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Mining Adamantite....


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So... I know there is no uber-fast way to mine adam. However, as it is I'm stuck server hopping at either the 2 in lumby swamp or the 2 in Al Kharid. I am convinced there has to be a faster way.








My problem is I'm low combat and don't have a lot of quests/reqs completed for reaching some of the better areas (Like Isafdar).








So I'm wondering if there is some other decent addy spot I don't know about that at least semi-easily accessible for someone around 60 combat? Or what is generally the fastest way to do it so I know what I should work on getting completed so I can get addy faster?

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I'm not sure the requirements, or how many rocks are in there, but the grand tree is pretty good.




I know it's possible to do at 60-, and when I was power mining iron way back when, I ended up with more then a couple hundred addy ores, without trying.


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When I am f2p or p2p I only mine Adamantine ore in Wildness level 30.




There you can find 8 rocks guarded by hobgoblins.








He's only like level 60, that might be too dangerous :lol: . I mine there sometimes and I don't even think it's safe =p








Seeing as your P2P and I'm F2P, I can only give you F2P advice sooo...At your level I would mine at the 3 addy ores in the dwarf place

\:D/ Ray::P2P::::Roaming Around::::Phat me pl0x?::::Beamster:: \:D/


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Well, here are the places i know of (f2p)




-lumby swamps-2 rocks




-dwarf mines- 3 rocks




-edgeville mine - 2 rocks




-al kharid mine- 2 rocks




-karamja- 3 rocks




-hobgoblin mines- 8 rocks

Life is a joke. Yeah, I don't get it either.

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I find that the Lumby Swamps one normally have barely any people there, I mine addy and mith there often and switch worlds





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Lowest Combat to 1,000 Total in F2P (23 Combat)
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When I am f2p or p2p I only mine Adamantine ore in Wildness level 30.




There you can find 8 rocks guarded by hobgoblins.








He's only like level 60, that might be too dangerous :lol: . I mine there sometimes and I don't even think it's safe =p








Seeing as your P2P and I'm F2P, I can only give you F2P advice sooo...At your level I would mine at the 3 addy ores in the dwarf place








when i was f2p i mined there for 4 months straight for my green mask, got attacked twice pked once, no ones ever pks there, and as long as the hongoblins are attacking you the pkers cant because its single combat

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if your mining is like 70..71...72 you should train it higher to maybe 75+.




Then, go to non member worlds(not pking or crowded worlds).








HERES what i bring when i get addy ores in wild (and other small things): rune plate, rune legs, rune pickaxe, 3 swordies, a set of teles (way faster trips and safer), full prayer (hopefully u got 43+, so u can protect), full run energy, and full hp.








travel straight north from edgeville. Mine the 8 ores when u reach the lvl 30 wild mine. Hop 2 more times then u got full pack. (when u hop, log off at the cliff at south west of the mine, once i logged in and saw 2 poor noobs coming over to attack me...too bad i out played them..and logged >.< ...i wont stand a chance other wise =[ )








When u see a white dot (usually comes from south), RUN west and click log out (this is very sucessful, if your watchful of the mini map).




If they actually started attacking you, dont be afraid to use prayer, run south and eat if you have to. (even the best warriors cant do 200 damage* between the time u run from lvl 30 to 20 and tele.)








*i got 200 damage from, (60 hp +3 swordies) times 2 (prayer) which is about 200 damage .
















HAPPY MINING @@@ :thumbsup:

"The death of one man is a tragedy. The death of millions is a statistic." -Joseph Stalin




<(--=\\ CHAMILITARY MAYNE //=--)>

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