Then i say, 'yes?' and they simply say nothing....just standing there....with their crap.....all the time..... :cry:








Yeah that annoys the hell out of me :twisted: !








I also ate the idiots that go








Person: Buy ure gl00ry plox???











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People who want to buy whatever you're wearing, and keep pestering you after you tell them you're not selling, and then they leave calling you a noob.








People who come up to me and ask to use my ranging equipment, such as my bow and arrows even though they can't wield either. #-o

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- Any, I repeat any, person who brings a Rap\Hip Hop\ anything that isnt Metal musical influence into Runescape. For crying out loud, you play Runescape, your not a Gangster. :wall:












W00 Metal! But i agree(About the not gangster thing, You can like what music you want).... about as Gangster as a fat middle aged woman.



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Well, here we go;




*Pulls out list.*








- People who get angry at RC pkers. I dont RC and I dont RC Pk, but for crying out loud its the fricking Wilderness. :roll:








- People who whinge about 1337 speak. It's my lvl 3's way of being better than your 100 + Main. :lol:








- People whose opinions differ to mine.








- People with high combat accounts. I know your insecure about something.. :XD:








- Wannabe Mod level 14s who scream 'Reported' when all I do is tell them 'No, you cannot have my Black Cav.'








- Guns in Runescape. Get real, Get Nuclear :lol:








- Having to cough up $5 US for membership :)








- Any, I repeat any, person who brings a Rap\Hip Hop\ anything that isnt Metal musical influence into Runescape. For crying out loud, you play Runescape, your not a Gangster. :wall:








You're an idiot. :|












Oh god.. I'm 100 combat and higher than you in almost every F2p skill..




You're both idiots.. -.-


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If I listed everything, the sun would implode before you finished reading it all.




One thing I really hate is when (Which was postedon the first page) someone sais you hate cannons because you can't afford one.








not everyone who complains about cannons does it cause they cant afford it i myself do not do that im just on the side that wants to make it fair and not hog every monster while not even doing anything.

Sorry for any wrong spelling.

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Oh my lord where to start.








-When people "tlk liek dis"




-When people [bleep] that training is "too hard"




-MOST f2p players




-Anyone with less than a 25 IQ (roughly 90% of the RS population)




-People (again not to knock f2pers but it generally happens on the rare occasions that I log onto an f2p server) randomly trading me and saying nothing but "free stuff" or some stupid bastardization or that phrase.




-People that can't spell, ex. "whinge" a few posts up.




-And I almost forgot, 11 year olds like Demonic_Bunny who think they're the cleverest mother [bleep]er ever, when really they're not remotely entertaining.

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People who whine about me taking their arrows. If i was there first and your trying to make me move then you suffer.




(I only take arrows if the other person does, or if the try to push me out the way)








People who tell you to leave "their" training spot








People who whine about you taking "their" kill. I mean if its your kill then why did i get the kill for [wagon]

permanantley muted for offensive language! pwnd some noobs though XD
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In Ardounge, people know you are thieving the knights etc, but still attack them.








In Ardounge, people that get attacked by a knight for thieving stalls ,etc., then you thieve and draw his attention away. HOWEVER they still feel the need to continue clicking and finish him off, no matter how many times you draw his attention away during the fight, to no benefit of their own.


















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those who just piss me off in general by their personality or actions


And shepherds we shall be, for Thee, my Lord, for Thee.

Power hath descended forth from Thy hand,

that our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command.

So we shall flow a river forth to Thee,

and teeming with souls shall it ever be.

In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti.

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Well, here we go;




*Pulls out list.*








- People who get angry at RC pkers. I dont RC and I dont RC Pk, but for crying out loud its the fricking Wilderness. :roll:








- People who whinge about 1337 speak. It's my lvl 3's way of being better than your 100 + Main. :lol:








- People whose opinions differ to mine.








- People with high combat accounts. I know your insecure about something.. :XD:








- Wannabe Mod level 14s who scream 'Reported' when all I do is tell them 'No, you cannot have my Black Cav.'








- Guns in Runescape. Get real, Get Nuclear :lol:








- Having to cough up $5 US for membership :)








- Any, I repeat any, person who brings a Rap\Hip Hop\ anything that isnt Metal musical influence into Runescape. For crying out loud, you play Runescape, your not a Gangster. :wall:








Totally disagreed, btw you're not funny.








What, can't you read?




See view 3. :-k




Would you like to justify your response? Or can't you string a coherent sentence together? :-s

Communism is not fit for humans. We are not good enough for it.


Tip.It is officially Red. o.0

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Well, here we go;




*Pulls out list.*








- People who get angry at RC pkers. I dont RC and I dont RC Pk, but for crying out loud its the fricking Wilderness. :roll:








- People who whinge about 1337 speak. It's my lvl 3's way of being better than your 100 + Main. :lol:








- People whose opinions differ to mine.








- People with high combat accounts. I know your insecure about something.. :XD:








- Wannabe Mod level 14s who scream 'Reported' when all I do is tell them 'No, you cannot have my Black Cav.'








- Guns in Runescape. Get real, Get Nuclear








- Having to cough up $5 US for membership :)








- Any, I repeat any, person who brings a Rap\Hip Hop\ anything that isnt Metal musical influence into Runescape. For crying out loud, you play Runescape, your not a Gangster. :wall:








Totally disagreed, btw you're not funny.








What, can't you read?




See view 3.




Would you like to justify your response? Or can't you string a coherent sentence together? :-s




Though I personally found your post to be pretty hilarious :P :lol: , let's not start some random flame war over such a small matter :-$ .








And I'm not sure, but has the white community of America gotten past the whole "gangster" phase that the whole country was going through? I dunno, but my 16 year old sis still think she's gangsta #-o .

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Some things i hate:








-People that follow me when they want to talk to me...








-People who ask me how long did it take me to get or to do something, example "how long did it take you to get 95wc?", "how long does it take you to get one full load?" It's not like i play with a timer next to my pc lol.








-People telling me about how they got hacked. I don't really care, and i am not giving you any free stuff either.








-People who think that because i don't talk, i auto. Just look at mi highscores, does it look like i do?








-People who look at my highscores and then start comenting on my levels. Example: random guy going "wow 80 magic! nice!"








That's all i can think of now lol... :)

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"Do emote!11!!1"




"Emote plzh!"




"Add meeee!!"




People assuming everything i have is for sale.








And the most annoying of them all....








"Level of skill x?" (Seriously,eighter look it up on hiscores or go away.It is seriously annoying being asked that 20 times every time i log in.)

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This is Pest Control based








People that wonder why the pc world they're on turns to crap when all they do is get their fifty and stand there saying "do ur emote plz!".








People who don't bother to get the spinner which is right next to them, because, hey, we all love to spend more time than is necessary to gettiing pc points.








People that ask you to "do ur emote plz!" whilst playing pc. Hardly the time for it, surely?








People who get traded the new pc world, then say what it is in public and leaker's in general, whether clanned or not.

Don't follow me. You might not make it.

All your accounts are belong to us now.
If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator
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