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Paintball? Yes, no, maybe so?


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Ive been to the YPC (yorkshire paintball centre) a few times with my mates, and am even a member there, but i dont play it enough to have the need to buy my own equiment.








Plus, everytime ive gone, ive always ended up being hurt like hell (first time tripped over log and broke nose, 2nd time got shot in the neck, 3rd time got shot on my bare finger, on a freezing cold day and the last time i went i fell into a ditch then got shot on the arse from a few meters away by the other team), and so i would never play against pro's and the like.








Ouchie wa was :uhh:

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i've just been... it was great fun.




we ended up having a game of everyone vs. the marshals.




so about 20-25 who still had paintballs left, vs 4 marshals and 2 other guys.








the marshals were defending a castle, and had to go to a "medic" to come back to life, but once the medic was dead they could not come back, while all the other players just went back to the start and ran in again lol.








someone shouted charge and my friend ran in and dived through the door shooting them..




then his mask fell off lol, so after he had been shot a fair few times the game stopped :-)

babelfish - level 180 60th place

strongguy - level 173 69th place

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i've just been... it was great fun.




we ended up having a game of everyone vs. the marshals.




so about 20-25 who still had paintballs left, vs 4 marshals and 2 other guys.








the marshals were defending a castle, and had to go to a "medic" to come back to life, but once the medic was dead they could not come back, while all the other players just went back to the start and ran in again lol.








someone shouted charge and my friend ran in and dived through the door shooting them..




then his mask fell off lol, so after he had been shot a fair few times the game stopped :-)








sweet story :thumbsup:

Say what you mean and mean what you say because those that matter don't mind, and those that mind don't matter.

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I love going paintballing or airsofting. I go atleast 2 times a week to an arena or field








and you afford that how?

Say what you mean and mean what you say because those that matter don't mind, and those that mind don't matter.

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Well, it isn't that hard. I usually play once a week at a field my friend maintains, so I only have to pay for my own stuff. I spend roughly $40 a week in the spring, fall, and summer. Minnesota, can't play in the winter. -.-

I really wouldn't call it an era. It was more of a definitive time period during which dinstinctive characteristics were expressed in similar ways.


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I have player paintball for around 5 years regulary and another 2 or 3 on and off, i own 3 markers, A Jt Protium, Spart Parts Ion with Black Heart, and my lovely free Eclipse Ego 07. I am thinking aobut taking part in a tournamount i was invited to by Warp Sports in a couple of months, they are having some promotion game or something, but I am not sure if i can be arsed to drive all the way to Birmingham.












Anyway if anyone lives in east Midlands, Uk and fancies playing send me a message and maybe we could play.

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Only if you get shot ::'








Woodballers FTW! :ohnoes:








woodsball is good, but i like speedball better




Woodballers vs Speedballers = Neverending fight.




Let's agree that they are equal? :thumbsup:








amen to that! \'








I completly disagree, they are two different games, that would be calling F1 racing the same as a hatchback race, just because they are both cars doent make them equal.








Woodball, the most commonly played by newcomers or every now and again players, is a game that can take a while. the fields are much bigger, football pitch size, have many obstacles and have larger teams. The players are generally more defensive and choose range and accuracy over rate of fire for their markers.








Speedball, is the tournamount version of paintball. It uses very small fields, smallest i have played on is a field the size of a bus. Teams are much smaller normaly 5 man teams sometimes played with 7. The players choose rate of fire over distance and accuracy, as they have no use for distance and the accuracy isnt muhc use at the range they will be playing on. The players are much more aggressive adn NEED to get to the 50 line as quickly as possible.








If the two different types of players were to play each other. obviously the speedballers would rinse on their fields, although if they played in the woods the game would be much more even, the woodsmen would try to take the speeders slowly and sneakly, whereas the speeders would be most of the way accross the field before the woodsmen have moved a foot. The game here would be a good game.








But the difference between speedballers and wood players is massive, they are not the same. I have played both pretty evenly for years and the difference in the way you play is vast.

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Only if you get shot ::'








Woodballers FTW! :ohnoes:








woodsball is good, but i like speedball better




Woodballers vs Speedballers = Neverending fight.




Let's agree that they are equal? :thumbsup:








amen to that! \'








I completly disagree, they are two different games, that would be calling F1 racing the same as a hatchback race, just because they are both cars doent make them equal.








Woodball, the most commonly played by newcomers or every now and again players, is a game that can take a while. the fields are much bigger, football pitch size, have many obstacles and have larger teams. The players are generally more defensive and choose range and accuracy over rate of fire for their markers.








Speedball, is the tournamount version of paintball. It uses very small fields, smallest i have played on is a field the size of a bus. Teams are much smaller normaly 5 man teams sometimes played with 7. The players choose rate of fire over distance and accuracy, as they have no use for distance and the accuracy isnt muhc use at the range they will be playing on. The players are much more aggressive adn NEED to get to the 50 line as quickly as possible.








If the two different types of players were to play each other. obviously the speedballers would rinse on their fields, although if they played in the woods the game would be much more even, the woodsmen would try to take the speeders slowly and sneakly, whereas the speeders would be most of the way accross the field before the woodsmen have moved a foot. The game here would be a good game.








But the difference between speedballers and wood players is massive, they are not the same. I have played both pretty evenly for years and the difference in the way you play is vast.




















what was meant by the comment of they are equal is the fun factor. i get as much adrenialine playing x ball as little charlie does playing woodsball. we agreed they are equal as a compromise to stop flame wars. <.<

Say what you mean and mean what you say because those that matter don't mind, and those that mind don't matter.

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Only if you get shot ::'








Woodballers FTW! :ohnoes:








woodsball is good, but i like speedball better




Woodballers vs Speedballers = Neverending fight.




Let's agree that they are equal? :thumbsup:








amen to that! \'








I completly disagree, they are two different games, that would be calling F1 racing the same as a hatchback race, just because they are both cars doent make them equal.








Woodball, the most commonly played by newcomers or every now and again players, is a game that can take a while. the fields are much bigger, football pitch size, have many obstacles and have larger teams. The players are generally more defensive and choose range and accuracy over rate of fire for their markers.








Speedball, is the tournamount version of paintball. It uses very small fields, smallest i have played on is a field the size of a bus. Teams are much smaller normaly 5 man teams sometimes played with 7. The players choose rate of fire over distance and accuracy, as they have no use for distance and the accuracy isnt muhc use at the range they will be playing on. The players are much more aggressive adn NEED to get to the 50 line as quickly as possible.








If the two different types of players were to play each other. obviously the speedballers would rinse on their fields, although if they played in the woods the game would be much more even, the woodsmen would try to take the speeders slowly and sneakly, whereas the speeders would be most of the way accross the field before the woodsmen have moved a foot. The game here would be a good game.








But the difference between speedballers and wood players is massive, they are not the same. I have played both pretty evenly for years and the difference in the way you play is vast.




















what was meant by the comment of they are equal is the fun factor. i get as much adrenialine playing x ball as little charlie does playing woodsball. we agreed they are equal as a compromise to stop flame wars. <.<












Ah i see, I agree with that then lol

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[quote name="Sin81








Ah i see' date=' I agree with that then lol[/quote]












ok, just lettting you know

Say what you mean and mean what you say because those that matter don't mind, and those that mind don't matter.

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