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Mountain Range - Photomanip


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(Original is actually 2500x1250, or something HUEG like that.)




















v2. [PJBs CC]












I've probably gone overboard on the brushes in the sky, i'll probably remove 60% of them.




Experimental, rugged border.




And I really wanted some way to link the two mountains.








And, that should about cover what I need to say.




Rates, comments welcome - CC encouraged.












Thanks to the mod who moved this for me. ^_^

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i really dont like that cartoony area, it really doesnt look good imo, may just be me tho...








could do with more contrast imo, also darcer, but again, thats me and my morgish mind, heh.








could try and give it more depth by using a gradient darc in the center and lighter at the edges lightly on a new layer.








the text is unclear, either duplicate the layer, or if its fairly transparent make it more opake (sp?)








lighten the stars, the line looks good tho =)








the boarder is kinda harsh, try adding a 1 or 2 px gausion blur and see what it looks like.










100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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i really dont like that cartoony area, it really doesnt look good imo, may just be me tho...








could do with more contrast imo, also darcer, but again, thats me and my morgish mind, heh.








could try and give it more depth by using a gradient darc in the center and lighter at the edges lightly on a new layer.








the text is unclear, either duplicate the layer, or if its fairly transparent make it more opake (sp?)








lighten the stars, the line looks good tho =)








the boarder is kinda harsh, try adding a 1 or 2 px gausion blur and see what it looks like.
















Vector, not cartoon, different things. :P








Contrast is actually pretty high, for me anyway. I try only to use about ~20 and i'm on about ~35. But, i'll add a tad more. And if I were to add any more contrast, I would darken it.








Good idea with the gradient though, might soften the border a bit more.




I don't particularly want the text to be an eyesore, so it's probably best it stays as it is. (It's Opaque, by the way.)








I'll lower opacity/remove some stars.








Can't do anything about the border. :/ I added it and then proceeded to do some Applied Images, so it's stuck. But just to show you what a gaussion blur would do...








Ok, here's v2. Using 90% of your CC PJB. :P




  • Naturev2.jpg








I think it's actually better, thanks PJB. :D












And thanks ThoseTheBrokes for the comment. :)

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glad to be of help








and vector, cartoon, whatever, i dont like it =P








the text is still a problem in my eyes however, even if you want subtle its still un-readable from here (using guesswork im imagining it says cad, but still...)










100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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I can read the text just fine. Anyway, I like everything but the filter on the left mountain and the border. The effects in the sky look pretty good. I prefer v.1. Good job on this one Cad.

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