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Ok, you all know how hunting & slayer are seemingly interlinked?I have an idea that would link them quite well.Its summed up quite nicely in 2 words; BOUNTY HUNTING!!!!! :mrgreen: \'<3: :shock: Be warned this might be long, but its good!!!








Each bar/tavern would have a billboard (all the same hunts on it) with a couple hunts (says the name of the mark) posted on it showing a roman numeral (rank of difficulty) & a symbol (range, mage, melee, hybrid) to its right.If you click on it, you get a little bit of info as to why the petitioner (the npc who posted the hunt) wants the mark (the monster wanted killed) to die.if you click accept, then a slip appears in yer inventory showing details of how to get to the petitioner (its the bill you just read so other neebs dont get to the petitioner before you).once you get to the petitioner, he/she gives more details of why they want the mark dead/subdued & how to find it.the higher ranked marks may be a little more tricky to find, so the petitioner may refer you to other people (npcs) who know more.








Once you have talked to the petitioner, its time to go hunting :pray: !!!You'll automatically write down the general area of the mark on the slip you got when you accepted the hunt (shows instead of petitioner location).It is your job to find the thing & kill it.Know the type shown next to the name of the mark when you first saw the hunt on the billboard?You gotta kill the mark with the combat type shown, or you cant kill it (like fightin the dag mother with the wrong combat type) (hybrid hunts can be killed with anything).Once you kill it, go back to the petitioner (petitioners location shown again on the slip) & collect your bounty.The rank & type of the hunt dictates what you get (rank 1 stuff is lowest, goes up from there) (hybrid bounties can be anything, but the stuff is weaker than if you got a specific combat type hunt).The longer it takes you to kill the monster from time of talking to petitioner to collecting bounty the lower it is gonna be, so be quick!Certain monsters however dont have lowering bounties due to their difficulty (they hard as hell, so dont expect it to be quick cash!).








Once you complete a certain ammount of a specific type of hunt, the barkeep (person you talk to normally for booze) says that you may be able to join a corresponding clan (npc clan, not real one!) to that type.He gives you a slip showing where the clan is (may be new place or spot in existing areas).You would not be able to enter the clan building initially without this slip.Once you find the clan & show the guard the slip, you can get in the building without dealing with the guard.You enter a room that basically looks like a skill hall catered to the type of clan that is.Theres various npcs, but they wont talk to you until you join the clan officially.The clan leader should be either in the middle of the room or the back.He/she is very distinguishable from the other clan members.Talk to him/her to join the clan.Once you do, you get a clan primer (acts as a bestiary, clan info book & hunt log for that clans hunts all in 1)3 doors besides the entrance/exit unlock for you.








You can talk to the npcs for just idle chatter corresponding to the clan & the combat type it represents (training tips, loot monsters, stuff you talk to friends about for killin stuff) or challenge em to a fight (details later on).the 3 rooms are; a clan trophy room, a clan shop, & the clan duel room (vs npcs only!).The trophy room shows stuff that is available to the highest ranking people (basically a preview), a clan billboard (they are stronger than normal petitions, so be prepared!also got better bounties ::' ) & some clan details.The clan shop is where you purchase said stuff (at a high enough clan rank, explained later) plus some stuff corresponding to the clan (runes for the mage guild, ammo for the range guild, metal armor for the melee guild, etc. (hybrid guild has a little of all but at a higher price & clan rank needed, best stuff not available)).The clan duel room is where you go once you challenge someone.The terms can be either for fun (nothing lost, including ammo(no xp at all gained)) or for real.When you duel for real, you lose ammo, gain normal xp, & have to ante something of value.Your ante has to be the equal or greater in price than the npcs ante.The higher level opponents also give bonus exp corresponding to the clan.You have to use the combat type of the clan (hybrid clan can use anything) in the fight.Any ammo that is not broken is returned to your inv at the end of the fight in range/hybrid guild fights.If you lose, you respawn in the lobby.The stuff you can get corresponds with the clan & the combat level of the opponent.You can challenge the clan leader once you beat everyone in the clan once.He/she is the strongest npc in the clan, so you better be ready!You can get the clan specific armor from him if you win in a 'for real' fight if you already received it beforehand normally.This is nontradable.It is the best set of that armor in the game (since theres heavy restrictions on who can get it (probably only ppl at least 110 combat or equal to it) it shouldnt affect barrows/dragon prices much)








On some of the hunts, the mark drops something specific to it (untradable).Once you collect the bounty for the mark, you can talk to the petitioner about the item.He/she says that can be used for something they really need done or to get.If you do what they ask, they give you something extra along with the bounty.This is generally something very useful in certain situations (I'll leave you to your imaginations :mrgreen: ) that should be kept.In very rare cases its something that can be used in a superhard hunt to make it easier, & should not be tossed for that reason!All of the marks respawn at some point, thereby allowing you to hunt it again.There is by no means a guarantee that it will be the same petitioner or even the same area, so be ready!it will always be the same rank & type, however, so that should make things a little easier.








There is also a new room available.You can put completed hunt slips, clan primers, Full clan sets, a billboard (at a high construction lv & general rank, of course! :P ) & trophies from some of the harder (supermonster lv (kq, kbd, mr. jad, etc.)) marks.If you're at a high enough rank in a clan, you can even use monsters corresponding to that clan in your dungeon (at a price)!These are generally strong, so only use if you throw parties for high lvs if you dont want a riot :uhh: :twisted: .








