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Your Grandpa

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  1. Nice cc name. Was wondering who would notice that, haha. Cc owner noticed someone with that name in a minigame, and put it as CC name just so everyone who entered would say "Whaaaaattttt?"
  2. Anything that supports java can play runescape; played it on this machine (ubuntu intrepid) earlier today
  3. I agree completely. There's a huge void that you have to get through just to train a skill, and there really shouldn't be. It'd be a great idea to add at least SOME nice new abilities in the highest levels.
  4. ...are you serious, or just trolling?
  5. What the above poster said, and, this should be in help and advice
  6. Oh here we go trying to bring up eachothers intelegence. IDGAF about what you think about my intelegence this is about the "trade limit" and only one person said "This topic seems to be 2 years late" if you had half a brain and read half of what you saw you would understand that only one person said "this topic is 2 years late" So shut up. If it was just to attack the Credit Card Fraud then why did they block drop trading? And the fact we can't get the opponents stuff when we kill them... Exactly. Oh god, please, if you try to argue with what I'm saying, don't just consider half of it. I was questioning your intelligence because you couldn't understand what I wrote, while everyone else seems to have done so just fine. Good? And as for credit card fraud, people were stealing credit cards to make members accounts on which to gold farm, and then they traded the money they harvested to other accounts through various methods of trading--that includes DROP TRADING AND KILLING OTHERS FOR THEIR STUFF. They got rid of those too, because if they solely put on a trade limit, other methods of moving around money wouldn't merely disappear. Now please, before you say anything else, read everything that I have posted in this topic, and read over what you write before clicking submit. If it sounds like it was written by a mentally challenged monkey, either re-write it or scrap it all together.
  7. Just about 15m in cash right now, as I just bought my way to 99 mage. Somewhere between 70-80M if you count everything I own
  8. You would understand what I was talking about if you had half a brain and read half of what you saw. And as everyone else just said, this topic is two years late, so why are you bringing it up now?
  9. Right when I joined, a highwayman killed me while I was wandering around. I tried adding him to ask for my stuff back, and eventually called in a level 20ish friend to kill him and get it back for me. Sadly, this didn't work out too well =(
  10. For god's sake, everyone needs to stop whining about the trade limit. Yes it's annoying, but if you EVER read the updates, you would realize that it's necessary to prevent further credit card fraud, which could have gotten banks very annoyed at Jagex. And yes it's their account, that's another fact you would know if you ever read the things you agree to. In the terms and conditions, they say they can take it back at any time. Finally, what do you mean "Why don't they give us all max stats then??" Do you even think this through? They're a company, trying to make money. And believe it or not, they value the ability to do that above every random whim you get. And sorry, but throwing out 'insults' at anybody who points out the stupidity of this thread doesn't make you look any smarter.
  11. Woooot, about time. Was pretty suprised to barrage my friends and see 1 exp left till 99, haha
  12. :thumbsup: , will most likely get it tonight if enough people are on, pm me if you want to come =) And sparky, 98-99 actually goes a lot faster than 97-98 :
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