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  1. No Pjing, Rushing or Teaming. 100% Solo Pk's with bgs and no veng. Enjoy!
  2. Prayer pots are more widely spread in the game now then back then.
  3. Yeah, I wish it allowed us to choose the items..!
  4. I will come if someone can sell antifires.
  5. This also works well if you build a case that holds your glory (gives infinate glory teleports) in your house! Edit: whoops this was mentioned above
  6. If your itention is to go into the wild and kill other players, why do you need protection prayers to do that? They wont kill anyone for you, and neither will tele runes.
  7. Also, 2 nights with teak and mahogony with no nests so I would imagine they dont have them (which would be stupid if you can get them from maples)
  8. Perfect post. Why? Because you said you would edit in your results instead of making another post to dig through. :D I am currently doing 100% rare wood (can't remember which) and 50% herbs again. Can't say no to cheap herb xp. You get 131 of each type of wood, that was my reward the past 2 days while doing the same thing your doing, I also recived some unid herbs but they went onto previous unid staks in my bank so im not sure which type of herbs they were
  9. Yes I agree Seekad, from my experience it is well worth the investment.
  10. You get tree seeds if you tell them to cut maples. Gems if you tell them to mine, ect. All other seeds come from the farmer. What are "bonus" items?
  11. After my first 24 hours I recieved: 323 coal 1 diamond 1 sapphire Seeds: 10 cabbage 5 tomato 2 barely 20 potato 2 watermelon 10 onion 1 asgarnian 1 rosemary 3 redberry 3 yanillian 2 nasturtium 11 hammerstone 5 strawberry 8 marigold 2 sweetcorn 3 woad 2 jute 3 cadaverberry 1 limproot 1 wildblood Herbs: 8 harralander 5 irit 15 tarromin 2 kwuarm 3 candantine 2 torstol 5 rannar 1 dwarf weed 1 lantadyme This all came from 3mil in chest (10% times ammount of money in chest up to a max of 75k is paid out) 75k paid out. 100% Approval. 60% Mining, 20% Farming, 70% Herbs
  12. There has been a rapid inflation in the economy, this should slow it down. Also, you only need to put in 750k to give your workers the full ammount of money, 75k, which is 10%. From me and my friends kingdoms we have come to the conclusion that you can get coal and flax for about 40gp each. The other materials are coming in cheap too, with Farming being the least profitable.
  13. As most of you know, inflation is a growing problem in runescape today. Recently Jagex changed the rewards from Miscellania Island in what I think is an attempt to stop inflation. So far, it looks like it will help. My friends and I went to Miscellania with high hopes today. We all put in a 3mil+ investment into our citys with 100% approval rating. Some choosing mining, carpentry, flax, ect. Guess what? When we got our rewards, all of us had made profits! Some double the original investment of 75k per day! My opinion here is, people will start using their kingdoms to recieve these materials which will cause lots of runescape money to go out of the economy. I would also like to note that all of the raw materials coming in from the kingdom aren't choice materials of alchers where most of the money in runescape comes into the economy. So far, good work Jagex. In my opinion.
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