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does any1 kno what i will hit?


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ok i wanna knao what ill hit wit the following stats:








30 attack and 61 str
















40 attack and 61 str












please try and help me

main:nathon (cb 85)

1st pure:59 mage (cb 37)

2nd pure:xxx endo xxx(42 combat 61 range)

3rd pure:steel purely (35 combat 5 def)

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The Max-Hit Calculator from Tip.It will tell ye.








Checked it for you. Assuming you're F2P using a Strength Ammy and a Strength pot.. Rune Scim will hit 15s, and a 2H will hit 19s.


Retired Tip.It Mod || Admin and Founder of Caesar 3 Mod Squad! All are welcome!

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The Max-Hit Calculator from Tip.It will tell ye.








Checked it for you. Assuming you're F2P using a Strength Ammy and a Strength pot.. Rune Scim will hit 15s, and a 2H will hit 19s.












F2P's can't use str pots ;)








Umm... yes they can.









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Then my mom vacuumed the room, turned off the Genesis and thus ended my hopes of world conquest.


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They can use Strength Pots, not make them through herblore. If they take a red spider's egg and 5gp (methinks) to the Apothecary in Varrock, he'll make ye one.




You need a Limpwurt root too.

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The Max-Hit Calculator from Tip.It will tell ye.








Checked it for you. Assuming you're F2P using a Strength Ammy and a Strength pot.. Rune Scim will hit 15s, and a 2H will hit 19s.








Actually the attack there will effect his damage, as you won't be able to use rune weapons with 30 attack. ::'

"A time comes when silence is betrayal" MLKJ


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Yep, Doughnut. I was gonna say that, but I was at school and had to get to work....








But your attack lets you wield stronger weapons, and stronger weapons increase your max hit. Therefore attack does affect how hard you'll hit.


Retired Tip.It Mod || Admin and Founder of Caesar 3 Mod Squad! All are welcome!

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Yep, Doughnut. I was gonna say that, but I was at school and had to get to work....








But your attack lets you wield stronger weapons, and stronger weapons increase your max hit. Therefore attack does affect how hard you'll hit.








Beat you to it. ::'

"A time comes when silence is betrayal" MLKJ


Speak your mind, but be civil.

Get mad, but do not rage.

Do unto others as you would want done to yourself.




Follow the doughnut to my blog! :D

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