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  1. You ever have a time when you had a question and didn't know who to ask. Well I am here to help you with that. If you need help finding prices of something, or hae a question about what to do in certain situations, then ask here. I am offering my help to all who need it. Ask any question about anything involving the game and i'll do my best to help you. I am also offering, good Pk advice if you'd like it. Any advice you want, ask about anything. Comment here, or Pm me if you'd like -I will do my best to asnwer all questions ASAP- Feel free ~Ask Away~
  2. To tell you the truth, before I read anything and saw the title I thought it may be a silly idea, but reading it I was impressed. I have thought of this before, and would like to see that happen. It is a good idea, I support it.
  3. High and Low level alchemy are not ruining runescape at all. On the contrary they are used on occasions when people want to clear out banks and can't find buyers for their items. This is why alching has been created. It helps those who have trouble selling items. Also the items are unlimited, b/c they can always be re-made someway or somehow. Ex. Armor/weapons (except black) are created from ores, whcih are neevr ending and last forever, b/c they respawn. ~ D Hide- Come from dragons and they always respawn as well. Everything has a respawn, and it won't ruin it. High alching as I said is for thsoe who can't sell items.
  4. That is a sweet idea, I hate selling my stuff when I have to go F2P for a bit. Good idea.
  5. I think the staff wouldn't need a level to wield, and the cost is 300k per staff. The experience would be the same as using runes. No mages would be overpowered b/c they would nly be able to hold a spcae for 3-4 more food slots (meaning 25 food and 3 spots for teleport) b/c melee people who sue tele got 25 unless they don't use it then they have 28, but many have 25. So it would even it a bit. I like the idea.
  6. I think its like a 2-4hr difference.
  7. Seriously, when someone is trading you and your out in "la la OMGBBQ Someone wants to tarde me land" They quickly remove when it goes to the second screen, you don't seem o nocite or care, and *BAM* you just gave them your stuff free. Or You just traded for 1 item or something you didn't really want.
  8. I hate having less bank-space on my free account. I have a memebrs, but I play on my Free account as well. I have spaces used for the full zombie (which is awesome) and the skeleton form the halloween event. I like the 2 of them and have room for all my mage range and melee supplies. It's hard to have room for mining, fishing, wood-cutting, fm, or anything when space is limited. I think they should add a2 rows for shrot and a 5 row max. That would be veyr sufficent for everyone.
  9. If you can't read he said Jk- meaning Just Kiding, and anyways, why would you want to try the glitch? It's a stupid one that someone accidently found, causing more dumb people to intentionally try it. Why would you want to fight and almsot kill it, then give it health again? If just for exp, what a waist.
  10. Maybe their could be back-stabbing, but grab what you can and teleport if so. As far as the unskull, I mean ataqck and kill them before they get to that spot. Who cares if they are unskulled? They won't be safe so. Ya. If this is a big issue though, As i haven;t seen it. I do support and agree, the person who killed should get the stuff either way. The perosn deserves to lsoe it for fighting someone they couldn't beat.
  11. Really? How would they do that? Ya, I like the idea also, but the scam thing would happen, but it's a cool idea. People would remove the tiems of just one and scam more
  12. The Spawn time of something isn't very long, So if you pk someone who drops their stuff, just wait around and re-attack them when they get their. I haven't sene people do this yet, but if you attack them and then they can risk dying again, and if they have auto retailiate on then they won't be able to pikc it all up when being attacked. Just wait and pick'm up yourself and pwn the person again. (big suggestion, get a group of people ready to atatck them, this way the chance of survivial is limited)
  13. Actually, thinking on it now, I think that lightnig would be a dumb idea. Yeah there is saradomin stirke and some people are unable to get that, and would have liked lightning spells at a low level. i didn't realize at first all the work that would be put into making the idea possiblem so yeah. in my own mind i disslike the idea now, but my other post on Elemental Swords i like. So disregard this post. It's not really a good idea anymore. My view on this idea now -----------------> :wall:
  14. ^^thats true, you first real argument... anyway, there are many other skills, farming. herblore, hunter, construction, thieving... and all the different places, let me tell you, its so much nicer, to have different spots to fish and mine... so a member would become a member again for THOSE benifts, members isn't just agility you know. Ok You rant and rave saying about an over-night 1tmembership? That is not the only reason people become a member. Just for agility? Come on, seriosuly, their are many other skills they would like to have, and maybe they don't know about keeping agility, Mine is only 38 and I personally believe that any membership benefits I could keep if I went back to F2P would be fair. I payed for a membership (3-4 Months so far, and going -until I go to bootcamp then get out and renew, but anyways) We members go to enoy new things and experience what all is newer then F2P. You mean to tell me if you were a member then your membership expired, you would be complaining about the Agility issue? I think not, b/c you would argue against it, So in kind works "Quit your crying, if you wanna complain, just get a membership and enoy it yourself"
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