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Selling a premade sig.


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Hey everyone. I don't think I've ever tried selling a sig like this, but here it goes.
















Current High Bidder (as of 3:00 pm EST 11/21): JackHeart with 100k on rv








I can make changes, or add an animation or something, if you like.








And if anyone has advice/criticism for it, please feel free to englishten me.








Bid away.





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Hey there chick, thats a nice lil' flick.




Pretty nice sig, and not too big.




The colours I like, as much as a pike!




If theres something I like, it must be pike!




Nice and simple, like a shrimp-le.




Excuse the fish, its my favourite dish.




What about the rhyme, I still got no dime.




Good luck with the sale, I'm sure it won't fail!








More rhyming for me, okay, just let me be :P

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Yes, I am willing to do significant changes to the sig for the high bidder, even if they only win by a little bit. So if coolcoop had won, I would still do all that animation even though he only bid 3k more. If you want to check if your changes are within reason, just post em and I'll let you know.








And btw, this auction is running both here and on runevillage. The current high bid is 100k.








Thanks everyone for the comments/offers so far.





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