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First High School Job


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parent's friends. (<- Did I do the apostraphy right anyone??)








No, I presume you were addressing it as if he had multiple parents. In which case it would be "parents' ". It doesnt really matter though...its online grammar, i can use proper grammar....but i dont like to, its boring and takes to long to try to remember all the different exceptions for all the rules, that and i dont really read what i type after i type it i just type and then finish and leave it at that.








I worked as a bagger at the local commissary (good tips, from 50-200 dollars a day, express lane is major money =] ) And then at a subway.



thanks everyone for the sigs!

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I'm going to start applying at grocery stores and other places were I can do something simple like stocking shelves. I've vowed not to become a waiter or work in fast food :notalk:








But those jobs are so mundane, Deloria. You're obviously good with people, so make use of it. Don't deprive the public of your sparkling personality!!! ::'








Maybe I'll work my way up to cashier and I'll be able to chat with all the customers ::'

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I'm going to start applying at grocery stores and other places were I can do something simple like stocking shelves. I've vowed not to become a waiter or work in fast food :notalk:








But those jobs are so mundane, Deloria. You're obviously good with people, so make use of it. Don't deprive the public of your sparkling personality!!! ::'








Maybe I'll work my way up to cashier and I'll be able to chat with all the customers ::'




Why don't you try working at the movies? I work there and you get to do a lot of talking with people when working in the box office, concessions, or tearing tickets. Granted most dialogue is just required "Hello, would you like to try a combo today?" or "Enjoy your show," you still get to develop your people skills.




My brother works at the grocery store bagging and pushing carts, but as a person, he doesn't really benefit from it other than getting stronger from pushing carts for hours. I think besides benefiting monetarily from a job, you should also pick one that builds yourself in some way. And no, I don't mean building character from doing some repetitive manual labor type task. I mean personality building things that help you later in life.

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I'm going to start applying at grocery stores and other places were I can do something simple like stocking shelves. I've vowed not to become a waiter or work in fast food :notalk:








But those jobs are so mundane, Deloria. You're obviously good with people, so make use of it. Don't deprive the public of your sparkling personality!!! ::'








Maybe I'll work my way up to cashier and I'll be able to chat with all the customers ::'




Why don't you try working at the movies? I work there and you get to do a lot of talking with people. Granted 90% of it is just required "Hello, would you like to try a combo today?" or "Enjoy your show," you still get to develop your people skills. My brother works at the grocery store bagging and pushing carts, but as a person, he doesn't really benefit from it other than getting stronger from pushing carts for hours. I think besides benefiting monetarily from a job, you should also pick one that builds yourself in some way. And no, I don't mean building character from doing some repetitive manual labor type task. I mean personality building things that help you later in life.








I might look into that. I know someone else who works at a movie theater and enjoys it. Oh the fun of the job hunt :P

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Guest AshKaYu

Oh yeah, a friend of mine works at the library. She said it's awesome, pays nice and the work's pretty simple. No fines either.

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If you're not a people person, don't be a cashier. Worst job ever.




Inventory is the best :)




If you're not good with people, I think being a cashier would be great, since it'd help you get better people skills. And honestly I'd imagine most people who aren't 'people persons' would prefer to be one - they're just not so great socially.

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If you're not a people person, don't be a cashier. Worst job ever.




Inventory is the best :)




If you're not good with people, I think being a cashier would be great, since it'd help you get better people skills. And honestly I'd imagine most people who aren't 'people persons' would prefer to be one - they're just not so great socially.








All it did is piss me off all the time. It's very personality dependent I guess since I don't really want to be a people person as I deem it worthless(talking to people I'm good with, but talking to be people that I'll never see again and don't affect my life in anyway after those 2 seconds is just annoying)

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if you just want to sit around all day and have an easy (but boring) job then i suggest phone surveys, if you want to do little work over time i suggest working in a store like walmart moving boxes and stuff, you can even listen to your ipod while working, these probably have average pay, so if you want to make more money i suggest a technision job if you are experienced with computers

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:shock: Wow, after reading your title, I just realized how everything can sound wrong.








Now I will shush.








Oh you sick Bastard. :P :lol:












When you choose your job out of the ones available you should have a mixture of Money and Enjoyment. Oh know that's made it sound even more wrong. Damn you Viktor! :lol:

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:shock: Wow, after reading your title, I just realized how everything can sound wrong.








Now I will shush.








Oh you sick [bleep]. :P :lol:












When you choose your job out of the ones available you should have a mixture of Money and Enjoyment. Oh know that's made it sound even more wrong. Damn you Viktor! :lol:








Actually, I wasn't thinking of what you're thinking. :lol:








Dang you American Pie, I just had to watch you!!


Me doing staff.

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My advice to anyone is, find a job you enjoy doing. I have, in my opinion, the best job in the world. The pay however, is incredibly bad. But I'm doing it because I love it. Of course, I did all the shelf stacking, waitressing...etc., when I was younger, and found out which suited me best, so that was one I stuck with the longest. Basically, what I'm saying is, money isn't everything, happiness is what's important.


The Poison Fairy

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if you want to make more money i suggest a technision job if you are experienced with computers








Unfortunately, most places won't hire a 14 year old kid to work with computers even if he says he's "teh 1337 h4xor." If you did want to get into that you could wait a few years and try to get a job at geek squad. The thing about most of the people at geek squad is that they don't really know all that much more than basic computer maintenance most of the time.


rotalsnarT laciffO

Solving the confusion once and for all

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