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select author posts only

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Hi Tip.it crew,








First of all great site i have been using this site for the last year and finally signed up for the forum...why, oh why did i wait so long.








I don't know if this is the right place to post it....but,








One suggestion...and there are many threads here so I could have overlooked it:








Would it be possible to either make the top bar of "view your post" interactive, so when you click on for instance author it sorts them by name so you can find your own originally submitted threads? Or maybe add an option: only select authored messages?








For me it is not really important yet, but I can imagine some of you will have a hard time following all the first author threads you have posted. These however need the most attention!!








Just an idea to make tip.it a very little better then it is.

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oops wrong forum....could you re-locate it for me??












Moving from Website Discussion to Forum Discussion.


it's a lot easier to get over yourself when you look at intelligence the same way you look at beauty, or height, or eye color: being smart is easy, but being good is hard ... being smart is handed to you, being good is handed to *nobody*.

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Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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While we're on this type of discussion I might as well bring it up. But when I try to go to search and search only for a particular author it doesn't work. I'm trying to find only topics started by a particular person, but it also brings up posts by those people as well. I tried doing this while I wanted to see all the topics I'd written previously and another person on the boards and it brought up all my posts and another persons posts (when I tried it again). When I typed in the username of the person in "search for author." So i'd like this feature changed please so you can only see topics which have been created by a certain user.









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And then how do you expect people to find any post by a particular person?








Add it in as an option if need be but DO NOT change the 'search by author' to return on topics they have created.

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And then how do you expect people to find any post by a particular person?








Add it in as an option if need be but DO NOT change the 'search by author' to return on topics they have created.








Oh wait now I get it. So by Author they mean an Author of a Post and also an Author of a Topic. Ah Ok, I get it now. I thought Author referred to a person who creates a topic only.








@ Albosky. Could you please implement this into the search feature, that you can search for a person and it will only display topics that user has created. Like implement a box which you can click saying only find topics by this person. That would be quite handy for me, and I'd assume for other people as well.








Thanks. :)

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