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  1. Moss giants at pirates cove
  2. I've tried both and i prefer the defender over the dfs. The improvement in accuracy is much more useful than the defence bonuses.
  3. wear guthans when doing tasks otherwise you have to heal to much, but get barrows gloves, black mask and a rune defender.
  4. Not a bad dk trip, Black axe got a mud staff on the last kill. I sold that and the archer for 3.3m so 1.1m share each.
  5. Awesome clue dude, your clue luck is nearly as good as mine.
  6. You need a team to kill the zammy boss because of the update.
  7. I'd use verac skirt instead of torag legs for the prayer bonus
  8. Normally one of the team members is a tank (wears high ranged defence equipment) and always makes sure the boss goes after them. The other team members wear karils to reduce damage done by the mage.
  9. Just watch the guardians of fate a few times to learn what to do. A sucider just attacks supreme and prime so they're not attacking the mage who is soloing rex.
  10. Your stats are good but I think a few more defence levels woukd help you stay a bit longer. It is possible to solo Rex but you will need a suicider to get Supreme and Prime off you.
  11. Grats on all your drops, your monster hunting luck is certainly a lot better mine (4 bandos tips without a drop) :(
  12. I've ranged the barrows and it was actually quite succesful. I used enchanted diamond bolts. This guide explains what to do. http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=688196
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