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You cant find the mime, the mime finds you :P








In other words: It's totally random :/




Random? lol. Mime hates me. :-s I am a lvl 89 warrior (see stats below) and i got a mime for only 1 time now... <.<





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There is no way to make a mime appear, I've had him 3 times total. I don't have any luck with getting any random events that give away clothing.


Joined RS2: Late May/Early June 2006

100 Combat achieved on June 30, 2007 All skills 60+ achieved on August 22, 2007

Quest Cape achieved on September 8, 2007, at 104 Combat

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Wow, I'm luckier than I thought, I've had it three times in six months. Only had the forester once though


Joined RS2: Late May/Early June 2006

100 Combat achieved on June 30, 2007 All skills 60+ achieved on August 22, 2007

Quest Cape achieved on September 8, 2007, at 104 Combat

Check out my blog to 85 Slayer!

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I think there are some ways to make it easier to get certain randoms.








I get genie alot when I cook




I got 2 drill demons in 21 days while powermining








And we all know that you get Joe the Gravedigger while burying bones.








But with the mime, I dont know what thing you have to do to get mime, if you have to do something certain to get it more easily.




Now, I really want a mime. Only "Climb rope"-emote left until I complete my emote-box (not including skill cape).

Rank 10 Mining in Sweden :)



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I only get frogs and MoM's. <.<

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You cant find the mime, the mime finds you :P








In other words: It's totally random :/




Random? lol. Mime hates me. :-s I am a lvl 89 warrior (see stats below) and i got a mime for only 1 time now... <.<












I got 11 random events today... So when you get one of those sandwich ladys or niles, Log out and change world... That will REALLY make the chance bigger to get another random event.

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Mimes are NOT completly random even though they are much rarer now then they used to be.








About 1 year ago i had a way to trigger mimes, i would stand in a place with auto-retaliate off and let some low lvl mob attack me and went afk.(eg. rats, chicken. the small spiders in varrock sewers) When i came back i either died by a random event or i was in the maze or mime stage. With this method i had full mime on a lvl 75 and all emotes. I tried this some time ago on a pure but sadly this doesnt work anymore.








There should still be a way to trigger mimes though or atleast increase the chance, you just have to find it. I think woodcutting is a good way to get them. Just look at all the yew autoers, they all have mime stuff. Cooking probably too as it almost works the same as wcing.

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