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Melody of an Angel [UPDATED], New version Check it out


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edit: got rid of all the other stuff, sometimes I forget this is a game forum lol :lol:








Anyway, I got rid of all the sharp elements to get a smoother feel, redid the typo, added some new effects to the wings, tweaked the rose petals and the lighting on the stock and changed/added a new melody stream. It's still not finished though. But I got free time, thanks to my 4 month break :D:lol:








Lastly comments are welcome and appreciated by everyone, so yeh leave a comment it doesn't take that long :) .









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Looking good!








Hm, the feathers on the floor spoils it in my opinion, because they're the same brush and don't vary (unless that was your intended effect).








The lighting on the woman is slightly off, are you going to adjust your image around that to fit with it? Either way it has a slightly surrealistic effect atm, which isn't too bad, just would look nicer if the 'inner' sort of glow on the woman's body didn't cut off so abruptly when it meets the bg, most noticeable on her hair. :x








Anyways, always loved your almost-fractal looking brushing, sort of jagged but smooth feeling.








Nyeh, thats my rant, nice stuff.

I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."

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Very nice :)








However the girl doesn't quite fit in with the rest of the picture.... I'm thinking that green doesn't quite fit in there...... but I doubt that can be changed..... The brushing around the edges of the dress look a bit odd too....












As for things I can see in there.....








Well.... wedding, music, hint of white wings, feathers falling from wings (do angels moult?) also giving me an idea of leaves falling in autumn, perhaps signifying the end of something nice like autumn signifies the end of summer..... and for some reason the rose petals in American Beauty.....? .....solitude, the breaking of silence by music.....








Perhaps I look too much into these things :wink:








:!: I just realised what else I thought made it look strange.... you can't actually see any source of the music....



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your work really amazes me but ive got a slight dissapointment ive seen way better of you, hope you get un-rusty soon, there being no music source is ok makes it more insteresting and mysterious but some of the brush work is really off like on the left of the boddem dress the leaves are ok but they should be a bit more to the bottem(sp?) there messy in perspectve.








wonderfull tho but not your best

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this is being really picky and i can blame it on ym extreme attention to detail, but the musical notes are backwards...the actual circular notation should lie on the left sid of the line, not the right. i hope this is an easy fix. but besides that, tis beautiful, and the angels wings are incredible. out of curiosity, do you have a tablet that you are brushing those on with?

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Lovin the composition and the image image in the middle (I really hope thats not a stock, and you made it yourself)








Only things i think should be fixed is that one clef (or whatever you call it :?) beside her left shoulder, it seems to stick out a tad too much. And the leaf pattern across the bottom is too repetitive. I think that if you were meaning to make it repetitive, you should have kept it constant instead of making them spread out and vary on the left side. But thats just me.








Also, great sig.

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I like it a lot. I'm not sure what the composition you are basing it off of is, but that doesn't effect the way I see the piece. I think doing wallpapers would be a great idea, and definately a hit.

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So your asaian?




Yeah I am.








Thanks for the much appreciated comments everyone.








Stoked- Thats in YOUR opinion : ).








Patha - ??....ok








Forsaken- this a WIP so I haven't tweaked the lighting yet. I had only changed certain distinctive areas of lighting. But I can clearly see what you mean about the hair :?








Dyronamics - the green can be fixed, it was caused by some sort of colour distortion in my brushing. And also nice insight on the piece : ), however the source of music is there.








Azvareth - thanks man, but its far from perfect.








Quer_Skull- there is a music source, and thanks for the comments.








jabraulter - you brought up an excellent point. Thanks man, I'll fix that. Unfortunately I don't have access to a tablet, so I only use a mouse. If I had a tablet I could do some of my freehand stuff, but o well.








Venomai - it's good to see some new talent around here. Sorry to dissapoint you but it is a stock. And your right the clef (I'm not sure what you call it either :P) does stick out too much.








Peter -Thanks man








And Forsaken and Venomai, it's not suppose to be repetitive. I just rushed that part, also it's not a default brush, so I had to make every individual petal. Therefore it was getting too time consuming so I just duplicated it. I'm gonna fix that though.








Some areas of this piece was really rushed, and thats currently being tweaked. I'm removing most of the sharp elements and brush techniques I used. I'm going for a smoother feel, like my old style. Also changing the dimensions and typo. STAY TUNED.

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=O Wowness on the new version...












I just love the typography, and the wing improvements are just awesome :D I think you should fix up the green notes in the middle though, maybe change the colour or make it like the white flowy stuff above.








Great job *Thumbs up* Much better than the last :)

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Guest -Ace2cool-

Thats pretty dang sweet.. nicely done.. but the lfeathers seem to clutter on 1 spot of the floor? but her dress keeps going.. i see how that cud work.. but it still looks wierd, and when u think of an angel u think of it floating.. so maybe just stick with a swarm of feathers in the air and keep em off the ground.. if u no wat i mean lol

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