Each of the highest ranked marks drop a certain part of it (not that one!).There is probably 4-6 different uberhigh marks for each type.Once you collect them all, you can take the parts to the clan leader that corresponds with the type of mark you killed (the parts will have a little abbreviation at the end to show what type they are (ma=mage, me=melee, ra=range, hy=hybrid)).They will (for a price, maybe 500k to be fair) make it into an untradable armor set which would be the best of that type in the game.It is possible to have multiple sets & use it in the wild, but due to their untradability & the hardness of the marks you get the peices from, most would only have 1.If you see someone who is in one of these sets, then it is readily apparent that they are an elite class.So as to make the lava cape not loose its notoriety, none of the sets will have a cape.








Tell me what you think of the idea!Try & read it.I know its long, but time spent posting that its too long is time spent not readin it! :roll:








I came up with this back in late November.If you feel that it needs changes, say so.If you want visual aids, dont ask me!I can't even draw a stick without [bleep]in it up somehow!

























































You never know which rabbit hole you jump into will lead to Wonderland. - Ember3579

Aku Soku Zan. - Shinsengumi

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on hate for that reason...who says it even has too be interlinked...it could just be a seperate minigame...try reading the idea before slating it from the first sentence....this sounds like an awesomely fun idea i would love bounty hunting but maybe like i say just a minigame, support me up!


Sig by me....

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on hate for that reason...who says it even has too be interlinked...it could just be a seperate minigame...try reading the idea before slating it from the first sentence....this sounds like an awesomely fun idea i would love bounty hunting but maybe like i say just a minigame, support me up!












yup, just put me on the supporter list, but make it a mini-game!!!!!





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ok, i know slayer & hunting are different.they would however be needed if you hope to take on the higher ranked mem marks, or at least some!some hunts out of every rank, increasing in % for higher ranks, need stuff other than combat to get to (setting traps, making bait, finding/killing the mark, etc.).& this is by NO means a new skill, its just a little minigame type thing.there would be challenge in it even for the f2pers to some extent.these marks, as stated, would be considerably stronger than regular monsters.thats the whole point of this!if you want to start the harder hunts however, youll have to be on a mem server to take the hunt up.you can still review the bill, just cant take it off the board!(kinda like holding out a carrot so the mems dont [bleep] ;) )

You never know which rabbit hole you jump into will lead to Wonderland. - Ember3579

Aku Soku Zan. - Shinsengumi

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yeah, i did get the idea from 12, but i digress.in any game like this (mmo rpg etc.) on occasion yer gonna come across some monsters that are just too bloody strong to take on yer own.this goes through a npc's head like "Now THERE'S a canidate for the billboard!" & up he goes.it is virtually impossible for it to not be like this in real life (or about as real as that world can get).this also makes for a reason to work on combat that everyone and their grandma can do at the lower end, but at the higher end, well, lets just say theres reason the npcs pay so high for killin the marks and leave it, shall we?

You never know which rabbit hole you jump into will lead to Wonderland. - Ember3579

Aku Soku Zan. - Shinsengumi

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Don't talk smack if you're not willing to say it to the person's face. On the same line, if you're not willing to back up your opinions no matter what, your opinion may as well be nonexistent.

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i support for some reasons:




1) those blasted high lv's wont whin about not getting good armor for only their superiourity




2) good as a mini game also rewards might be good, (think ill make pics of some due to boredom)




3) it will be good to blow off time and good for players to gather, even for all Tip.It'ers to get in there at once..












1)making it f2p wont prob happen as slayer and hunting arent F2P so it could cause chaos




2) if there is any penguin killing I so will hunt you instead of that there bird....




....Bah I Kidd I Kidd...just no penguin killing :-s


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aiyaa, ive said this three times already, SKILLS OTHER THAN ACTUAL COMBAT ARE ONLY REQUIRED ON THE HARDEST OF MARKS!!!if its a f2p mark, obviously you wouldnt need a mem skill to complete it (although it may allow for some extra benefits).i am not saying this again!and the only way i see a penguin becoming a mark is if its like godzilla sized so dont worry about it!

You never know which rabbit hole you jump into will lead to Wonderland. - Ember3579

Aku Soku Zan. - Shinsengumi

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If you have any complaints about me, please refer to this link. Your problems are important to me.

Don't talk smack if you're not willing to say it to the person's face. On the same line, if you're not willing to back up your opinions no matter what, your opinion may as well be nonexistent.

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ok, theres 8 ppl on this forum that support this.the list as i know it is;








































i will update the first post whenever there are changes needed, and if i like changes to the idea that are posted (dont say it needs tweaks without giving ideas on what needs tweaked!) ill add em.

You never know which rabbit hole you jump into will lead to Wonderland. - Ember3579

Aku Soku Zan. - Shinsengumi

You wanna mess with me or my friends? Pick your poison.

If you have any complaints about me, please refer to this link. Your problems are important to me.

Don't talk smack if you're not willing to say it to the person's face. On the same line, if you're not willing to back up your opinions no matter what, your opinion may as well be nonexistent.

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