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RingoSmif's Blog ~ | Pharaoh's Staff Drop!!! | 100 Combat |

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Hey I just started this, so please be patient with me as I get it up and running.




Starting Stats as of November 1st, 2007:






Current Stats:






Goals to reach by January 1st:


97/100/100 Combat


80/83/99 Thieving


85/85/99 Fletching (If there's time)




All Levels 60+


60 Prayer


58 Herblore


57 Runecrafting


51 Construction


51 Farming




Pharaoh's Sceptre Drop!!! :thumbsup:






[hide=Daily Blog]


November 5: Today was a pretty long day. I had a huge project to work on, so I didn't get very much time to play. I managed to complete my 131 Greater Demon task. I got a Rune Full Helm on my last drop too! That makes the 7th one in 5 days :D . After that I realized I was only about 5k from 63 Slayer and 30k from 77 Attack, so I toughed it out before returning to school work for the remainder of the night.




November 6: Was really busy again today so I didn't get too much done. I finished up the Bloodveld task and went to get my next one which turned out to be.........Turoths....great <.< . Needless to say I spent the next couple hours killing these for barely any combat exp which I need for my 100 combat goal. When I finally finished I had to get back to work so that was all I got accomplished.




November 7: Today I was finally free for once so I decided to get some levels. I did my Bloodveld task, hitting 64 slayer during it :D . Only one more level until i can kill some Dust Devils for Dragon Chains. After finishing them off, I got another task of 125 Trolls. So I went and battled mountain trolls for a while, getting 78 Attack on the way. Then I finally got a task of Fire Giants, which I went to slay in Brimhaven dungeon. Luckily for me my second drop was a Rune Scimitar. I'll probably go sell that with my Rune Full Helms in F2P to make some more cash for more food to continue slaying.




November 8: Didn't have a lot of time to play today, but I managed to get quite a few levels actually. I finished up my Fire Giant task, hitting 79 Healthpoints on the way. Also got a Long Bone drop, nothing really special, but I can always use that little extra construction experience. After that I got yet another Bloodveld task :D my favorite. I continued slaying them until I reached 65 Slayer. Now I can finally go after those Dust Devils for a Dragon Chain or two hopefully. Also hit 78 Defense during the task which got me to 99 Combat! Finally I'm getting so close to my goal of 100. Hopefully I'll get it within the next week so I can work on my 99 Fletching goal. However, I may get really close to 100, then wait until I get my second 99 skill before leveling it. Suppose we'll just have to wait and see :wink: .




November 17: Sorry I've been quite lazy and haven't updated in a while. Half of it was I've been really busy playing and the lack of comments doesn't give me the motivation to update this regularly. In any case since the last time I updated this I achieved 80 Attack giving me 100 combat. It's a goal I've been aiming for pretty much ever since I started playing. After that I went and got 60 Prayer to cross that off my list of skills lower than 60. Then in the past 2 days I've raised my thieving from 80 to 83 in hopes of reaching my goal of 99. In the process I finally got a Pharaoh's Sceptre :D . Welp that's all I can think of now I suppose I'll get back to thieving.






[hide=Latest Levels]






100 Combat :D




















Rune Full Helms: 10






Rune Scimitars: 1






Rune Med Helms: 6






Rune Daggers: 1




Didn't feel like wasting your time showing you all of them. The monsters I got the drops from are in the slayer log. However, if you would like to see all drop pics, let me know and I'll put them up.


















