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buying a pixel sig...1000k GPS!!! OMG!!1!11


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i'll look back at the results tomorow its getting a bit late here.. nighty nigthy, and vladmonkey (dont get really mad for the small letter.. i cant help myself giving people nicknames even giving nicknames nicknames, its either that or Vlad Dollar) ssgotenks said no further entrys..

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i'll look back at the results tomorow its getting a bit late here.. nighty nigthy, and vladmonkey (dont get really mad for the small letter.. i cant help myself giving people nicknames even giving nicknames nicknames, its either that or Vlad Dollar) ssgotenks said no further entrys..




oh ok, i didnt care too much, just wanted to make one since i said i would.
















oh i dont care to much if you call me vladmonkey, you really didnt come up with the nickname :wink: . I aknowlege the fact that my name looks alot like vladmonkey long time ago.


Visit my DeviantArt Page at http://vladmoney.deviantart.com

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Woo :D








It was a great sig Quer and Banana, too bad ;)








My RSN is Uncoverd..




Im going to school right now, Will probably see you online tonight (for me) As I've noticed the times you are on.








Woot :D

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k new text version, (dont worry about the filesize its a sample part) the none sample part fits the requirements








may the best men or two men(colab with cool_banana).. win , respect lordfire




wow quer u never cease to amaze me :) thats a great sig man, i can easily seein it sell for high


[Admin Edit: Religious text Not permitted]

~108 combat~

5.9k dusties killed / dragon chain :D

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