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Any Embarassing Christmas Stories?


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Any one got any stories from Christmas from when they were young and did something stupid and always gets cast up every Christmas making you cringe?








When I was about eight, my mum asked me to make a list to santa. I dutifully browsed throught the Argos and Index catalogues and came up with a list, item numbers and price included. So that was four sides of A4 paper used for a list to santa.




"That's a bit much to carry in his sleigh, dear"




So I whipped out my pencil and drew a few lines so that half the paper was divided up.




"What's that?"




So I pointed at each section: "this year, next year, next next year..."




Wasn't that clever? \'












So any interesting stories?

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i went to legoland for xmas shopping when i was like three. i wanted everything, mum said no. i kicked down one of the lego towers :XD:








Nice one.












Anyway mine would be reading this thread. No wait. That would be the best.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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Lego's are teh pwn. I'm kinda' sad about discovering them so late in my childhood...I didn't really have many of them until I was like 10...By the time I was 12 it was time to put the toys away. :P I had a pirate ship set and a submarine set that I used to combine together and make, like...Underwater...Pirate...Things. :D








I don't have many weird memories...One Christmas I was sick and I got everything I wanted and just DIDN'T CARE when I opened them. :lol: I opened everything and went to bed, the next morning I felt better and then I was excited. It was like opening them twice. :P

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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I can't think of any. :( I usually calm down for Christmas, therefore, I do nothing wild... or crazy... or embarrassing. :P








Me too. I usually have a fairly short list of things I want for Christmas so I have a general idea of what I'm getting. When I was young I'd get really excited on Christmas Eve + Christmas but now I keep myself calm. I don't really see the point in getting so excited anymore. Also, my parents might think I'm on drugs if I become a spaz all of a sudden (I'm usually calm/quiet when I'm around them).








On topic...








I don't remember any embarassing moments I've had.. And no, I'm not going to ask my parents if they remember any. :P

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I can't think of any. :( I usually calm down for Christmas, therefore, I do nothing wild... or crazy... or embarrassing. :P








Me too. I usually have a fairly short list of things I want for Christmas so I have a general idea of what I'm getting. When I was young I'd get really excited on Christmas Eve + Christmas but now I keep myself calm. I don't really see the point in getting so excited anymore. Also, my parents might think I'm on drugs if I become a spaz all of a sudden (I'm usually calm/quiet when I'm around them).








On topic...








I don't remember any embarassing moments I've had.. And no, I'm not going to ask my parents if they remember any. :P








awww.... why not??

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I fell on my chrismas tree one year ::'








:lol: :lol: :lol:




I got no story from IRL, but in Rs, a TREE!! killed me during loading sequence :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


^ my book :^_^:


I don't play anymore, but I'm grateful I played through the best RS times!

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