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A quick 3D - revised


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its pretty good, but work on the shading a bit. go to your rendering settings and set the reflections up high, and when you apply the shader to the cup and coins, bump of the ambience and reflections levels a bit. that was it will look a little more realistic. and yes, what program did you use?

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definetly work on the lightning and shapes.. and textures








try carving some symbols in the coins, and use another color for the gold.. the cup texture looks flat.. and the cup is a bit off centered..




make the coins a lot more shiney.. they look.. wooden.. somehow.. non reflective..

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-The coins look like cookies.




-The cookies are soaring in mid-air.




-The... glass, is it? It looks as though it's soaring as well. Or like it's being tipped-over.




-And the "stalk" is utterly off-placed. Why isn't it in the middle of the foot?












Oh yeah, don't use "bored" as an excuse when trying to justify crappy art. Heck, you probably worked hours upon hours on it, but then came to the conclusion that it looks like yesterday's garbage. So, instead of being smart, you post it; but to prevent yourself from looking like an idiot, you insert the over-used clicḫ̩̉̉ phrase that is "leik i wuz bord", in hope to get some sympathy from us.








Sorry for being so blunt, but this really annoys me - and it's one of the many reasons why I dislike this board.
















// Azvi.


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Oh yeah, don't use "bored" as an excuse when trying to justify crappy art. Heck, you probably worked hours upon hours on it, but then came to the conclusion that it looks like yesterday's garbage. So, instead of being smart, you post it; but to prevent yourself from looking like an idiot, you insert the over-used clicḫ̩̉̉ phrase that is "leik i wuz bord", in hope to get some sympathy from us.








What makes you think that I can't just be bored on a saturday with nothing to do so I made a 3d render? Somone needs to settle down. I know I am not a genious at this... But I try and thats all that counts. :evil:








The cup is centered on the base... There is no possible way It cannot be because I used the lathe function.








I happen to like cookies... Especially ones that float into my mouth!








I'm working on it... I am not the greatest thats why I posted here to get input so I can get better.








Ty Wyrm... Yes I did model it myself using the lathe function and using coords.








I'll post the revised one soon.













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