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eep! ive got a trojan!>.< heeeeelp!!!


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if this is in the wrong forums, move it. im not a regular here (actually, ive never posted here before, or anywhere outside of the gallery/art bzaar for that matter)








alrite, my laptops got a trojan, and i need help fixing it.








accidentally downloaded a trojan off of some random website. its on my laptop. all i know about my laptop is its almost exactly like a windows xp (saying almost because im not sure what it is, and i dont want to look like a [developmentally delayed]d).








kinda sucks because my antivirus wasnt working because i didnt refresh the payment quick enough, and it expired, and i cant get a new one, because if i try and get my dad to buy it, then he will see the virus thing, and then im screwed.








anyway, i downloaded this thing, and in the middle of it, my (suckie) anti-spywhere- thing gives me this pop up saying i dowloaded a trojan. with my past experience with viruses (i usedto know how to get rid of em and stuff, but i dont know how to anymore, because people keep chainging the way they set them up >.<), i know they cant do much if your not on the computer, so i slammed down the top, and disabled its access from my rouder (the thing that gives you internet[because i cant spell it]). i dont want to open it up untill i know exactly what im doing, and how to kill it, because i dont have much intrest in screwing up my laptop.








about the trojan: i know trojans steal information and can download viruses from the net without you knowing, and thats why i disabled its intenet access. i dont recall the name, and again, i dont want to turn my laptop on. all i know is its one of those ones that will download viruses without my concent, and again, id rather not try and deal with that.








so basicly, if i sount like an idiot, ignore me, but if you can help me out, please, i really dont want to have to deal with my dad >.<

wop wop

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If your antivirus program could find the program, take the name of the trojan and google it. Chances are you'll find something to help you with it.


don't worry, you are going to "hell" anyway. wanna race to see who gets there first?

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If you need to get anti-virus/anti-spyware onto your computer, use a flash drive. And read the computer safety guide. It has links to good free anti- programs.:
















Try darkblade's advice. You should probably post a HiJackthis log so we can check whether or not it's still there after you've removed it.


Retired tip.it moderator.

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about the trojan: i know trojans steal information and can download viruses from the net without you knowing








Um not exactly.








Which AV/AS are you using?








AV= Antivirus




AS= antispyware.








As for reinstalling the antivirus software...what's the point in that?

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uh...slamming down the top is definely stupid...but um..u may want 2 try download AVG AV/AS. http://www.grisoft.com/doc/35234/lng/us/tpl/tpl01 run the scan in safe mode...and c if it removes it... and DONT SLAM UR TOP DOWN DURING AN ALARM!!!

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