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    London, Ontario, Canada
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  1. I'm currently level 73 in range, and want to get to about lvl 90+. What's the best way to train? I have at least 6m to spend, and can get more cash if necessary, but I don't think I'll need that much. I am not interested in using chinchompas.
  2. definetly when i got hacked and lost 35M, but the other worst day was when i lost two granite mauls pking in 1 day, i was so mad :lol: edit: this is when g mauls were good and cost 600k-sh
  3. wow lowe, no1 wants to hear about your bs accomplishments, especially since we are talking about someone who is way richer than you, could be a billionaire if he invested in rares, and is a better person. let alone someone who doesnt try to brag in a forum that isn't even connected to that sort of topic... Also, that is what i can only dream of my bank looking like :lol: enough runes to last me for eternity in cwars :D
  4. ronin, ur chars are around 63,000, and hello to everyone again, this is my first post in 3 months, and i hope to get back into things soon. I'll definitely be baking some pi(E)s for 3.14, cyall there! :)
  5. I haven't been on in quite a while, ne1 want to explain everything about the arena, as the tip.it guide will take like a month or so :wink:
  6. try playing in low detail, or try using the firefox web browser W00T! Go firefox :wink:
  7. its probably a feature enabled by his movie studio, not entirly sure though :S, c if u can find him in game and ask him :wink: EDIT: That isn't really a problem with your mouse though, is it.... :wink:
  8. also relating to the hosts file, when opening use notepad, or a texteditor similar to it, and if you try to save it, and are prompted to make a new file, right-click the hosts file, and click properties, disable read-only and you'll be able to save it.
  9. rsn is pinman:), and don't really spell it wrong, I'm a very picky speller, and good at it too! :D
  10. hope your name doesn't affect ur progress :)
  11. i like the note, denote spell, however that would make pking unfair, and lvl for my spell is 50 :) p.s. multisnare would be more like 50 nats, :lol:
  12. this post is quite old, but interesting :) mine would be Name=Remove Cost=1earth, 1water, 1law, 1 chaos Effect= Remove a random piece of your opponents armour, cannot be put back on for 30 seconds
  13. I didn't even watch it, and I'm just going to say it was awful :D
  14. good point logic, also I don't play nemore Peter, but my deck would still probably beat a lot of people if i started again :D
  15. Congratz! I'm in grade 9 so i don't really care about my future right now!
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