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Another Universe, Another God.


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I do know however that God doesn't exsist in another dimension. A dimension isn't an area in which something can exsist past the first 4, the latter 6 are just theoretical (and mathematically proven) dimensions of which we could potentially travel on to get to other places...Or whatever.







Well we're in the third dimension, and there are four dimensions total that could theoretically physically exist according to you. Who's to say he doesn't exist in one of the other three?

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Theres a theory that new universe's are being created all the time. I can't remember what the theory is supposed to support, contest or approve though.








It's possible you're thinking of the 'many worlds' theory of quantum mechanics. Basically, a new universe is created where a decision has a certain outcome. The easiest way to explain it is through the Schroedinger's cat example, i.e. in one universe the cat lives, in another it dies.








This leads on to something called Quantum Immortality though. Simply put, you could potentially live forever through a range of universes. For example, if you were to be shot and died in one universe, but lived in another, and so on.








Yes, i think this is used in the telelogical argument contesting Gods existance. I think the critisism goes "Different universes could be being created all the time, and so one of them has to have the right balances to be able to sustain life". Backed up with quantun mechanics.








I heard they suspect there to be thirteen different dimensions too. Maybe less, can't remember.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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Lets assume you believe in christianity ok? Now we know God created the Heavens and the Earth and He is building heaven at this very moment. Could there be other dimensions with other Gods. Would God be the God of all dimensions or only this one? Just something for people to think about. :?








Are you referring to god's in different dimensions or parallel universes? String theory for instance predicts roughly 11-21 dimensions (depening on the version) but all these are part of the same reality and universe (pretty much).

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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Lets assume you believe in christianity ok? Now we know God created the Heavens and the Earth and He is building heaven at this very moment. Could there be other dimensions with other Gods. Would God be the God of all dimensions or only this one? Just something for people to think about. :?








Are you referring to god's in different dimensions or parallel universes? String theory for instance predicts roughly 11-21 dimensions (depening on the version) but all these are part of the same reality and universe (pretty much).








I recognize God as creator of all of the space that is in the universe. But what I am disccusing here is could there be other universes completely different from this one with another God, or would God be the God of all universes. :-k

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Lets assume you believe in christianity ok? Now we know God created the Heavens and the Earth and He is building heaven at this very moment. Could there be other dimensions with other Gods. Would God be the God of all dimensions or only this one? Just something for people to think about. :?








Are you referring to god's in different dimensions or parallel universes? String theory for instance predicts roughly 11-21 dimensions (depening on the version) but all these are part of the same reality and universe (pretty much).








I recognize God as creator of all of the space that is in the universe. But what I am disccusing here is could there be other universes completely different from this one with another God, or would God be the God of all universes. :-k








In that case I would have to say it would be a different God, but essentially the same. It's kind of illogical, since the universe technically by definition is everything we know of, but a parallel universe would probably have a similar God but one that perhaps has had different effects.








Similar to the quantum worlds theorem that Lateralus suggested.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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I know that most people would say God is the creator of the Universe, but i think a better word would be Multiverse. God created this universe, and because of quantum mechanics, that universe multiplied as the first decision was made. Now, I wonder what that decision was? It cant be wether I am going to create a universe or not, otherwise any other potential universes would not exist, so this universe would still remain the sole one, but I think it was the decision of the structure of the Universe.




Scientists have recently descovered the structure of the network of dark matter. For those who dont know, dark matter is matter that is not affected by heavy matter (the stuff we stand on, breath, are made of), but heavy matter is affected by it. Dark matter should be arranged as planets, grouping together as they are attracted by one another via gravity, as is the nature of matter as a whole, but instead it is a web, built all over the universe, and it is believed that without this web, heavy matter could not exist. Maybe the existence of this 'web' was the first decision? Discuss...

~ W ~



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