[hide=Slayer Log]


Log as of November 1st:


#1 - 149 Hellhounds


Starting Exp: 278,691


Ending Exp: 295,975


Levels: None


Drops: 3 Clues




#2 - 130 Aberrant Spectres


Starting Exp: 295,975


Ending Exp: 307,630


Levels: 61 Slayer


Drops: Rune Full Helm


Mystic Robe Bottom


Lava Battlestaff




#3 - 150 Lesser Demons


Starting Exp: 307,630


Ending Exp: 319,480


Levels: None


Drops: 3 Rune Medium Helms




#4 - 16 Wall Beasts


Starting Exp: 319,480


Ending Exp: 321,160


Levels: 78 HP


Drops: None




#5 - 152 Greater Demons


Starting Exp: 321,160


Ending Exp: 334,341


Levels: 84 Strength, 62 Slayer


Drops: 2 Rune Full Helms






#6 - 143 Lesser Demons


Starting Exp: 334,341


Ending Exp: 345,638


Levels: None


Drops: Rune Med Helm






#7 - 131 Baby Blue Dragons


Starting Exp: 345,638


Ending Exp: 352,188


Levels: None


Drops: None




#8 - 34 Crawling Hands


Starting Exp: 352,188


Ending Exp: 352,777


Levels: None


Drops: None




#9 - 131 Greater Demons


Starting Exp: 352,777


Ending Exp: 364,174


Levels: None


Drops: Rune Full Helm




#10 - 135 Bloodveld


Starting Exp: 364,174


Ending Exp: 380,374


Levels: 63 Slayer, 77 Attack


Drops: None




#11 - 147 Turoth


Starting Exp: 380,374


Ending Exp: 391,559


Levels: None


Drops: Rune Daggar




#12 - 160 Bloodveld


Starting Exp: 391,559


Ending Exp: 410,759


Levels: 64 Slayer


Drops: None




#12 - 125 Trolls


Starting Exp: 410,759


Ending Exp: 422,024


Levels: 78 Attack


Drops: None




#13 - 141 Fire Giants


Starting Exp: 422,024


Ending Exp: 437,675


Levels: 79 Healthpoints


Drops: Rune Scimitar




#14 - 117 Bloodveld


Starting Exp: 437,675


Ending Exp: 451,715


Levels: 78 Defense, 99 Combat, 65 Slayer


Drops: None




#15 - 167 Aberrant Spectres


Starting Exp: 451,715


Ending Exp: 466,745


Levels: None


Drops: 2 Lava Battlestaffs


2 Rune Full Helms


Mystic Robe Bottom




#16 - 159 Lesser Demons


Starting Exp: 466,745


Ending Exp: 479,306


Levels: None


Drops: 2 Rune Medium Helms




#17 - 126 Baby Blue Dragons


Starting Exp: 479,306


Ending Exp: 485,606


Levels: None


Drops: None




#18 - 153 Jellies


Starting Exp: 485,606


Ending Exp: 497,081


Levels: 79 Defense, 66 Slayer


Drops: None




#19 - 133 Desert Lizards


Starting Exp: 497,081


Ending Exp: 500,596


Levels: None


Drops: None




#20 - 115 Shadow Warriors


Starting Exp: 500,596


Ending Exp: 508,301


Levels: None


Drops: None




#21 - 125 Hellhounds


Starting Exp: 508,301


Ending Exp: 522,801


Levels: None


Drops: None




#22 - 44 Cave Crawlers


Starting Exp: 522,801


Ending Exp: 523,769


Levels: None


Drops: None




#23 - 128 Lesser Demons


Starting Exp: 523,769


Ending Exp: 533,841


Levels: 79 Attack


Drops: Rune Medium Helm




#24 - 142 Infernal Mages


Starting Exp: 533,841


Ending Exp: 542,361


Levels: None


Drops: Black Mystic Hat




#25 - 162 Jellies


Starting Exp: 542,361


Ending Exp: 554,511


Levels: 67 Slayer


Drops: Rune FUll Helm




#26 - 151 Lesser Demons


Starting Exp: 554,511


Ending Exp: 566,440


Levels: None


Drops: Rune Medium Helm




#27 - 118 Hellhounds


Starting Exp: 566,440


Ending Exp:










Be sure to leave a post if you visit!


And if you'd like to add me please let me know.

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so is mine but I don't wine! <3:

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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scepter drop sweet, what level you get it? :oops: I'm getting into plundering, it pwns <3:

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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