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Soon To be conbined, ABANDONED

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i shall answer thyne bump with thy nother bump...












anyway... your doing well... come back soon mate we need some fun in the shilo!


Even on my death bed, I'll bare-hand that bloody shark.

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Je suis back at rouges den, cooking again. I now have a full oak costume room ::' thanks to bobbymorse, for giving it to me. Now, I have another goal, of filling it all. Seeing as I now only have 60k cash left, I might need to fish & cook a few more lobbies. :-w I have someone who will buy them already :-w Hmm.... I'll finish all my raw food at the moment in the bank, then I will fish 500 lobs, and cook 'em.








But, right now, I'm going to bed. ::' Night all.

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