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Lost Power Supply Fans


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Well I lost both Power Supply Fans. They are the regular size and has the 4 mounting screws. Can I just put in new fans? Is there some other failer if both don't work? They haven't turned on in about 5 days, and if I don't leave the case open with a house fan blowing in it the warning beep starts up but doesn't turn-off/re-start pc. I am ok if I need to solder the fanÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s wires.












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You could try just buying normal 80mm fans, cutting the ends off and re-soldering them where the old fan was, but chances are if both stopped working at the same time, you have a problem larger than the fans.








Considering a new PSU only costs about $40 you may just want to buy one.

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Don't pay $40 for a PSU.








If you open up your PSU you may be lucky enough to find that the fans use normal 3-pin connectors - in which case you wouldn't have to do any soldering. Otherwise, if you do decide to solder, make sure the colours of the wires match up and the PSU has been unplugged for a long time before operating on it (common sense).

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be EXTREMELY careful opening your psu the capacitors still hold a charge long after it has been turned off, touch them and you'll get a nasty shock.








Anyway the fans are easily replaceable, just cut the existing fans wires, take them out and splice new fans onto the existing wires aking sure the coloures of the cables match.

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$40? For how many Watts? And where...








APEX SL-D460EXP ATX12V 460W Power Supply








Its $44.99, and has overall good reviews. If it is the case where it's a 3 pin connector, just try a new fan, but considering both aren't working you've got another problem... and considering a fan @ a local dealer would cost $4 - $10, you'd be better off to just put in a whole new PSU.








Just an opinion though (and if you screw up soldering then you wasted the money on the fans).

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(and if you screw up soldering then you wasted the money on the fans).








How? If you screw up soldering you can either use a solder remover or cut the wires and try again. Unless you were stupid enough to turn it on before checking you'd done it right.

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be EXTREMELY careful opening your psu the capacitors still hold a charge long after it has been turned off, touch them and you'll get a nasty shock.








Anyway the fans are easily replaceable, just cut the existing fans wires, take them out and splice new fans onto the existing wires aking sure the coloures of the cables match.








You must have touched too much AC kiddo. I would never be stupid enough to touch any thing before I use a ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅFlukeÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ




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