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About Dragoon5464

  • Birthday 01/13/1990

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  1. From a fellow Tip.It'er, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! If you would like some extra fun, don't forget to drop in on the Forum Games! ^_^

  2. I was gonna say that despite me not being in this one, it was still fantastic, and you were gonna have to be responsible for Mark's death by asphyxiation. But as it is? God dammit, Jase.
  3. I've been having transparency issues at POP rather frequently lately. Normally, it leaves the floor entirely see-through, which means you can see water and the insides of the docks, along with a bright blue flat skybox under the main floor. Today, however, something new happened.
  4. Jelly of the Livid Farm accomplishment. And the xp. And the fact that you've gained almost exactly the same xp in one month as I have since Jan 1st. And the fact that that gave you 100 levels when it's only 57 for me. I think I'm just gonna stop before this gets more depressing, lul. :razz:
  5. Well, a memory from the Easter event has proven my theory correct. Righteous fury against the blue giant to follow. =/
  6. Why would you say that? Basically what Pengouin said, anybody knows you're not supposed to use long combos when movement is crucial. You have it at Nex (as well as DoT), you have it when dungeoneering on several bosses, you have it when meleeing strykes probably, there's KK... movement has been critical to combat for a long time, pre-EoC and post. [hide]That looks like it was originally a tiled floor.[/hide] [hide]It's not. I assure you, it was a stone circle with the symbol in it. The edges have crumbled away. The detail may be hard to see from this (admittedly poor) screenie. I'm not saying it's definitely a mark of Saradomin. It's just definitely a four-point star. It's entirely possible that, like Armadyl, it was a symbol on an elder weapon that Saradomin just took as his own when he found it long after the death of Guthix's world.[/hide]
  7. Huge spoilers to follow. [spoiler=Huge spoilers, srsly] This was taken from behind the corpse of Skargaroth, seen on the left. The path was just past the memory of him. It's a bit dark in this screenie, but there was a four-pointed star on the ground, usually the symbol of Saradomin. Is it possible he went to Guthix's world as one of the destroyers?
  8. Gonna second this. It seems to always be this circled bookcase, next to wizard Borann.
  9. It's not too late to say happy birthday, is it?

  10. Happy birthday! :D

  11. MINOR SPOILERS MAYBE Some fun glitches I found while doing my last four quests during a night of insomnia. Osman's body was freaking out, much the same as what happens when teleported into Ape Atoll jail with a gorilla greegree. Apparently his new body doesn't fit in the animations from Do No Evil, although Leela was perfectly fine. The small head-size was when using an ice spell on the chimp ice without removing greegree, which is now possible. The larger head-size is normal.
  12. Some years ago, Postbag from the Hedge #13 [spoiler=link]http://services.rune...i/en/Postbag_13 contained a recipe for redberry pie. Made it! It's really, really juicy. Like, to the point of being soup and crust. Hopefully a night in the fridge will congeal it a bit, but it ended up looking pretty good.
  13. If you guys don't remember, some time ago (seven-ish years?) Postbag from the Hedge #13 [spoiler=link]http://services.rune...i/en/Postbag_13 contained a recipe for redberry pie. I made it a few years ago for Christmas, and with Tranquil in my house we decided to give it a shot! There are a LOT of ingredients. Mostly strawberries for filling, but also raspberries and cranberries. The filling mix and the topping both contain some cinnamon, and there's a bit of nutmeg as well. They add a lot to the taste. It's pretty damn good. First round of baking, before adding topping. Immediately after removal, omnomnom One side effect of all the fruit is that the juices ended up turning it to pie soup, basically. Dunno a way to fix this, it occurred the first time I made it as well. Gonna see what a night in the fridge to congeal it will help. STUPID FACES WOO! (Self on left, Tranquil on right)
  14. Bored, decided the internet needed more pics of blue hair. It's no longer as patchy as it was when Sora was here. This is my ideal shade.
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